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Old November 25th, 2009, 18:05   #106
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That must be the Innacuracy's becuase the 210 is rated for 400 fps. Well, i guess we'll see :P

Some more questions, How thick is your jute when assembling your ghillie? Ive got some jute but it looks to thin...And should i use varying thicknesses?
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Old November 25th, 2009, 18:09   #107
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
That must be the Innacuracy's becuase the 210 is rated for 400 fps. Well, i guess we'll see :P

That's what I was getting with my old L96, around 415. But When I dropped it into my M24 it went up to that. Confused me a bit, I'm guessing it's the tolerances at play.
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Old November 25th, 2009, 18:11   #108
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Hm, maybe a different spring guide? Im not too familiar with the internals yet, seeing as i havent opened it up yet.
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Old November 25th, 2009, 18:12   #109
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Same spring guide, same piston, same cylinder head, even the same barrel.
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Old November 25th, 2009, 18:19   #110
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If you go with burlap, just cut it into squares roughly 20" x 20", then dye it. When dry, you can separate the individual strands (they do look like string), clump them together and tie them into the netting. If you are playing in mostly grassy areas, making your ghillie all strands of jute is fine. If leafy and bushy areas, you are better off cutting your squares into strips about 2" wide, tie them into the netting. When done with all of them, wet the ghillie, grab the lower 2" of the strip with one hand and the strip above it with the other, and pull the horizontal strands out. That will get rid of the square look as well as push the rest of the strands upwards making it look leafy.
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Old November 26th, 2009, 01:09   #111
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Oh okay, sounds awesome! You get the materials form Michael's(netting) And The fire retardant Jute from the tree coverings from CT?
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Old November 30th, 2009, 13:33   #112
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Also, the camo is just from any surplus store i assume
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Old November 30th, 2009, 13:48   #113
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Ya, Rona and CT I would buy my burlap from, RitDye from Michaels and the super strong netting (is used salt water fishing net, really strong and also dark brown in colour, 1" squares in it), Shoo Goo to glue it onto the BDUs. Get much bigger BDUs for yourself, I wear a size 34" pants but was given years ago a size 40" which I used for my ghillie pants. Helps you wear them over your regular BDU. And also slice the inner seam to help you put them on while wearing your boots. Suspenders are a must, and a good stiff belt (I use a scuba weight belt for mine, just without the weights, but has an easy buckle to use, and is stiff webbing.)

What I did with mine was use a dollar store woodland bandana glued to the back of my boonie to keep the jute off my neck, and bought some woodland material from Wlamart that I ripped into strips and tied in randomly. Also got some raffia grass (for decorative present wrapping instead of ribbon) from the dollar store, soaked it, dried it stretched out, and tied clumps of it throughout my ghillie, is super strong and is literally dead grass, so it helps with basic camo.

Make the ghillie look like a pile of nothing, don't follow a pattern. Randomness works wonders, just use your imagination.

And, Sniper_Chic and I at Rawdon:

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; November 30th, 2009 at 13:51..
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Old November 30th, 2009, 14:17   #114
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I had a close look at the viper hood, and I beleive I can sew one myself. I got the paracord, I just need the base layer that look like a close knit net.

My next ghillie will be like the viper hood, customised to my requirements.Like it will cover the back and sides completely. Longer arms coverage. More elastics bands to add local vegetation. As for the pants, I'll see what I can think of.

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Old November 30th, 2009, 23:44   #115
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Sweet guys, thanks for the photo's, that will really help me by having some references. So CDN_Stalker, it looks like you dont have any ghillie on your legs, correct? Or did you just not wear the bottom?

My plan is to go full back and legs, including a hood. We'll see how it goes once i get everything together!
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Old December 1st, 2009, 08:53   #116
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Sweet guys, thanks for the photo's, that will really help me by having some references. So CDN_Stalker, it looks like you dont have any ghillie on your legs, correct? Or did you just not wear the bottom?

My plan is to go full back and legs, including a hood. We'll see how it goes once i get everything together!
In the first couple pics I had my ghillie pants on, in the one with Sniper_Chic, since we were in a sandy environment and were on the desert team, we opted to not wear the ghillie pants (ok, she doesn't have matching pants), just multicam for me and arid Marpat for the Chic.
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Old December 1st, 2009, 19:44   #117
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Ah makes sense. And if you could, could you clarify the 2" strip part you mentioned?
So you take a strip when wet, and slide the bottom strands up? Or what do i do?

kind of confused on that part... And our field has both bush, and grasses, so ill do a mixture of jute and larger strips i think.
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Old December 1st, 2009, 19:55   #118
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Ah makes sense. And if you could, could you clarify the 2" strip part you mentioned?
So you take a strip when wet, and slide the bottom strands up? Or what do i do?

kind of confused on that part... And our field has both bush, and grasses, so ill do a mixture of jute and larger strips i think.
While the strip is attached to your ghillie, while you are "weathering it" (soaking it, let it sun dry, drag and stomp in mud, etc) you grab about 3" up from the end of the strand (if you have an edge piece that is unfrayable at thhe end, cut the tip off) with one hand, grab the bottom 2" with the other and pull the strands off, where your upper hand is holding, the horizontal strands will get pushed upwards. This will both get rid of the long straight edges of the side by ruffling it, as well as get rid of the square tip. Is just something I accidentally came across when I made mine, was trying to get rid of the square end.
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Old December 1st, 2009, 20:09   #119
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Sorry, but im still confused :P

So you pull the ends off, making them push upwards? How does that work?
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Old December 1st, 2009, 20:52   #120
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Sorry, but im still confused :P

So you pull the ends off, making them push upwards? How does that work?
One hand goes up, the other goes down. Can't get more simple than that! Lol, the upper strands go up, the strands at the tip come off. Put your fingers together of both hands like you have something to grab, it takes some effort to pull the lower strands off because of friction, so the upper hand ends up forcing the horizontal strands above it upwards because you are still holding onto the vertical strands that holds it all together.
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