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Old December 23rd, 2008, 23:57   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: British Columbia / Vancouver Island / Nanaimo
First Gun

Hey I am first time airsofter. I baught a TM aug because it was cheap and i like the bulpup design. But I also REALLY like G36C I never used one but I think there my favourite gun in games and all that they look really cool. Same with the AK-47 . I was just wondering What kind of upgrades and information about each of those guns for airsoft like wich can be upgraded easier witch shoot better witch come in metal, mags, ect any info would help alot.

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Old December 24th, 2008, 01:34   #2
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Toronto, Ontario
use search function

the best thing to do is to use the search function on this site. that way u can get all the info that is one here. if there is anything that isn't covered then you can post a question that hasn't already been asked.
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Old December 24th, 2008, 04:26   #3
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All goodie upgrades that I usually go to is here

Often Free and relatively fast shipping: Ehobby Asia

No you cannot order guns from there they get stopped by CBSA and you lose your hard earned money.
(Just a generic answer for anyone else reading)

As for which gun is easily upgradable?
Its all personal preference but I like

Version 6 Gearboxes they are easy to work with and not too hard to re-assemble but some may find others easier to work with.

So it shouldn't be a matter of how easy it is to upgrade and put parts in but a matter of how available are the parts for the gun that makes upgrading easier since you will have a vast amount of parts in case you screw up is local in Canada and you can get many goodies there too and you are supporting a Canadian retailer

What I have found is that there are many AK parts available which are Version 3 gearbox parts are all over the place.

But if you want to go simple like me, most of the time I just get a Modify 90 Spring which puts me at 330 FPS or lower which allows me to play at any venue in Ontario

Anything around Modify 100 and up type of spring requires metal bushings because the pressure may be too strong for normal plastic bushings that are usually found in stock gearboxes.

But definitely field those guns first, play with them, rent them somewhere to try it out. Its best to get a gun not because its l337 but a gun that feels good in your hands and suits your style of play.
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; December 24th, 2008 at 04:28..
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Old December 24th, 2008, 09:00   #4
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Location: Midland, Ontario
Originally Posted by ematrix View Post
Hey I am first time airsofter. I baught a TM aug because it was cheap and i like the bulpup design. But I also REALLY like G36C I never used one but I think there my favourite gun in games and all that they look really cool. Same with the AK-47 . I was just wondering What kind of upgrades and information about each of those guns for airsoft like wich can be upgraded easier witch shoot better witch come in metal, mags, ect any info would help alot.

Well, the AUG, G36, and AK all have a version 3 mechbox, which aren't too bad to work on. Never disassembled an AK but the AUG and G36 are fairly easy to get apart.

As for accessories you can find tons for the G36, especially the C version.

As for which will shoot better, that totally depends on what upgrades you put into them. The AUG will have the advantage of the longer barrel, meaning it will be more accurate, but other than that it just depends on what (and the quality) of the upgrades.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old December 24th, 2008, 11:43   #5
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Red Deer, AB
Originally Posted by ematrix View Post
I was just wondering What kind of upgrades and information about each of those guns for airsoft like wich can be upgraded easier witch shoot better witch come in metal, mags, ect any info would help alot.
As stated above, all three use the same gearbox, so upgrades are pretty much the same other than gun specific parts (selector & nozzle). The selector typically isn't an upgrade part, but replacing the nozzle with a better sealing one can help with a very mild fps increase. They all shoot well, so in that aspect, it's a matter of which one "fits" you better.

Personally, I find bullpups, while visually interesting, to be akward to handle, especially mag changes. AUG mags can also be difficult to find. Also, there's not a lot of accessories for the AUG compared to other guns. The AUG already comes with a long barrel, so getting a tightbore installed is your biggest bang for your buck.

The AK is very common, though some people find the stock a bit too short. Mags can also be a pain, if only because they are so long. It can be difficult to find pouches that fit them properly. Also, as the real AK is a prohibited firearm in Canada, getting parts in can be hit & miss. If the parts are already in country, no problem getting them though. The barrel is a medium length so a tigtbore will help, but the only way to got with a longer barrel is to hide it with a fake supressor or to convert the AK to an RPK or and SVD, neither is an inexpensive option.

The G36 series is quite popular, but the mags, again, are a pain. They have pins on the side to clip mags together. While this makes mag changes faster, the pins snag on pouches like crazy and break off fairly easy if you're not careful. Also, TM & CA lowcaps have fake rounds showing through the mag, so importation is a no-no. Get these incountry as well. Solid color mags like STAR, MAG, etc are ok though as are the transparent highcaps. The G36C is the most common varient, but also has the shortest barrel. Great of CQB, not so good for outdoor. Installing a longer barrel involves getting a G36K or G36"E" conversion kit and a longer inner barrel. Neither of these are restricted parts and can easily be imported on your own. You can also install a longer skeleton stock or even G&P's Norwegian "V" stock which can house a large battery. This stock can still fold as well as collapse into one of four positions.

As for which come in metal, the real AUG and the real G36 series are made primarily of polymers (plastic), so you can't have a metal AUG or G36 other than some RIS options. The AK is the only one that is metal, though most AEG's come in plastic. Some, more expensive, versions come with metal bodies, as well, you can get metal bodies (from Canada, not importing) to upgrade (i.e. replace) the plastic body.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta

Last edited by Darklen; December 24th, 2008 at 11:51..
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