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GBB Pistols


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Old January 8th, 2009, 20:44   #1
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GBB Pistols

What's the scoop with GBB handguns? Are most of them fairly decent (specifically HFC ones), or are there some that one should entirely avoid at any rate?
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Old January 8th, 2009, 21:29   #2
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They are good. No reason not to use them....

The thing is that it's not really a suggested starter gun. They use the expansion of gas (propane/greengas/duster) - don't worry it's perfectly safe unless you have a lighter right next to the ejection port and actually try to kill yourself and even then it's pretty hard - to propel the BB and also cycle the slide this gives a "blowback" action which adds that much more realism which is why people get them.

Can't comment on HFC specifically but the big names to look out for are KWA, KJW, KSC, WA, TM, etc.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 21:35   #3
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GBBs are not recommended for a beginner because of lack of fire rate, small and expensive mags, and a much more involved upkeep.

However, they are fun little things, just not necessary. I personally traded my last one for another AEG, but if you do go for one I'd suggest either the Hi-CAPA from Tokyo Marui or any Glock (except for the 18c, tad more complex) from KSC.

HFC is hit or miss but more affordable.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 21:49   #4
Scooby Steve
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I received this recently in an email from Redwolf Airsoft:

I've chosen to stay with Tokyo Marui and KSC because of the great variety and availability of upgrade parts.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 22:00   #5
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Must convert another to the Pistolero

Pistols, pistols, pistols, so many to choose from yet so little money to choose only a few, thats my problem, I can't have them all but you can choose the right one for you.

HFC - Ho Feng Corp

HFC with my personal experience some have had worse but their Quality Control is by random most of the time I do get the leaky mag but that can be replaced easily by calling the place you got it from and replace it.

Good thing about HFC is they are relatively cheap and if you see someone charging over $250 for it, its not worth it as they shouldn't be priced so high since its not really an upgradeable gun.

Its a good place to start from if you want to fiddle with it but at some point something will break but while it lasts its a fun gun to use.

I would vouch for their HFC Glock 17 as they seem to be one of the only guns HFC got right as they shoot well and accurate and you can find replacement parts easily for it.

But if you are a premium pistol user then you would stay away from HFC cause you cannot upgrade it to look as sexy as other gun brands can

Tokyo Marui

Now heres a place for the customizer! You can customize these guns to hell and have it as a nice shiny bling shooter or a solid performer with no bull.

These guns don't break often and some people have used them for 2-3 years without majour problems. The good thing people like is upgrade parts are everywhere.

And the choice you get with TM guns is sweet. Their craftsmanship is solid and if you get a TM you usually don't have to worry about anything. But be weary of heavily used TMs as a lot of times they pretty much need replacement parts for it.

Western Arms

WA owners would say that these guns are the first and only premium pistols to come out of the GBB world.

These guns are sleek and sexy. Although sadly the metal slides are not as frequently found here and hard to obtain but when you do obtain one, KEEP IT.

These guns pack a punch and replacement parts are actually not as hard as some people think, just got to search a little bit to find them. And the upgradability of these guns are great except there seems to be more manufacturers leaning towards having parts for TM guns

Definitely a good place to start if you want the best pistol to wave around
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:09   #6
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
Must convert another to the Pistolero

Pistols, pistols, pistols, so many to choose from yet so little money to choose only a few, thats my problem, I can't have them all but you can choose the right one for you.

HFC - Ho Feng Corp

HFC with my personal experience some have had worse but their Quality Control is by random most of the time I do get the leaky mag but that can be replaced easily by calling the place you got it from and replace it.

Good thing about HFC is they are relatively cheap and if you see someone charging over $250 for it, its not worth it as they shouldn't be priced so high since its not really an upgradeable gun.

Its a good place to start from if you want to fiddle with it but at some point something will break but while it lasts its a fun gun to use.

I would vouch for their HFC Glock 17 as they seem to be one of the only guns HFC got right as they shoot well and accurate and you can find replacement parts easily for it.

But if you are a premium pistol user then you would stay away from HFC cause you cannot upgrade it to look as sexy as other gun brands can
This isn't exactly true, it depends on what model.

Their Beretta's are pretty TM compatible, HFC makes some pretty half decent guns for the price... Just as long as they aren't the glocks. the HFC glocks are poorly machined crap.
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Last edited by Amos; January 8th, 2009 at 23:12..
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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:14   #7
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Thanks for all the information. I was at CAS, because they sell GBB with an average price of $140, but fail to mention brand names, or any other details. It makes for a bizarre shopping experience. I'm not looking for the absolute best, but something that works decently well out of the box as-is would be fantastic, without the price point of a full AEG rifle. The pistol is not the priority, but it would be a bonus if it could be used in pistol-only fire fights (excessive ranges not required).
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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:15   #8
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What is company has the abbreviation WE?? cause i saw some nice pistols on Mopic's web site.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:16   #9
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
This isn't exactly true, it depends on what model.

Their Beretta's are pretty TM compatible, HFC makes some pretty half decent guns for the price... Just as long as they aren't the glocks. the HFC glocks are poorly machined crap.
Nope not true HFC Glock 17 was not machined crap I never had a problem with them, handled almost 10 so far and all of them work, shoot and have not broken.

If you are talking about the HFC Dark Hawk then yes those were pretty bad, get a little sand in it and something will break
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; January 8th, 2009 at 23:18..
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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:16   #10
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Oh, as per HFC, I was looking at the HFC 183 220 Style Pistol originally, hence my question on HFC quality.
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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:19   #11
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Originally Posted by zeroscore View Post
Oh, as per HFC, I was looking at the HFC 183 220 Style Pistol originally, hence my question on HFC quality.

Those are okay while it works

But they may eventually break on Propane as I read on a review on a Philipine Airsoft Forum. They were made for weaker gas unless theres a way to weaken Propane you may have to get a weak form of Green Gas
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; January 8th, 2009 at 23:28..
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Old January 8th, 2009, 23:26   #12
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Originally Posted by kcrit42q View Post
What is company has the abbreviation WE?? cause i saw some nice pistols on Mopic's web site.
Wei Tech or something?

Pretty average pistols, nice but QA and durability issues. Though the cost to get a TM Capa to their aesthetics is high, I would still advocate quality over a nice looking pistol.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 08:18   #13
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
Nope not true HFC Glock 17 was not machined crap I never had a problem with them, handled almost 10 so far and all of them work, shoot and have not broken.

If you are talking about the HFC Dark Hawk then yes those were pretty bad, get a little sand in it and something will break
agreed. my HFC G17 shoots well and recoils a bit harder than a stock TM G17. I will attribute it to the metal slide and possibly heavier springs. The only issue I have with the HFC G17 is that the parts are not directly compatible with TM. The mags from a TM will not fit an HFC without modifying the mag well. Where as HFC mags will fit nicely, a hair loose, in a TM.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 10:23   #14
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Originally Posted by zeroscore View Post
... I was at CAS, because they sell GBB with an average price of $140, but fail to mention brand names, or any other details.
CAS is a warehouse distributor. You must have a valid business license and purchase in blocks of 5 guns at a time.

AV will do wonders for you as you will have access to the classifieds where you will be able to find used guns and new guns.
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