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Ares G36k blowback hop up problem


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Old December 2nd, 2010, 21:42   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: United States
Ares G36k blowback hop up problem

Hello all,

I bought an Ares G36k blowback a few weeks ago. Out of the box I noticed that no matter which way I adjust the hop it only shoots about 50 feet and drops. I assumed that either the nub was mashed, too soft, or the hop was installed improperly, or the gun has a major compression problem.

I opened the gearbox to find that it has an amazing air seal..I then inspected the hop assembly and while adjusting ( with the barrel/hop assembly out of the gun) it was normal. I disassembled the hop assembly and didnt see anything out of the ordinary. The bucking and nub were really soft, so I installed a Systema Energy series bucking, and a stiffer nub ( from my nub collection). When I put it all together and tested it, the gun worked great and everything was dandy. I played a whole day with it and didnt have any problems. The next week I played with it and the first game it worked fine. The second game it started to mess up again wit the same issue as before. I dissessembled it on the field and the hop looked fine, there was no dirt in the barrel, or grease on the inside of the bucking.

Now I cant figure out whats wrong. Why would it work and then suddenly mess up when I didnt touch the hop up? Has anyone had problems similar with other aegs, and found a solution? Does anyone know what It could be? Thanks for reading, I know its a long post, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible.

Last edited by [[Centurion]]; December 2nd, 2010 at 21:44..
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Old December 2nd, 2010, 21:47   #2
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Using crappy BB's that tear up the hopup possibly?
What BB's are you using?

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Old December 4th, 2010, 15:43   #3
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No I mainly use king arms bbs, which I never had a problem with. The hop bucking is intact. I bought a prowin G36 hop chamber and installed it, and it seemed to fix the issue. The thing is I'll fix it, and then the same problem happens soon after.
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Old December 9th, 2010, 01:09   #4
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So has the problem resolved itself? Was it just the hopup chamber?

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Old December 14th, 2010, 16:41   #5
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Ok, so you're experiencing a common ARES lemon problem, in one invented word : specificness.

Basically the hop up block/rubber/barrel are all specific with ARES (my two G36, gen 2 and 4, were a pain in the ass), with means when you change one, you have to change the others or you get that problem again...
Then you'll get some time after the sickness I call "leaning gearbox" which speaks for itself : the gearbox has not enough support in the lower receiver which means it will lean forward and nozzle will not fit properly.
Only way to fix is to find the metal piece that goes on top on the gearbox in the other brand and that ARES didn't put. Two option : you either buy a complete JG or AEG (Asia Electric Gun) or any cheap G36 or gearbox if you find one sold with this part, then you cannibalize it for the this specific part.
That's really the only I found to fix it...
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