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Real life comparison between AEGs and GBBRs


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Old November 14th, 2012, 10:43   #16
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well you can get AEGs that make you giggle...

Anything with super fast trigger response and spin up plus 30+ rounds a second tends to make someone giggle... and opfor run like hell.
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Old November 14th, 2012, 10:56   #17
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I'd like to add my voice to the "GBBR just feel better" brigade. I spent a lot of time (and money :P) upgrading AEGs for two years before trying a GBBR once and immediately being converted.

I had upgraded my ICS m4 to try to decrease the delay between pulling the trigger and the shot leaving the barrel, and it was as fast as anything else I'd heard including Systema PTWs that I encountered but as an overall shooting experience the GBBR was just plain better.

I would say though that I was always a more effective player with my AEG that with my GBBR. I could carry three times the ammunition in my midcaps than I could in my GBBR mags. Airsoft isn't the most accurate projectile system and so by laws of averages the more aimed rounds I put downrange the more likely I was to hit the target. With an AEG I could triple-tap where I would single or double-tap without worrying about ammo.
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Old November 14th, 2012, 10:57   #18
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
well you can get AEGs that make you giggle...

Anything with super fast trigger response and spin up plus 30+ rounds a second tends to make someone giggle... and opfor run like hell.
Haha, Agreed! Yeah having an AEG that basically emits a low note when firing make smiles.
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Old November 14th, 2012, 11:13   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Let me add.. that is also depends on where and how you play..

I am typically operating in a Close quarters Battle situation.. where .. accuracy at range is not much of a factor.. but trigger response is critical.. as the fraction of a second delay in an AEG ( typical) can be the difference between shooting and being shot.

even in the field .. I am more often than not only required to deploy my weapon for self defense as I am often operating in a command role. I tend to run compact carbines, or PDWs .. Short sharp engagements at close range is where I tend to end up fighting. For this.. the GBBR expresses no liabilities and all of the advantages.

I keep a couple AEGs in my rack as well generally for cold weather use and for those rare situations where I may need sustained fire capabilities.

If I could only afford to keep one gun around.. I admit it would probably be an AEG.
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Old November 14th, 2012, 17:32   #20
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
well you can get AEGs that make you giggle...

Anything with super fast trigger response and spin up plus 30+ rounds a second tends to make someone giggle... and opfor run like hell.
Paintball would probably suit you better there....What the point of playing 30rps+? the fastest assault rifle is AN-94 clocking at 30rps for the first two rounds in burst/ auto mode -then it drops to 11rps.

Harsh winter game (-20 or below): Polar Star or Daytonagun system w/ HPA
Mild winter game (-10 to 10) AEG
Playing with Hi-Cappers and ridiculous ROF: AEG
CQB game: GBBR
Realism: GBBR
Milsim: AEG/GBBR

I think the first generation of GBBR gave people too much bad impression ie:
-Super pricy (you have to dump 1-2k just in the gun itself for internal)
-Super pricy magazine ($50-100 per magazine)
-Super unreliable (you are expecting a part to break in a game)
-Gas inefficienct (you can't empty the gun's magazine with 1 gas load without suffering cool down)

Last edited by kullwarrior; November 14th, 2012 at 17:34..
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Old November 15th, 2012, 11:11   #21
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Aw come on horses for courses.

CQB with realistic ROF and magazine capacity is one kind of game and CQB with high ROF, hi-cap, low fps is a whole different game but also fun. That's my experience anyway, having played both and a lot of things in between.

side note: My wallet would rather blat away at 30 rps with bbs rather than paintballs.

Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Paintball would probably suit you better there....What the point of playing 30rps+? the fastest assault rifle is AN-94 clocking at 30rps for the first two rounds in burst/ auto mode -then it drops to 11rps.
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Old November 15th, 2012, 16:13   #22
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Thank you guys for your replies. It was very interesting to read and as a conclusion I think the safe bet will be to purchase middle priced AEG and see how it goes
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