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Need help with 'detailed' info concerning LCT AK's


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Old April 9th, 2013, 22:14   #31
Antikythera's Avatar
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I have LCT magazines for my CYMA AK and they work flawlessly after i sanded them a bit to fit. Obviously it may be different for your AK but from my experience they are great magazines.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 00:48   #32
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Originally Posted by COBHC666 View Post
Our team runs 5 of these. This is our standard rifle.

Only one has been taken down but from our tech's review it was pretty solid, decently clean inside. Good for a stock AEG, better than CYMA for sure. Obviously upgraded parts will be better, but the motor, shimming, air seal are all good to go. 150ft accurate range out of the box. Only issue we have as a team is the stock hopup tends to lose it's spot after a while, so you will have to reset. We all run ours with 7.4v 25c 1300mAh's, shoots like a dream with decently realistic ROF. Stock trigger response is good, for a stock AEG. It is wired to Tamiya.

I guarantee you will not be disappointed with the LCT. 3 of ours shot 390-400, one shot 410, and one shot 370 out of the box.
The other issue our team noticed was Battery space. There is very little. We scrounged around and found some very small lipos that managed to fit, so keep that in mind, you'll need to look for some batteries.
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Old April 10th, 2013, 06:39   #33
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Originally Posted by Magnaroth View Post
The other issue our team noticed was Battery space. There is very little. We scrounged around and found some very small lipos that managed to fit, so keep that in mind, you'll need to look for some batteries.
I'm running the King Arms 11.1v 12c sticks in the top tray no problem.
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Old April 13th, 2013, 13:04   #34
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I have a 9.6v stick type sitting under the tray, and could probably fit a 10.8v quite snug. I'm satisfied with the performance the 9.6v gives me though.

As for mags, I ordered 2 LCT 70-rounder's... they are a REALLY tight fit; while the high-cap simply goes in and out effortlessly, the mid-caps take some pushing. The rear tab is wider, and forces against the mag release hinges. After some use though, enough plastic will be shaved off and the mags will fit smoother. I've been thinking of some sort of RPK setup as well, haven't noticed if LCT have any RPK-74 Long mags.. I noticed this one:
CYMA 200rd RPK Mag
Anyone tried this one out?

Do most of you use the iron sights? or mounted optics?

I've always felt somewhat comfortable using iron sights, so I was debating switching the ones I have to night sights.. or simply painting on some sort of glow-in-the-dark or bright white paint..

AK Express & Big Dot Night Sights
Tritium Sights
Front Post
Rear 1000m or Rear Peep Sight

Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
As for grips I have a King arms one on the way for my FSB build...
Please let me know how those fit; I really want to switch out the cheap grip for something a little better, even if it's the original style grip, I want a better material/feel.
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Old April 13th, 2013, 13:25   #35
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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LCT has a bunch of grips that are beter the the stock one. Like my akm has a cheesy plastic grip but the offer the bakalite (or however you spell it) check their website to see all the stuff they offer.
Originally Posted by GODSPEED|seven View Post
I have a 9.6v stick type sitting under the tray, and could probably fit a 10.8v quite snug. I'm satisfied with the performance the 9.6v gives me though.

As for mags, I ordered 2 LCT 70-rounder's... they are a REALLY tight fit; while the high-cap simply goes in and out effortlessly, the mid-caps take some pushing. The rear tab is wider, and forces against the mag release hinges. After some use though, enough plastic will be shaved off and the mags will fit smoother. I've been thinking of some sort of RPK setup as well, haven't noticed if LCT have any RPK-74 Long mags.. I noticed this one:
CYMA 200rd RPK Mag
Anyone tried this one out?

Do most of you use the iron sights? or mounted optics?

I've always felt somewhat comfortable using iron sights, so I was debating switching the ones I have to night sights.. or simply painting on some sort of glow-in-the-dark or bright white paint..

AK Express & Big Dot Night Sights
Tritium Sights
Front Post
Rear 1000m or Rear Peep Sight


Please let me know how those fit; I really want to switch out the cheap grip for something a little better, even if it's the original style grip, I want a better material/feel.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old April 14th, 2013, 03:19   #36
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I have some of those CYMA 200 rounders on the way. I'll update their fitment in a LCT RPK-74M.

I believe the LCT grip feels cheap because it trys to be slimmer then other AEG grips.

I'm not sure where to find some right now but there are lots of surplus east german night sights that are way cheaper then those options.

I have a side rail mounted PKA and plan on picking up a side rail mount picatinny mount to throw a specter on my AK-74M or team mates RPK-74M.
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Old April 14th, 2013, 03:32   #37
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Originally Posted by GODSPEED|seven View Post

As for mags, I ordered 2 LCT 70-rounder's... they are a REALLY tight fit; while the high-cap simply goes in and out effortlessly, the mid-caps take some pushing. The rear tab is wider, and forces against the mag release hinges. After some use though, enough plastic will be shaved off and the mags will fit smoother. I've been thinking of some sort of RPK setup as well, haven't noticed if LCT have any RPK-74 Long mags.. I noticed this one:
CYMA 200rd RPK Mag
Anyone tried this one out?

I run the same cyma rpk 47 hi-cap mags with my LCT RPK (47 version) and they feel no problem. I also run a cyma drum mag and it feeds no problem
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Old April 14th, 2013, 03:49   #38
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So far as mag fitment in my LCT 104 goes...

G&P 5.45 mags fit, but are tight. Small bit of shaving that presumably will stop with use. No wobble.
MAG 5.45 mags fit, but are very tight. Little more shaving than the G&Ps. No wobble.
CYMA plastic 7.62x39 ('Bakelite', high-cap) mags fit well, with just a little wobble.
G&G metal 7.62x39 mags (high-caps, at least) fit well, with just a little wobble.
STAR (I think, at least) 5.45 mags fit pretty much perfectly, no shaving or wobble at all.
DBOYs 5.45 mags fit awkwardly, and wobble to the point of being almost laughable.
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Old April 14th, 2013, 13:39   #39
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
I believe the LCT grip feels cheap because it trys to be slimmer then other AEG grips.
Let me know asap how that grip you got fits.
I'll get one of these real soon:
SAW Grip for LCT
Tactical Grip for LCT

Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
I'm not sure where to find some right now but there are lots of surplus east german night sights that are way cheaper then those options.

I have a side rail mounted PKA and plan on picking up a side rail mount picatinny mount to throw a specter on my AK-74M or team mates RPK-74M.
East German Night Sights - 15$
A few more night sights

I'd love to get my hands on a a PK-A or Kobra!
Kalinka Optics Kobra
Not to mention the German Rakurs.. *drool*

I've read that the side-mount on LCT's are not the same as other brands.. they fit the real stuff or "real" replica's and not airsoft brand replicas. Any word on that?

Originally Posted by hoot. View Post
I run the same cyma rpk 47 hi-cap mags with my LCT RPK (47 version) and they feel no problem. I also run a cyma drum mag and it feeds no problem
Originally Posted by Redzephyr View Post
So far as mag fitment in my LCT 104 goes...

G&P 5.45 mags fit, but are tight. Small bit of shaving that presumably will stop with use. No wobble.
MAG 5.45 mags fit, but are very tight. Little more shaving than the G&Ps. No wobble.
CYMA plastic 7.62x39 ('Bakelite', high-cap) mags fit well, with just a little wobble.
G&G metal 7.62x39 mags (high-caps, at least) fit well, with just a little wobble.
STAR (I think, at least) 5.45 mags fit pretty much perfectly, no shaving or wobble at all.
DBOYs 5.45 mags fit awkwardly, and wobble to the point of being almost laughable.
Very nice info there!

One little thing I "fixed"; LCT's "turn-and-lock" the upper handguard feature didn't really 'lock'. Whenever I pick up the rifle, I'd twist it, then it looked ugly. I "JB-Welded" the clamp part, so now I pick it up, and it's rock-solid, no more twist. I don't plan on changing the upper handguard, so I don't care if it's a permanent fix. I can simply switch out the gase tube anyways, if the need be.

Anyways, here's my AK-74M with an Orange Mag [It's darker in reality]:
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Old April 14th, 2013, 14:22   #40
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I have a PK-A and it fits perfect on my LCT.

Most of the mounts are adjustable so you can fiddle with it if its loose or too tight.

I'll update when my damn wgc order finally arrives.
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Old April 14th, 2013, 16:49   #41
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... The handguard lock is a required part of "take down" to get to the gearbox...
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Old April 14th, 2013, 18:29   #42
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
... The handguard lock is a required part of "take down" to get to the gearbox...
The UPPER handguard is completely unrelated to the lower though.

The upper handguard that covers the gas tube could turn to the sides, leaving a big gap on one side, but none on the other, I simply made sure it wouldn't turn anymore. I can still take out the gas tube assembly no problem.

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