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Best performing full metal GBB pistol.


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old December 9th, 2011, 01:13   #61
Green Synergy
MaybeStopCalling's Avatar
Join Date: May 2009
Draw speed is the first drawback I can think of. From a Serpa (Level THREE, nonetheless), I can have the pistol out and ready to fire far faster than I could unsling a SMG or unhook it from its retention device. Granted, it's not as big and heavy as a rifle, but nowhere convenient as a pistol. Pistols are also damn fun to play with.

Speaking from experience, I own a WE Hi-Capa 5.1 and a KSC Glock 17.

The WE fires well enough, though the paint finish is cheap and the safety on the right side's loose. You have to locktite the sight screws or the screws will loosen due to firing. Metal mid-frame makes it good- The Cansoft frames keep cracking in the hammer assembly. I had to replace mine twice before I ended up just buying a metal mid-frame. Accuracy is good, not great. Devaluation's pretty high. Magazines are waiting disasters- I've had feedlips snap on me twice.

My primary sidearm is a KSC Glock 17, bought on these forums. Upgraded with tight-bore barrel and PGC slide. Shoots consistently, nice crisp blowback, and despite being half polymer sounds a lot more menacing than my WE. Magazines are solid. Feedlips are made of metal, I've dropped them many times during drills and nothing has happened to them. Support is great- KWA USA stocks all the parts needed for the Glock, including insanely hard to find parts like Part 87. Shipping's pretty reasonable, and their customer service is hard to beat. The only downside to a KWA/KSC Glock is Part 87 or 83, depending on the gun. It's the sear that holds back the internal hammer. Mine snapped two days after I got it, the replacement from KWA is still holding up, but considering how hard it is to get that part I bought three.

Like its been said before, go try out the grips if possible. I used to hate the 1911 series and Glock series with a passion based on preconceived notions. Loved the Beretta. Got to try them out, and while I was really comfortable with the 1911, I found the Beretta unwieldy and the grips on it larger than the Glock, which fit me perfectly. To each his own.

Last edited by MaybeStopCalling; December 9th, 2011 at 01:16..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:40   #62
SuperCriollo's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kitchener, ON
Ended up getting a KSC CZ 75 , thanks for your replies.

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Old January 7th, 2012, 15:09   #63
Lycanthrope's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: New Zealand
Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
The problem with TM is that, as we all know, they are plastic made in stock form. Having to buy an upgrade slide, recoil spring, or frame is a expense that I dont want to get into. I post KSC's over KWA's because they come with trademarks. Although I could live with the uglified Umarex ones of the KWA USP. From TM I might only consider the FiveSeven.
Out of that list I'd get a KSC Glock, however I would buy a TM over a KSC any day. The only exception is my MP9.

Tokyo Marui plastic slides don't crack when you drop them (Unless you drop it every day onto concrete) They are lighter, which gives you a crisper and snappier recoil (And it actually seems to have more recoil) Better gas efficiency, run propane perfectly, and there is a huge market of aftermarket parts.

You say you don't want to pay for anything else, but eventually every gun will break. I'd rather break something where I can go to any store and they will have the exact part I need instead of having to order it in and waiting for weeks.

In the end,
Pros of KSC:
Good gas efficiency due to System 7

Not as accurate
Harder to get replacement/upgrade parts

Tokyo Marui -
Nice finish and feel to the plastic, most people think it's an aftermarket slide.
Metal lower frame
Great gas efficiency
Nice, crisp recoil
Extremely accurate out of the box
An ocean of upgrade parts

Plastic (I see this as a huge pro but everyone has their own opinions)

For you I would recommend the Sig 226 or the Hi capa 4.3 or 5.1
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