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Old November 20th, 2008, 10:21   #16
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I used to have a WE 1911 but it actually broke the bushing and recoil spring after a game which is shot about 4 or 5 magazines through it. I can't say much about TM gun even my 1911A1 springer performed better than the WE 1911 GBB. So you should have know the answer.

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Old November 20th, 2008, 12:00   #17
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I had a WE 1911 and it sucked right from the beginning, one problem after another.
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Old November 20th, 2008, 21:41   #18
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Thanks a lot guys. I got it.
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Old January 26th, 2009, 16:54   #19
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The biggest problem on the WE 1911s was the front end blowing out (destroyed ring on the recoil spring plug and subsequently the bushing); as I posted in another thread, this is due to a design flaw where the recoil spring guide's length exceeds the depth of the recoil spring plug, therefor during the recoil cycle guide rams into the front of the cap. It's only a matter of time before it breaks. The solution is removing 2-3mm of material from the end of the recoil spring guide and rounding it off so it doesn't catch in the recoil spring.

An upgraded recoil spring (TM's fits) also helps, and if you're using a lot of power upgrades you can add a piece of Sorbo pad to the to the rear face of the dust cover (basically an airsoft Shok-Buff). This is just to generally avoid damage from wear.

The WE valve ports are marginally (~0.5-1mm) smaller than those found on other GBBs, so either manually increasing their size, or replacing them with TM valves, or upgraded high flow valves, will help with power. WE 1911 mags don't hold a whole lot of gas though, so this is probably only a good idea if you're planning on doing realcap loads (but you can get decent power if you are). [Edit: A side note to MEU(SOC).45 real cap loads, FR and MEU use Wilson, Kimber and/or Chip McCormick 8 round mags (which are the same size as the classic 7 round mags). Some FR operators also use their own Chip McCormick 10 round extended mags.]

The stock piston head is crap. Highly recommend the Nineball Dyna Piston head as a replacement (the TM 1911 one fits). I also performed some manual sealing on the hopup unit, with PTFE Teflon tape, while I was in there.

Another common problem with WE 1911s is the slide not locking back on the last shot. This is again either caused by a design or manufacturing defect in the slide stop latch; there's a small bump on the rear face (the one in contact with the slide stop plunger) -- not sure if it was designed like that, or if its left over from the casting process -- which gets "stuck" under the plunger, preventing it from moving up freely. Filing that down a bit so that the plunger can move over it smoothly resolves the issue. Additionally, stretching the follower spring in the magazine a bit (1-2 CM) and/or inserting a few BBs at the BASE of the magazine (i.e., under the spring, to create padding) will also help. (note that inserting BBs at the base will prevent you from using the BB fill hole)

The ambi safety tends to be crappy; the starboard side lever tends to become quite loose. A bit of PTFE teflon tape inside the socket will help it stay seated properly and make it usably snug.

IMO the stock barrel bushing looks weak and feels like very thin, cheap metal; a Western Arms aftermarket bushing is a perfect drop-in replacement. A real steel bushing will also work, but requires modification (the inside diameter is a fraction of a millimeter smaller than the barrel; it's steel, you'll need at least a Dremel and grinding head, and you'll have to make sure it's a proper circular shape. Proper tooling with a press is recommended).

And the finish on the WE's sucks. It's a weird grey, like early parkerizing. And it wears off just from staring at it menacingly enough. I plan on blueing my 1911 Classic. The MEU would get the same flat Epoxy finish black I use on AEGs.
Are you sure that a WA barrel bushing will fit on a we 1911?
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Old January 26th, 2009, 17:46   #20
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Originally Posted by takealap View Post
Are you sure that a WA barrel bushing will fit on a we 1911?
My WA bushings fits perfectly on both my WE 1911 Classic and 1911 Tactical, as does a real steel bushing (requires a bit of modification; the inner diameter of the bushing is a fraction of a millimeter too small for the barrel).

HOWEVER, Max.Power said he bought a WA bushing and it didn't fit correctly on his gun. I don't know which one he bought nor which gun he has.
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Old January 27th, 2009, 03:39   #21
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Love my MEU, shoots perfectly.
However I like the slim grips on the original 1911 that tm makes compared to the fake pacmyr's. I would rather just get an old school 1911 than the MEU. But either way they rock.
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Old January 27th, 2009, 03:43   #22
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All about the TM.
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Old January 31st, 2009, 02:22   #23
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I had the urge to strangle the OP when I saw this topic
Marui blows WE into orbit.

This isn't going to make sense, but the TM actually felt better in my hands then the WE.
Maybe it was just the craftsmanship of the Marui against the proven pot metal in the WE guns. It is pretty annoying too when every part on the WE rattles and inevitably gets scratched up and stripped of paint.

Function wise, the slide stops almost never work on WE techs, even when you shave off the little bump. Magazines are universally shitty among the single stack models, and they inevitably get base pad wobble. Not to mention the aforementioned front end explosions.

The TM has the standard marui backing in performance and quality, along with a gigantic market of parts. It runs fine on green gas and has a very nice report.
While it hogs gas, it is not quite as bad as the WE techs.
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Old January 31st, 2009, 02:44   #24
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Now here's a question.
Who carries the TM MEU?
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Old February 1st, 2009, 23:13   #25
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Originally Posted by John_234 View Post
I had the urge to strangle the OP when I saw this topic
Marui blows WE into orbit.

This isn't going to make sense, but the TM actually felt better in my hands then the WE.
Maybe it was just the craftsmanship of the Marui against the proven pot metal in the WE guns. It is pretty annoying too when every part on the WE rattles and inevitably gets scratched up and stripped of paint.

Function wise, the slide stops almost never work on WE techs, even when you shave off the little bump. Magazines are universally shitty among the single stack models, and they inevitably get base pad wobble. Not to mention the aforementioned front end explosions.

The TM has the standard marui backing in performance and quality, along with a gigantic market of parts. It runs fine on green gas and has a very nice report.
While it hogs gas, it is not quite as bad as the WE techs.

There's plenty of threads addressing those issues.

The real bottom line is $300-ish for a WE (counting parts for upgrades) or $800-ish for a TM (same, or maybe $500 if you want to settle for plastic).

I've gotten good bang for my buck so far with WEs, in exchange for a bit of work. Granted, not everyone wants or is capable of working on their guns; that's fair, and I'll certainly concede WEs aren't for everyone because of it.

But the WEs certainly aren't without merit, so the OPs question is valid (despite your obviously strong feelings of one over the other).
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Old February 1st, 2009, 23:35   #26
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Originally Posted by F!reStorm* View Post
Not necessarily looking for a reliable out of the box gun. I just want to know which pieces should I buy to make it reliable. Like you pointed out, getting the TM base and adding the little stuff that it needs to last plus the metal slide would cost way more than a WE plus the little bits needed.
Right there you named the biggest problem with the WE 1911 / MEU. It's not compatible with anyting else, so no other parts will fit. You can't upgrade it, and you can't repair it if it breaks, because no one makes aftermarket parts for it.

Search the doctor's corner here on ASC for WE 1911 problems. Sometimes, even the smallest minor thing that would cost $10 to replace on a TM will turn your WE into a display piece. WE pistols, especially their 1911 models, are well known for breaking quickly with the odd one lasting a long time.

Other than their Luger (shitty mags, but gun has been proven solid), the only WE pistol I could ever recommend getting is the High Capa, and only because it's 100% TM compatible. Anything that breaks can be replaced easily with quality aftermarket parts. Otherwise, stay away from WE pistols.
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Old February 5th, 2009, 11:22   #27
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I had to make a decision between WE MEU and TM 1911A1, went with the TM, and it'll be like comparing apples to oranges, but it feels and shoots waaay better than my FM KJW M9. Also got the Guarder National Match metal frame and slide, high flow valve and a recoil spring to back it up, now it's amazing. I've seen WE guns and they look strangely shiny, like a cheap lighter or something. Definitely get the TM. It's a little pricey, but its worth it!
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