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KWA M9 PTP review/pictures



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Old January 5th, 2009, 07:09   #16
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All I can tell you is that the gun is full metal except the outer barrel

2 shots on my chrono:

Last edited by Sim123456; January 5th, 2009 at 08:25..
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Old January 5th, 2009, 10:22   #17
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
I didn't do grouping test yet and I read that KWA are clone of KSC and KJW are clone of Marui. I had a home made mofidy hammer spring on my KJW and both are equal, both have strong kicks. I will chek for the mag catch and I'll answer back.

Also forgot to mention, for people experiences with this new version of the KWA M9, a list of compatible upgrades would be great:

high flow valve
enchanced recoil and hammer spring
6.01 thigh bore
Just thought I'd add that KWA is not a clone of KSC. KSC and KWA are the same company. they use different names for different import/export markets.

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Old January 5th, 2009, 10:25   #18
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Ok thank you for the info ^^
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Old January 5th, 2009, 10:42   #19
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
I didn't do grouping test yet and I read that KWA are clone of KSC and KJW are clone of Marui.
KWA and KSC are basically the same thing. KSC is made in Japan and guns are all plastic and have full trades. KWA are made in Taiwan (I believe), and usually have trade-less metal slides instead. KJW and TM M9s aren't compatible. The odd part here and there may compatible, but for the most part, they're not. I can tell you for a fact TM mags don't work in a KJW.

As for the PTP, it's not your standard KSC / KWA fare. It's unique and to the best of my knowledge, not compatible (at least for the most part) with standard KSC / KWA mags and parts.
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Old January 5th, 2009, 11:02   #20
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
...... I can tell you for a fact TM mags don't work in a KJW.......
That's rather odd as my old KJW worked perfectly with TM mags. However, it was so old that it had a fixed hop instead of an adjustable one.
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Old January 5th, 2009, 11:11   #21
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Originally Posted by LyquidFyre View Post
That's rather odd as my old KJW worked perfectly with TM mags. However, it was so old that it had a fixed hop instead of an adjustable one.
My KJW is a recent model bought just over a year ago. I bought a TM M9 mag to try out, hoping to replace the chronically leaky KJW mags. No go. Had someone else lend me a TM mag to try out, and it doesn't work either. The TM mag is about 1.5mm shorter than the KJW mag. It will lock into the gun, but firing doesn't activate the valve. Now, I've been told that the TM extended mags DO work in a KJW though. I've not tested this myself.
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Old October 23rd, 2009, 20:41   #22
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Kwa ptp m9 - defective mags

The KWA m9 PTP is DEFECTIVE for this reason:

The Mags are all weak in as far as the thin rails that hold the mag base plate onto the mag. These two micro thin ridges are all that hold the plate onto the mag. These edges are very small and snap off with very little use. After less than 1 hour of basic practice on one and less than 10 reloads on both others, all three mags have failed in exactly the same place. Once the plate falls off the mag will become stuck in the magwell to the point where a tool must be used to dislodge it and remove it from the pistol.

Now this is just target practice, no speed reloads combat based scenarios or field play. just simple target practice in class.

The Fit and finish of this pistol are very nice but this one weakness will very quickly render your expensive "training" pistol inopperable.

As much as I need this pistol to work specifically for training. It is completely unreliable as it is. Until an after market mag or some retooling of the current mags (small screw on the bottom to screw the plate directly to the mag would do it) it is an extremely unreliable training aid.

Word to the wise.
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Old December 29th, 2009, 15:09   #23
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I bought one of these earlier this summer with 3 mags from the classified section. The very same issue that nomadtv is reffering to has happened to 2 of my mags thus rendering them useless. Don't get me wrong, I love this gbb to death, maybe a little more so than my 226 but I have had trouble procuring replacement mags as they must be the KWA PTP mags... does anyone happen to know where I can get some replacements at a reasonable cost?

Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Saying that you are trying to prevent bad Airsoft publicity while generating negitave Airsoft publicity on a nationally monitored Firearm web site is like fucking for Virginity.
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Old December 29th, 2009, 15:51   #24
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
My KJW is a recent model bought just over a year ago. I bought a TM M9 mag to try out, hoping to replace the chronically leaky KJW mags. No go. Had someone else lend me a TM mag to try out, and it doesn't work either. The TM mag is about 1.5mm shorter than the KJW mag. It will lock into the gun, but firing doesn't activate the valve. Now, I've been told that the TM extended mags DO work in a KJW though. I've not tested this myself.
If you've still got those chronically leaking KJW M9 mags, I'll take them off your hands

I am going to buy a TM extended mag for my KJW M9 in a short while, I'll confirm if they work or now.

KSC/KWA is definitely their own design and nothing at all like the TM. Absolutely not a clone.

Regarding the thinness of the material under where the two pins go on KSC/KWA models, that is a design problem that definitely needs to be addressed. Their USP is like that too but it doesn't fail in this manner.
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Old December 29th, 2009, 16:43   #25
Sha Do
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Lucky I guess

I have had two KWA PTP M9s now for just over a year, one for field work, while the other is a collection piece. I also posses a total of eight mags for my field piece, and none have failed out side of one defective valve. However, my brother owns a PTP M9 as well and one of his four mags has suffered from this poor bottom plate fin design. But even so, one out of twelve is not acceptable considering the quality expected for a "professional training" item.

But on the plus side, I have fired over 1500 shot through my PTP with no mechanical failure, and I mean I abuse my field PTP. After the first six months I had an incident where the PTP fell out of the holster and hit hard on a gravel drive, resulting in a piece of the breach (gas block) falling out (one of the guide "arms" broke off). Even so, the PTP continued to preform exceptionally well until around 1200 rounds, when I had to tighten up the plunger head in the gas cylinder, and the hop up started to wear.
I am actually just in the process on changing out the breach for the new one.

The replacement breach cost $14 USD, and the hop up rubber cost $10 from KWA USA.

So considering the abuse I run my field piece through, for a measly $24 USD a year, I'm not going to complain.


Last edited by Sha Do; December 29th, 2009 at 16:50..
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Old August 7th, 2010, 16:03   #26
a.k.a. jpparisella
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Hi guy's

I was wondering where did you all bought your Kwa m9?? Any web site in particular? Because I am having an hard time finding a canadian website that sell it...

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Old August 7th, 2010, 16:33   #27
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I bought mine on Mopic website... a lot of years ago lol
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