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Sniper Loadout


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Old August 5th, 2011, 18:56   #1
I'm 16 y.o.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Sniper Loadout

Hey, I was looking at my loadout with all the gear, pouches ect.. and im trying to think and make the best configurations i can, so here's the stuff ill be carrying:

Sniper Rifle
Secondary - Shotgun or pistol
Speed Loader x2 - One with bbs for rifle and one with bbs for shotgun or pistol
Small spotting scope
Sling for Rifle

For Pouches:
2 Zip up pouches that work great for holding my stuff

Now, here is where im stuck i dont know how to carry all of this, i have tried a chest rig, but i dont like them as everything is on the front, i dont want it on the front as your in prone most of the time and crushing stuff and hard to get to, i want the stuff on my sides and back. So i tried turning the chest rig backwards, but i dont like the fit, but the set up in positions isn't to bad. So i was thinking i need either a good battle belt that you can molle stuff to, or a plate carrier.

So any idea's what i should use for a vest system?

Also, should i carry a pistol or shotgun? Shotgun is bigger, but with the scapbboard on your back you can not feel it there. Pistol is smaller, but also heavier. Shotgun spring, pistol gas? ect..

Just want some input on these, thanks every!
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Old August 5th, 2011, 19:07   #2
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Hum, a webbing could be usefull, and for the speed loaders, I have none on me because they , like Hicaps, make the famous maracass sound when moving, so having numerous magazines is really usefull, leave your speed loaders at the spawn , Gillie suit? that is usefull, only backup weapon you should have should be a pistol
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Old August 5th, 2011, 19:32   #3
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Scab board took me a while... but the word you're looking for is scabbard. You really don't need a bulky shotgun strapped to your back if you're sniping. A pistol IS heavier, but heavy is a relative term. You don't notice a big honking shotty on your back, but you think a pistol will be more of a burden? Just get a good holster and you'll forget it's there. And a spring shotgun isn't a great backup weapon for a spring sniper rifle. You generally want to fall back to something that will allow you to increase your rate of fire when people close in.

And just get a belt to carry your pouches. You'll have the same problems with a plate carrier that you do with a chest rig.

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Old August 5th, 2011, 19:36   #4
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Since you dont want anything on your chest I would use a battle belt with lots of molle. Then I would buy lots of pouches for pistol mags (works great for most sniper magazine) and an utility pouch for your back. If you need extra space for grenades and stuff just buy open topped M4 mag pouchs with pistol mag pouchs on the front. If you get a pistol just add it to the belt.

Some of my sniper friends use an MP5K on a rig on the leg or under the arm pit, lots of firepower

Last edited by 5kull; August 5th, 2011 at 19:43..
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Old August 5th, 2011, 19:38   #5
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I think webbing/ALICE might be a good option, and I prefer pistols. DROP THE SPOTTING SCOPE, you'll NEVER need it, try a set of 10x25 binoculars, they'll serve you much better. A friend of mine built a sniper's rig with a ghillie suit, and a MOLLE bandoleer, it was built for a M16 SPR/DMR with an ACOQ 4x32 (closest thing to a sniper rifle in my group). Drop the scabbard, keep the rifle on you (3-point sling), and get a holster for a pistol (think of getting a pistol lanyard for it too). Do you already have the rifle or is this an idea in the making?
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Old August 5th, 2011, 19:47   #6
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Originally Posted by Cactus-man View Post
Hum, a webbing could be usefull, and for the speed loaders, I have none on me because they , like Hicaps, make the famous maracass sound when moving, so having numerous magazines is really usefull, leave your speed loaders at the spawn , Gillie suit? that is usefull, only backup weapon you should have should be a pistol
not necessarily. Though i agree shotgun probably wouldnt be the greatest, I've seen tons of guys bring m4s, smgs, or machine pistols on a "sniper" loadout. If you find yourself in a dicey position, something with more firepower might be useful.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 20:04   #7
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I carried a mp5k in a dropleg holster while using my sniper rifle. Carried 8 lowcaps in m4 mag pouches on a battle belt and minilow in the gun. I carried 6 mags for my sniper in m9 pistol mag pouches on a dropleg mollee pannel on my left leg. Nice light setup but be sure to have one hell of a good set of suspenders or you will pass half the game holding your pants up.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 20:19   #8
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If you have a larger primary, (For example, my M700 is only a foot or so shorter than I am tall.) Having less shit hanging off of your body the better. Pistols or small SMG's are more 'ideal' than some shotgun. Not only that, you're limiting yourself the benefit of fire rate.

For example, I would much prefer having my USP.40 or my buddies MAC11 on me more than a shotgun, mainly because A) they're microscopic in comparison to my primary, less to worry about hanging off of me. and B) I shoot as fast as I pull the trigger or more.

Don't try and pull off some stupid tacticool bullshit or pretend like you're from Call of Duty. Use what makes real sense.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 20:36   #9
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I never really needed a sidearm or a secondary, but I found enormous success with an M9 in a drop leg holster and a fanny pack or two on my back side

that way i could just reach into my back when i was prone or crouching and not have to make too much noise or movement
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Old August 5th, 2011, 20:58   #10
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Leave the shotgun at home, use a good GBB with at least three mags, all loaded with minimum 0.30g BBs (reason being, cuts through brush better, faster firing rate, extra range from heavier rounds, but because you hae limited rounds, heavier BBs hit with more impact, so less rounds required to make the target feel the hit and call out. Could take you 10 rounds of 0.20 or 0.25g BBs to hit a guy 40ft away through brush, but you can do the same with one or two 0.30g or 0.36g BBs. Ammo conservation through skill with pistol and 'smart rounds'.)

Next, drop the loaders as mentioned above, keep sniper and pistol ammo (should be the same really) in a ziplock bag inside of a cloth bag, and load by hand. Slower to do, but you are guaranteed to not put any dents, cuts, etc in your ammo that'll make your BB stray off course because of an added fault. Think the first Sniper movie, Tom Berenger using a fingernail file to smooth out the burrs and tips of his match grade ammo. Your ammo should be the same, match grade (Bastards 0.36g) and take care of it).

Next, HSGI Sniper's Waist Pack, consider this, doesn't do much at all for the load out I am recommending, but only works if you drag along an AEG. Still..........
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Old August 5th, 2011, 21:40   #11
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Thanks guys for all your info and suggetions!

Yeah, im going to be ordering more mags soon here, as you are right they do make more nosie. For ghillie suit, i have a back and front piece where i take vegation from around my game area and prep my suit before hand to really blend in.

I think im going to run my M9 with 4 mags, with my good molle holster. Ill leave the shotgun out for running as a prim or in my assult loadout. For vest wise, i see most saying a belt system, which i like and im going to look into.

Thanks again guys!
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Old August 5th, 2011, 21:48   #12
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Originally Posted by NetPro View Post
Thanks guys for all your info and suggetions!

Yeah, im going to be ordering more mags soon here, as you are right they do make more nosie. For ghillie suit, i have a back and front piece where i take vegation from around my game area and prep my suit before hand to really blend in.

I think im going to run my M9 with 4 mags, with my good molle holster. Ill leave the shotgun out for running as a prim or in my assult loadout. For vest wise, i see most saying a belt system, which i like and im going to look into.

Thanks again guys!
Uhhh, I thought the OP was the 16 year old guy...
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Old August 5th, 2011, 22:10   #13
a.k.a. HKpro
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This kid goes on his father's profile (NetPro) to buy guns off the classifieds, and bypasses the AV system in the process. It looks like he forgot to switch profiles.

I reported this to admins, but they don't seem to give a shit. Neither do the retailers that are dealing with a 16 year old.

Last edited by Debrief; August 5th, 2011 at 22:14..
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Old August 5th, 2011, 22:16   #14
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By the way, im with my son, and most of the time people argue and don't give him straight answer, so im going to be commenting with him, as if anyone has a problem with it, then they can pm me, as well with mods.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 22:22   #15
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Originally Posted by Debrief View Post
This kid goes on his father's profile (NetPro) to buy guns off the classifieds, and bypasses the AV system in the process. It looks like he forgot to switch profiles.

I reported this to admins, but they don't seem to give a shit. Neither do the retailers that are dealing with a 16 year old.
For your idea, this is the owner of the account, Dwayne, i started going on Airsoft Canada with my son, as i like to see what he wants to buys, and i help him out with his purchases. Yes we were looking at guns, and we commented back on the wrong profile, as we are on an ipad and not a computer, so we share. So if any of the mods or you have a problem with this, pm me and we can talk. Im not good on forums, as that is why we were on together as he knows his way around these forums. So yes, he did comment back, but as soon as he seen he did do it the wrong account he got me to come comment on this. So sorry for this, i will be on my account later if any has any problems, as well as he will be switching arounds, thank you.

Last edited by NetPro; August 5th, 2011 at 22:24..
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