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Old November 23rd, 2009, 18:28   #61
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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His prices are not too steep, but nothing beat doing it yourself over a couple of houres and get the exact result you want.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 18:42   #62
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Ya, the Tanaka M700 30rd mags do work.

It's an ok rifle, really accurate when you dry swab the barrel every 20 shots (when my daughter was 11 she loved to shoot bottlecaps at 30ft in the basement with mine), and can easily get 1/2" groups with good ammo. Not a lot of upgrades to do to it, more tweaks than anything else like file down the inner feed lips because they nick the BB surface (makes the bolt forward motion smoother too), and the before mentioned filing the mag lips. I've only gamed it once but was used to my CA M24 so is why I've only gamed it once, wasn't used to the 700.

Overall, great rifle for the price, if you can deal with it being gas. Oh ya, fill the mag with gas first, fire 3-4 shots to settle the gas, then load with BBs. Otherwise you'll get insane fps like 100-150fps over what it settles to.
That last part:: For every time filling the magazine or just the first time for the day??

thanks for all the information

How long did your M700 last?
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 18:48   #63
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
His prices are not too steep, but nothing beat doing it yourself over a couple of houres and get the exact result you want.
But how easy is it to go insane either over doing it or under doing it? How many people put too much garnish on their first suit? Then you just look like a bush, rather than nothing. How many people don't allow some variation between different areas of the suit? Buying a wrap would allow to you to see how a 'pro' has done it. And then can you gleen ideas from that (even as simple as knot tying technique)

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Old November 23rd, 2009, 19:18   #64
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Originally Posted by CDN__Player View Post
That last part:: For every time filling the magazine or just the first time for the day??

thanks for all the information

How long did your M700 last?
every time you fill your mag.
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 19:41   #65
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Well, to tell you the truth, i really want to build the ghillie myself. Like Fox_111 said, its kind of cool to have done it yourself, not just be lazy and order one. That being said, it also is cheaper i would assume than buying a ghillie.

So im still kind of confused, using Fox's Ghillie as a Example, when would you put your gear on? Over that ghillie? Or under? If under, do you have to pull your shirt up to get anything?

I think im going to stick with my pistol for now, see how it goes. I want to be as light as possible, seeing as the Rifle is cumbersome enough. I'll grab more mags when possible.

I'm going to assume my Ghillie will need to be a mix or Dark, light green and some brown? Here are some reference pictures of Op-for.
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 19:59   #66
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Originally Posted by CDN__Player View Post
That last part:: For every time filling the magazine or just the first time for the day??

thanks for all the information

How long did your M700 last?
How long per gas fill? Maybe 20 shots (two mags worth of BBs). And yes, after every time you fill the mag with gas. The reason I say is because early on I found (testing in the basement after I got it) that the after fill pressure was insane. Was June, 2005 I think, +34C outside, cooler in my basement, using propane my first shot chronied 710fps, second was 690fps, third was 610fps, and the rest were all 550-560 pretty steadily. Duster showed the same trend, just 100fps lower. NOTE: This is the way the striker spring was set when I got it, it is adjustable for power, just not for field adjustment, tools are required and you risk losing the screws and the spring cups if you try on the field.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; November 23rd, 2009 at 20:08..
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 22:04   #67
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Oborous View Post
But how easy is it to go insane either over doing it or under doing it? How many people put too much garnish on their first suit? Then you just look like a bush, rather than nothing. How many people don't allow some variation between different areas of the suit? Buying a wrap would allow to you to see how a 'pro' has done it. And then can you gleen ideas from that (even as simple as knot tying technique)

Then how many people buy a sniper rifle and have no idea of what they are doing? Same goes with any loadout...

If you intend on doing something right, educate yourself on how to do it. If not, pay someone to do it, but look like a fool using it. In the end, same result: failure or inadequacy.

How hard is it anyway to tie little jute strand on a net and mixing color and lenght? I think a preschooler can do a descent job.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 22:09   #68
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
How long per gas fill? Maybe 20 shots (two mags worth of BBs). And yes, after every time you fill the mag with gas. The reason I say is because early on I found (testing in the basement after I got it) that the after fill pressure was insane. Was June, 2005 I think, +34C outside, cooler in my basement, using propane my first shot chronied 710fps, second was 690fps, third was 610fps, and the rest were all 550-560 pretty steadily. Duster showed the same trend, just 100fps lower. NOTE: This is the way the striker spring was set when I got it, it is adjustable for power, just not for field adjustment, tools are required and you risk losing the screws and the spring cups if you try on the field.
I really did mean how long the gun did last, not the gas But good to know anyways
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 22:14   #69
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
Well, to tell you the truth, i really want to build the ghillie myself. Like Fox_111 said, its kind of cool to have done it yourself, not just be lazy and order one. That being said, it also is cheaper i would assume than buying a ghillie.

So im still kind of confused, using Fox's Ghillie as a Example, when would you put your gear on? Over that ghillie? Or under? If under, do you have to pull your shirt up to get anything?
Depending on what you carry, you'd be better to have a slim loadout that is worn under the ghillie suit. That way, you don't have to ghillie your gear and you can leave to top part of your ghillied BDU shirt open to access your stuff. You can also lift the bottom part to reach lower item on your belt.

It's nothing fancy really.

Wear your usual team uniform, add your sniper loadout. Once on the field, ready to move covert, put on your ghillie suit over all that stuff. That's why I like 2 peices ghillie that are one or two size bigger than what I usually wear. I mod the pants so they open at the bottom, up to the knee, so I can put them on without removing my boots. Voila. Simple as that.

And also, if it's raining or muddy, wear your goretex suit UNDER your ghillie, but over your gear. So you can remove it if it's getting too hot, or the rain clear. That way, your ghillie will get soaked (it should be if it's raining) and you will stay dry and confy.

My first sniper clinic was held under pooring rain. Everyone was soaked wet, But I think most managed to stay warm under their goretex.

Forgive my un-ghillied head, I had to run, my camera was on a timer and it was raining badly on my 3000$+ baby.

Notice how the wet ghillies match the ground, even without local garnishing?
That's why you need a base color that match your ground color. Here it's more brown with little gree and tan.

Having your goretex on bring another challenge. You need to hide it, since it's shiny and under NV observation, it GLOW.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne

Last edited by FOX_111; November 23rd, 2009 at 22:16..
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 22:46   #70
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Alright, thanks for the info everyone. What colors do you think I should use? Dark green as a base? With lighter green and brown mixed in?

There are some reference pictures in one of my last posts.
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 22:54   #71
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For BC id say Dark green. A marpat style of pattern would seem to work well there.
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Old November 23rd, 2009, 22:57   #72
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Alright, thanks guys. You've been a great help!

For My rifle, do you think Medium, or Low mounts looks better? I have low mounts at the moment, and they work well, but It looks very low. What do you guys think?
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Old November 24th, 2009, 00:05   #73
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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You mean a scope mount? I'd get one as low as your scope and rifle allow. Granted that you don't play with paintball mask or paintball goggles.

If not, then you are stuck with the hight you'll need to accomodate the mask.

And for ghillie suit base color, I always say to use the color of the ground. Not the vegetation. If the main color of the ground is brown (no leafs) then go with brown and tan color. That way, when you play in fall or spring and it's not yet green, your ghillie suit will work. For summer use, just add local vegetation and you will blend perfecly.

Don't put black in your ghillie. Black represend shadow on 2D camo. Your ghillie suit is oviously 3D and it will create it's own shadows.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne

Last edited by FOX_111; November 24th, 2009 at 00:12..
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Old November 24th, 2009, 00:08   #74
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We play with Paintball goggles, of which mine are Only the goggles. With the lower mounts, they work fine. do you recommend the lowest possible because the lower profile, the better camouflage?

Also, could the Base of the Ghillie Be just some OD pants and Top? Or would Camo really work better?
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Old November 24th, 2009, 00:15   #75
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Originally Posted by Steven View Post
We play with Paintball goggles, of which mine are Only the goggles. With the lower mounts, they work fine. do you recommend the lowest possible because the lower profile, the better camouflage?

Also, could the Base of the Ghillie Be just some OD pants and Top? Or would Camo really work better?
The lower your scope sit on your rifle, the less you have to accomodate Hight Over Bore and the more you will be able to ajust in the vertical plane to compensate for drop or elevation. And lastly, to a somewhat futile extent, it look better.

Your ghillie suit base can be anything, except neon pink colors... But I prefer camo patern, because your base BDU will be visible sometime when you are not prone. The more camoed you are, the better. You will not always be shooting in the prone too. Sometime, you will be laying on your side or all 4.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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