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Old May 5th, 2016, 19:57   #16
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Prople always tell you that trying stuff is nice to get the feel, but ultimately I'd choose a platform that is common, has readily available parts, and has the reliability.

If I had gone with what I thought looked cool, I would have bought an mp5, if I went with what I thought felt best, I would have gone with a G36. Ultimately I started with an M4 and stuck with them for the very reasons I mentioned. My only non-m4 is my Scar-L which takes the same mags and internal parts, for the most part.

Go with what you want, but remember m4 variants are easiest to get parts for, pouches, mags and basically everything else. I think I'd go M16 DMR route if I was in your position. Just exercise trigger discipline and try using real-cap mags.

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*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old May 8th, 2016, 00:43   #17
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Southern Ontario
Hopped into Airsoft Depot to get a feel for some basic equipment, and to check out the gun selections... solidly told myself to not buy anything til I step onto a field first.

Thankfully the things I liked weren't really in stock.

- Don't like glocks. Front grip profile is a bit too square. Pointed OK, not that well
- 1911/Hi-Capa has the same issue, too squared off for my hands. Couldn't get past that, so unfortunately the most common platform is probably a no-go for me. I do like how the TM Hi-Capa weighed though...
- They had no P226s, but someone had a personal P229 available to handle. Really liked it, nicely shaped grip for my hands. Tends to point a bit down for me, but I'm not sure if that was due to the balance being off (mag gone). Very comfy overall, but grip was a bit wide. Might have to consider the E2 for grip profile.
- Out of sheer curiosity, picked up a Beretta M9. That was not a good idea. Grip is a good size, shaped well for me. Always pointed exactly where I wanted it, immediately. Good balance overall for my hands.

Pistol short list, M9A1, P226 E2.

Would like to see how the HK45 feels (grip looks good), but can't find stock around me. Should get that AV done...

- No P90. Expected, but remains the primary contender til I can hold one.
- M4 and family: Ergonomics don't work for me. I just can't shoulder it well, and I find the stocks ride high/get a bit uncomfortable. Couldn't get down to the irons comfortably.
- G36 fit me well. stock fits my shoulder, do like how it pointed Would remove the handle/integrated sight (seriously terrible integrated sight on that) and hopefully run my own red dots.
- Didn't like the stock on the VSR/clones.
- L96 was where I expected it, fit me better than the VSR.

AEG/Rifle list; P90, G36. L96 down the line.
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Old May 8th, 2016, 01:20   #18
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I honestly think "Trying" them in store is no better predictor of user compatibility than lying down in a mattress store to see if it's right for you.

I ran px4's my whole life and i regret not getting a glock because it feels much better, fits my hand snugly, well weighted, and the recoil is just right.

Get into the game, try something either rented or borrowed. If you like it, get what you want and trade around if you want to try something else.
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Old May 8th, 2016, 01:47   #19
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Let's be real, you may very well buy 5 different guns in your first year. Don't worry about it TOO much, you can always change up lol
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Old May 8th, 2016, 02:16   #20
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Southern Ontario
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
I honestly think "Trying" them in store is no better predictor of user compatibility than lying down in a mattress store to see if it's right for you.

I ran px4's my whole life and i regret not getting a glock because it feels much better, fits my hand snugly, well weighted, and the recoil is just right.

Get into the game, try something either rented or borrowed. If you like it, get what you want and trade around if you want to try something else.
First, love Emperor's New Groove. Excellent choice of image.

Agree completely about the trying the mattress thing, Made the mistake of grabbing an MX Brown based keyboard first, and ended up not liking it after. After, I spent a good 20 minutes hammering away in a computer store before I settled on my current Keyboard (Filco, MX Blacks) and have not regretted that choice since (the past 3 years).
However, I've generally been pretty good with paper evals on things I buy/want in terms of fit/feel otherwise. Shortlisted the 500 Abarth, FiST, and a Mini (in that order after months/year of research), and went with the Abarth after the test drive. Auto show half a year later confirmed it, as I didn't fit in the FiST (arm space was wrong, kept hitting the door..), and Mini (same thing with the arm). Interior interface on the other two also wasn't as good for me. Been happy with my decision for the past 2 years with my Abarth! Of course the ND MX-5 as well, but they priced that out of my range.. Would love and hate Honda if they brought the S1000 though.

They're short listed because I know the grip shape on the Glocks would forever annoy me, and I just couldn't consistently point it. Will definitely follow up with more in game evaluations as they become available though. Uncle does have a 1911, I'll see if I can run that for a game or two to see if it correlates with what I think... If it does, then it'll be a no to glocks/1911/hi-capas.

I get rather picky when it comes to ergonomics, so when something seems to work well, I get very interested.

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Let's be real, you may very well buy 5 different guns in your first year. Don't worry about it TOO much, you can always change up lol
Nooo, I refuse. Just the M9A1.

Maybe a Sig.. Oh that HK45 did look good too...
Definitely a P90, and that SL8 conversion for the TM G36C..

Nice L96 build...


Last edited by Surnia; May 8th, 2016 at 02:23.. Reason: time scales.
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Old May 8th, 2016, 08:49   #21
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If the M9 fits you, but seems a touch big and the ergonomics slightly off (grip is a little too fat and the slide safety annoys you), the HK45 should feel amazing in your hands. Same with the P226 E2 (my hands and pistol preference are the same as yours, these are my top 3 as well). Both the HK45 and P226 have metal body kits fairly readily available, although the HK45 might have slightly less selection (although our dollar still sucks balls to do pistol builds).

One step at a time . Take a bite, chew, and swallow instead of trying to stuff the whole party sized pizza in your mouth at once! And don't forget the gear that goes along with the guns :P
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Old May 8th, 2016, 10:29   #22
cranky old man
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: In a Van,.... Down by the River!
I've been running an M9 for years - best platform IMO
MODT - tu fui ego eris
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