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Investigating BioVALs BB Claims


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Old May 7th, 2009, 19:46   #121
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Aotearoa
Originally Posted by Easy View Post
OMG please let's not go down the "crumple zone" anaolgy. I beg you. This will only create another "round and round" she goes effect. lol.

As i said i am not a ballistics expert but:

(A) from my understanding expanding rounds cause more damage to soft targets because they are able to dissipate more energy over a wider area in a short time span. They lose their energy in the target and reduce the chance of injury to bystanders. German police uses the RUAG expanding round for this reason.

(b) Whereas fully jacketed rounds will penetrate, retain their energy and go right through. Potentially killing/injuring more than one one bystander.
I think you missed Scarecrow's point by a mile or two.

BBs do no penetrate (unless the energy is too high), they impact. Imagine smack, vs drill.

When they impact, the energy goes into:
1) bouncing back
2) deform, crack developing through any air pocket, and finally break apart BB
3) transfer some energy onto the site of impact.

The thing with BBB MAX' s BB, is that they are so hard that 2) is no likely to happen. And given that they are so hard and brittle, they are unlikely to be an elastic material that bounces back hard. Therefore, it will give more impact energy than your "normal" BBs.

I think the other thing that has not been adequately address, is the biodegradability of the Biomax BBs. Have these been subjected to Composting test at all?

Last edited by Amoki; May 7th, 2009 at 20:09..
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Old May 7th, 2009, 20:09   #122
A Total Bastard
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The Saint and I will being going through this thread and cleaning it up to keep it on top to the point 1 and point 2 in Post #1 and then locking it until we have some of these and have done some testing.

And yes I know Mach1 has the exclusive, but I presumed they would be wholesaling it as well as retailing it. If not, oh well, their loss. But thats something for me to discuss with them.

Cheers all and thanks for the lively input, I think this thread, aside from a few digressions here and there, some of which are my fault, this has been very productive so far and I would like to thank everyone for their participation thus far.

A mod can feel free to apply threadlock anytime now.
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