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places to play in ontario


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Old September 30th, 2010, 21:04   #1
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Main Point, Newfoundland
places to play in ontario

hi all
I'm new to this forum as well to airsoft. I'm going to buy my first gun in about a month. it's going to be a KJM 1911 Meu from buyairsoft, but here is the thing i live in Newfoundland but go to Ontario in the summers for 4 months, I'll be spending my time in Barrie and Guelph and would like to play while I'm down there but don't know were to go. also, as I'm new to the sport is there some place were i would be able to rent a few guns to try them out before i make a major purchases on some more guns. the second one I'm looking to buy when i get back to Toronto is going to be a AEG of some sort but I'm going to want to use it as a sniper rifle as well. if anyone would be able to give me some info it would be greatly appreciated.
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Old September 30th, 2010, 21:20   #2
Join Date: Mar 2009
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hook up with a local age verifier. they'll be able to give you access to the classifieds and retailers on this site (better guns/selection and prices)

as for the barrie area, PM Deep in the bush, or george hitchinson to get yourself set up

there are a few newfoundland boys, i cant remember the names of the top of my head.

List of verifiers

FAQ's for further question


Last edited by R.I.T.Z; September 30th, 2010 at 21:25..
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Old October 1st, 2010, 02:55   #3
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Sounds like the right gun for you is probably an M16 to start off with and then slowly convert it to a SPR or SAM-R. It's not like converting it will instantly make your gun more accurate though, it will just look like it on the outside.

Don't worry about rentals, rentals can usually be found beforehand by letting people know you're a new player and need to rent some stuff then you can do rentals privately between you and another player.

As for the gear you should have. It's not necessary to have military boots but they are good. At least have hiking boots (perferably in an "earthy tone" so as to stick out too much) that give good ankle support. Paintball mask/goggles if you have one but most fields can rent those out. If you have BDU's then that's great but if you don't, a full set of OG107/Olive Drab can be found at most surplus stores for less than $50 usually (used of course). Also ask for a chestrig and mags too or midcap mags that carry ~120 rounds in them and storing them in your BDU pockets.

You're good to go then. Trying it out by renting means also that if you decide airsoft isn't for you you're only down rental fee, gas money, and field fee whereas if you bought a gun outright you'd be down the deprecation value, gas money, and field fee. As for major purchases the best deals are in the classifieds. So Age Verification is your best option and can be done at the field if there is an AV rep attending (just ask if there will be an AV rep attending who can AV you).
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Old October 1st, 2010, 05:47   #4
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Main Point, Newfoundland
thanks for all the great info, as far as the AV rep goes he's in st. john's and I'm almost on the other side of the island so that's out for me but maybe when i get to Toronto in may i can get it done there. also is there a post somewhere here for all the abbreviations.
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Old October 1st, 2010, 05:48   #5
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Old October 1st, 2010, 06:47   #6
The Thrill
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Originally Posted by mansopoor View Post
thanks for all the great info, as far as the AV rep goes he's in st. john's and I'm almost on the other side of the island so that's out for me but maybe when i get to Toronto in may i can get it done there. also is there a post somewhere here for all the abbreviations.
There's a post in the FAQs with a glossary that should have just about any term you'll see used here ASC Thread
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Don't be a pedo, don't play with kids.
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