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Ghillie For The "On The Move" Sniper


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Old May 3rd, 2009, 17:27   #1
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Ghillie For The "On The Move" Sniper

Hi! I've been researching about ghillie suits for a while now and actually, there are barely any reviews about the different types of ghillie suits.

So I need your advice, opinions, and experience different ghillie suits.

The things I'm looking for in a ghillie is that it is:


*Breathable(Not so frickin Hot inside)

*Washable(During washing, the jute or what ever material does not come off, or at least it won't come off easily)

*Good for All types of movement(Running-just incase, Crawling, Sitting, Kneeling, Getting down and dirty)

*It doesn't have to be a full body ghillie. They get so hot inside. I want to keep the sweating to a minimum so I can refrain from washing it a lot.

*Maximum visibility(A hood on the ghillie is suggested rather than the ghillie covering your whole head seeing a net in your face)

I know I'm asking a lot, but I don't want to make a mistake that will cost me 100+ dollars.

Here are some ghillies I am considering: - This is a ghillie i am REALLY considering. The reason why is because it is practically like a shirt so it is soooo breathable and lightweight. It is not so good at camoflauge compared to original ghillies though and it is quite expensive for a shirt with leaves. - It provides decent camo and it looks lightweight and breathable...not sure though. It is also a decent price.

If any of you guys have any thoughts, suggestions then i'd like to hear them. :a-thumbsup:
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 20:18   #2
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Tactical Concealment's Viper Hood is more suited for what you're looking for. Not cheap though.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 20:32   #3
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For the love of airsoft don't buy the first one... that should not even be classified as a ghillie. The second one is far better by a long shot.... it will be hot though. Any decent ghillie suit is going to be hot no matter what it is made of. Par for the course when you want to wear one. I have had many different types of ghillie suits and prefer the jute twine made ones... you can add or take away from it to suit your terrain. Just my 2 cents.

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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:00   #4
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Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Tactical Concealment's Viper Hood is more suited for what you're looking for. Not cheap though.
That is way to frickin expensive and not worth it dude. Its a shirt with a hood and a net sawed on. Especially in airsoft, you won't have time to put on natural veggies. And even if you do, natural vegatation dies within a few hrs.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:02   #5
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Originally Posted by gerardcb View Post
That is way to frickin expensive and not worth it dude. Its a shirt with a hood and a net sawed on. Especially in airsoft, you won't have time to put on natural veggies. And even if you do, natural vegatation dies within a few hrs.
Then make your own...
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:19   #6
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get multicam. in a deciduous forest, nothing will serve you better. ask anywho who i play with. i have gotten to within 7 feet of someone using just MC. that was Alex_20 IIRC. i mercy-ied him, but he was so startled, he turned around and shot me! totally legit and a great play at that. but it proves the effectiveness of MC. i also once stood out in plain view, and an enemy player looked right at me, and kept walking.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:23   #7
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ghillies are amazing too. at a game in the fall, 2 guys were taking cover behind a tree that had a split body (trunk shaped like a big Y). there was a guy in a ghillie hiding literally right in front of them, and they didn't see him. not because he was hidden, but because the ghillie let him blend in with all of the twigs and tree branches, etc.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:27   #8
Diabolic Tyrant
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EDIT: Found something similar...

The modern ghillie suit is basically a garment covered or "garnished" with numerous strips and strands of burlap/jute and cloth and other natural material attached to the primarly garment. The strips and strands vary in lenght from 6-18 inches (whatever you perfer, and it's good to mix them around. RANDOMNESS) and are generally of subdued earth tone colors. A full ghillie suit including hat, jacket, and pants, may have as many as 1,000 strips and strands attached to it. These attachments are what make the ghillie suit so effective in breaking up the human form and blending with the area surroundings.

The strips serve three purposes, they break up the human silhouette, they replicate natural foliage, and provide a three-dimensional apperance to the suit. Color and components will vary with the environment in which you operate. Fine individual strands of burlap (jute) work well where the primary vegetation in the region is grass. A ghillie suit utilized in a wooded environment would be more effective using wider strips of burlap or cloth to replicate the leaf vegetation, commonly found in wooded environments.

The strips and stands allow the camo to have depth, or 3D which makes it field effective.The effectiveness can be enhanced even further by adding natural foliage and debris from the operational environment. You should also use basic camouflage techniques for you, and your equipment.

As the operator gets more field experience, he will realize the benefits of upgrading his camouflage to meet his surrounding environment. Additionally, experienced guys will realize the benefit of comfort built into your suit. Additional padding and a hydration system can prove to be very beneficial. A soft sided water supply, (Camelback) can be incorporated into the siut, as well as small strategically placed pockets for required items.

A full ghillie suit may weigh close to 15 pounds, and be pretty hot in warm, humid climates.
Strategically placed mosquito mesh in the suit will allow for some needed ventilation.

Ghillie suits come in two styles, one and two piece. The two piece is the most common and most used. The suit is usually made by using a common military uniform such as a pair of BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform) in woodland or desert pattern. Some prefer the solid OD, and some like the hunting, or new high tech patterns.
And there are different types you can make.
1. The Miltary type (Hat, Jacket, and Pants. Canvas on front, burlap on back) the kind i use, and showing you.
2. The Jacket/Poncho type (Hat or Hood and Jacket/Poncho. Canvas on front, burlap on back) Just use the jacket directions, skip the pants.
3. The Lightweight Hat type (Hat, and shoulders covered. The netting stops right below the shoulders, but you still put canvas and everything expect the netting part on the Bdu's.
4. The Big Fur all over type, which is just a plain waste of time. Not even going into that. You can't crawl or be stealthy in it, b/c the front burlap gets caught on things and makes tons of noise.

If you stand up most of the time playing paintball, dont even think about it. A ghillie alone, wont make you invisible, you have to use tactics, and know how to move. If you don't kick *** wearing just regular camo, dont give the people that do wear ghillies a bad name, and make one, thinking you will some how transform into a elite recon commando when you slip one on. I made this new thread, b/c i'm tired of people saying they know how to make one, when they dont know sh*t! People that crawl, and go out front and pick people off, and are GOOD AT IT, should consider trying it out with a ghillie. This is not for someone who goes out and hides away from everyone else expecting someone to come by for them to shoot. You don't even need a ghillie for paintball, I just like to wear mine b/c i was into Tactical & Shooting, "SNIPER" stuff, before i got into paintball. And it gives me ideas, and an excuse to go out and wear it, and kick some @SS at the same time. ANOTHER THING, YOU DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE A BUSH, (the expression: be the bush... bush is the jungle/woods/environment, not a bush it's self. just had to clear that up) YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE NOTHING. TOTAL MELTATION INTO THE GROUND... You want to blend in with the FOREST FLOOR.

Jacket canvas.
Lay the jacket out, lay the peice of canvas on the jacket, and mark an outline of one side. With an outline of the jacket marked onto the canvas, the canvas is folded in half in order to cut a symmetrical piece.
Then I laid the canvas out onto the jacket and trimmed it up. Note, I choose to use a single piece of canvas on the jacket versus a two piece construction. This turns the ghillie jacket into a pullover. The advantage is a smoother surface for crawling with no buttons required to hold the jacket together.
Then slits were cut and the pocket flaps were pulled out. You can add velcro to the pocket flaps or can just use the buttons. You can remove all the buttons if you want, b/c the canvas holds the front together.
Now glue the canvas to the front. Glue was liberally applied under the jacket canvas and around the perimeter, and around the pocket flaps. This stuff starts to set quickly so you have to work fast to get it spread out.

Back vent.
A rectangle was cut out of the middle of the jacket to provide a vent for cooling. (You can make it as big as you like)
With the cut is made the jacket is turned inside out, mosquito netting is cut and placed over the back vent. Then it is glued into place. I also put vents under my armpits, for great air circulation. I could really feel the benefit of the vents while wearing the jacket when i got done. The red rectangles in Diagrams 1 & 3 represent the mosquito vents.

Elbow & Knee pads.
I put my bdu's on and laid on the ground in the prone position, i then marked (with permanent marker) where my knees and elbow were touching the ground. I then turn the bdu's inside out and where the marker soaked threw i put one mouse pad over the area, and squared it up. Now sew them into place.(before you sew you can put some shoe goo on them to, just for extra holding power.) These make great padding, not too thick so their flexible but thick enough to protect the elbows when crawling.

Pant canvas.
I laid the pants out, and cut long rectanglar shaped pieces of canvas, and laid them onto the front of the pants. If you want to, cut the cargo pockets off the side of the pants, or keep them on. I you think you will use them, keep them and work around them.(what i did) Get the marker and mark where the canvas needs to be trimmed and cut that off.
Now glue the canvas on the front. Glue was liberally applied under the pant canvas and around the perimeter, and around the pocket flaps. This stuff starts to set quickly so you have to work fast to get it spread out.

-Loops on the end of arms (to put your thumb through to keep the arms from riding up while crawling.And leg cuffs to keep pant legs from riding up.
-You can add pockets where ever you like, just make sure they are in positions that are easy to get to..
-Camel back
-Glue a Pod Harness on the shirt before you put the netting on..
Whatever you can think of.

Last edited by Diabolic Tyrant; May 3rd, 2009 at 21:31..
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:29   #9
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Originally Posted by gerardcb View Post
That is way to frickin expensive and not worth it dude. Its a shirt with a hood and a net sawed on. Especially in airsoft, you won't have time to put on natural veggies. And even if you do, natural vegatation dies within a few hrs.
Can it with the attitude NOOB.

Then go with a boonie hat with netting that reaches down to your shoulders. It'll break up your outline, is nowhere near as hot, and still allows for good mobility.

You don't use natural vegetation for the entire setup, you're supposed to tie strips of frazzled jute that are dyed/painted to match your AO.
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:32   #10
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I can't say much about Ghillie suit. This picture will tell you. I got shot and didn't even know who shot me but after see this picture then realized who shot me.


Last edited by KND; May 3rd, 2009 at 21:35..
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:32   #11
Diabolic Tyrant
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Part 2

Let me just say this, you get better as you make more. B/c you get the hang of it, and you know what you like and need.

The 3/4" fish net was laid out for a rough cut to the jacket & pants dimensions.
You can use camo yarn, fishing line, dental floss, or military thread.
1. On the sides of the shirt, the netting should be cut about 1.5-2 inches out from the outside seams, to wrap around to the front.
2. On the front of the arms and shoulders, when you get done sewing the back part, flip the shirt over and cut the netting how i showed you in the diagram. This is to provide camo when you rise up.
3. On the pants, the netting should be cut 1.5-2 inches out from the outside seams, to wrap around to the front.
4. If you decide to keep the cargo pockets on the pants, refer to the daigram 6.
*cut the netting at the end of the pocket flap, and sew (red lines) like i have shown.
The hat, I use a boonie hat.
I cut a piece of netting like pictured in the diagram, and made sure it covered my shoulders (but not over my shoulders) and over where the netting starts at the jacket collar, hangs like 4" over that. (B/c you need it to overlap b/c of head movement, will cause the netting to rise and fall. You want it to overlap where you left off at the collar and shoulders at all times.) Or atleast make it so that the burlap hangs down over the points i just said.
Now when sewing the net to the hat, sew at the top perimeters, and every couple inches around the brim. Or just so the netting won't be moving around.

Sewing the netting was the most time consuming operation and the most boring. I sewed every square to the jacket & pants along the perimeters.

It's very important to keep in mind the 60/40 rule. 60% natural vegetation, 40% man made. A Ghillie should be sparsely covered with burlap for a couple of good reasons ....
1. You never know what your surroundings will look like.
2. Colors change with the seasons no matter where your at.
3. Sparsely covering your ghillie makes it smaller, more compact, & more mobile.
* Even though half the time its 60% man made, 40% natural vegetation...
You shouldn't just use jute or burlap. You combine them together, it add to the randomness.
Use anywhere from 4-12 strands when you tie it to the netting.
The main color of your ghillie suit will be the most dominant color in your area.
You should only use 3 colors, the rest is natural vegetation.
Try to mimic the area the best you can.
I have heard of people that tie torn up earth tone colored wash cloths every now and then on there ghillies. Canvas, mesh (which is very cool to mix in there), but nothing the shines or shines when it gets wet.

I've heard keep it simple, and i've heard make it as elaborate as you like.
If you dont have the time to tie the burlap/jute on outside in your area of use, then take pictures and bring back samples (leafs, sticks, different foliage). So you can die the burlap the right color, and tie the colored burlap on like they are in your area (pictures). Again mimic your area the best you possibly can.

Here are some places of interest to me, and have everything you need.
Great site, and they know what they are selling, I'd prefer you buy from them, if you need to buy anything.
Tactical Concealment Manufacturing Company

Out of these two below, just buy a kit or something. And make sure you can pick the colors if you buy a kit, dont buy the pre-selected ones. I dont know how great the colors match what they have shown on there website. I have never delt with them, but i've heard bad, and good comments about there colors.
It all comes down to, what colors are in your area. Don't get any colors that aren't!
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 21:48   #12
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Washable ghillies don't exist.

If you think a ghillie is usefull for "on the move" snipers... well, think again.

Ghillies are only good to stay hidden. That mean, moving painfully slowly and keeping your belly glued to the ground.

If you are standing or walking, no ghillie on earth will save you.

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Old May 4th, 2009, 13:52   #13
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Who the hell washes a ghillie suit? That makes as much sense wearing pink leotards in the field...

Ghillies are supposed to, once tied together and setup how you want, be made dirty. Leave it outside in the rain, leave it outside in the sun, drag it behind your car, and then dump it in a swamp and dry it out
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Old May 4th, 2009, 14:00   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Lerch View Post
Who the hell washes a ghillie suit? That makes as much sense wearing pink leotards in the field...

Ghillies are supposed to, once tied together and setup how you want, be made dirty. Leave it outside in the rain, leave it outside in the sun, drag it behind your car, and then dump it in a swamp and dry it out

Ewww.. won't that smell like .. oh I don't know... a forest... what about the pleasant aroma of Fabreez wafting through the woodland... that would be way better.
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Old May 4th, 2009, 14:09   #15
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Ewww.. won't that smell like .. oh I don't know... a forest... what about the pleasant aroma of Fabreez wafting through the woodland... that would be way better.
Well...if you wanna appease the hippy tree-huggers...then yes, Fabreeze away
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