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TSD VSR-10 Rails / Where to find?


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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:17   #1
CharlieNovember's Avatar
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TSD VSR-10 Rails / Where to find?

I almost got beat up by some fucker and he chucked my gun, causing the bipod to lift up and snap the shitty front rail on my VSR in half. Well, I know it's a good bipod? Hehe? Umm.. Anyways. Is there any kind of place I can find the rail, or will I have to do some welding?

P.S. I checked google.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:21   #2
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what happened?
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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:26   #3
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I was going to my friend's house at like.. 8 at night.. I was walking through an alley with my gun in it's case, cause I wanted to show him what it looked like. And so about half way through this alley, these four guys come out of like nowhere and they're all drunk. And one guy's like "Nice suit case, dude" and he like takes it, and I didn't want to do anything cause it was 4v1. And so he takes it out and he's like mocking the shit out of me and then he's like, "I don't want to see you around here tonight or I'm gonna' beat the shit out of you with your toy gun". Then he chucked it like I don't know HOW high into the air, but it landed horizontal, and it pushed the bipod so hard that it ripped the rail in half, and broke the sling hoop on the front. So now I have to go buy a pair of those for $20 and a new fucking rail. THANKS MAN! <3
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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:35   #4
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shit man, that sucks. at least you were smart and didnt threaten with it. is the gun working fine?
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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:37   #5
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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What happened after with the 4 guys? They walked away?

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Old October 5th, 2008, 03:41   #6
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Yeah man, the gun is working good, chipped some shit off my scope but, it's in all working condish.
After they did that shit they're like "Get the fuck out of here unless you wanna get fucking beat down"
So I scrambled to pick up the broken pieces of my gun, chuck all the shit in the case as fast as I could, barely closed it up, haha, and just like speedwalked the hell out of there as they were laughing and like mocking still.
It was a bad time. I was SPEECHLESS when I got home. Like, I didn't tell my parents, cause they'd never let me leave the house again, haha. But, it was scary shit.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:02   #7
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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Smartest thing to do is let your friend come over and let him see it.

And your case should've had a lock on it.

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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:07   #8
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Yeah, both very good ideas. I should get a lock, they're like six bucks what am I thinking. And, with him coming over, he can't, he broke his knees biking. Haha, I don't think he'll wanna' get up.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:21   #9
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Glad you are OK. You are lucky they didn't lay the boots to you. Wrong place at the wrong time. But you could have avoided it by not traveling back alley's alone at night, WITH YOUR GUNCASE!
If your friend wanted to see it he should have come to your place, or you should have gotten a ride. But walking around with your gun, even in a case, is bad news just waiting to happen. You are lucky they didn't beat you down, and steal your gun. But I am not preaching here. I am sure you have thought of that scenario already. Glad you didn't get hurt, it'll only cost you a few bucks to fix your gun, and you learned a lesson. HOPEFULLY.
MORAL OF THE STORY..... leave your guns at home, until you are going out to use them. And make sure safety is always foremost in your mind when you are handling and transporting guns. Real or otherwise.
For yourself, you don't want to have your gun stolen. And all the fun that would create.
For your gun, so it doesn't get damaged.
And the rest of the public, so they don't see it and panic, resulting in a phone call to the police.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 04:22   #10
Hash Vapor
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Just a thought, but he might have just taken it if it was locked, assuming something inside was valuable. So safe bet is to send your friend a picture.

Also I would have made a report of harassment to the police. Any shit like that happens to me now I report it, not because anything gets done, but because when something similar happens to someone else, they have recorded history of this type of behavior and can get past all the my word against yours BS and make the arrest.

Last edited by Hash Vapor; October 5th, 2008 at 04:24..
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Old October 5th, 2008, 05:16   #11
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Thanks Overlord, Vapor. I've gone through the alley many times before. Like, I'm talking 150 times a year at that same time of night, but the ONLY night I have my gun is the ONLY night there's people in there. What are the odds.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 05:32   #12
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Life is funny like that. You let your guard down, sometimes just for a minute, and shit happens. And there is nothing you can do about it.
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Old October 5th, 2008, 13:56   #13
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Yeah, it's totally weird.

But back to the topic, does anybody have any idea on where I could buy the front rail? I don't have the TM (I'm not gonna spend $550 on my first sniper rifle), I have the TSD replica. If I buy the TM front rail, which I MIGHT be able to find, will it fit, or no?
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Old October 5th, 2008, 19:58   #14
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I'm no expert, but if your rifle is a TM clone then it should...
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Old October 5th, 2008, 22:37   #15
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"Alway take a knife with you the night" XD
Kidding but could be a good idea.
Though, personaly i would never let anyone try to beat me.
Anyway, as other said, a lock on your gun case is a good idea.
And why did you go in a back alley? To save time? Anyway.

I googled for a front bipod rail, but didn't found any :/ Altought, there bipod that attach to the rilfe cannon.
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