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BB's sticking in the tightbore?


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Old August 8th, 2008, 22:32   #1
Drache's Avatar
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BB's sticking in the tightbore?

Ok I was having problems of BB's only flying a couple feet and today, BB's stopped shooting at all. I took the gun apart and pulled out the inner barrel. When I looked in the end of the hopup, there was a BB sitting there. I thought it would just roll out but it wouldn't. When I looked at the end of the barrel there was ANOTHER BB staring me in the face and it to would not roll out of the barrel!

I got a long rod and very softly push the BB down the barrel. The problem was literally 5 BB's stuck along the length of the barrel! They all came out the end as if they weren't stuck at all! I use only MetalTech brand BB's and yet Ive been having this problem now for awhile, yet never THIS bad. There is a 6.04mm tightbore in it so that is also be helping to cause the problem.

I can't think of what else it might be. I've never had problems with MetalTech Bb's before....
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:10   #2
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In what gun, the G&P?
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:14   #3
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
In what gun, the G&P?
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:16   #4
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO the USCM SAM R has a cold, give it some advil. Thats weird cuz i am running a 6.03mm with metal tech bb's and no problems their. So its got to be in the hop-up somewhere?
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:19   #5
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Originally Posted by BeAcH View Post
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO the USCM SAM R has a cold, give it some advil. Thats weird cuz i am running a 6.03mm with metal tech bb's and no problems their. So its got to be in the hop-up somewhere?
except the bb's arent sticking in the hopup, they are being stuck in random locations of the barrel. The only thing I can think of is toss out the rest of this ammo, buy a brand new bag, clean and lube the hopup/barrel.....
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:22   #6
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Does this happen all the time, or just occasionally? Same mag every time, or it happens with all mags?

G&P used to use those red aramide tappets that use to break like clockwork, but the 2006 generation seemed to have fixed that. If it's a regular occurance, I would look at the tappet. It may not be broken, but I've seen guns where the sector gear was shimmed such that it barely caught the tappet, and after a few rounds, wore a groove in the tappet and subsequently bypassed it, leading to misfeeding.
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:25   #7
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Does this happen all the time, or just occasionally? Same mag every time, or it happens with all mags?

G&P used to use those red aramide tappets that use to break like clockwork, but the 2006 generation seemed to have fixed that. If it's a regular occurance, I would look at the tappet. It may not be broken, but I've seen guns where the sector gear was shimmed such that it barely caught the tappet, and after a few rounds, wore a groove in the tappet and subsequently bypassed it, leading to misfeeding.
Happens all the time and I only have a single mag at this time. This problem doesn't seem to be misfeeding because BBs are feeding into the hopup fine, they are just getting stuck within random locations of the barrel (even pointing the barrel down, the bbs wont roll out).
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:28   #8
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Well, there's 3 possiblilities.

1) Tappet is toast, tappet spring missing, or similar issue

2) Poor compression, and BBs are being fed properly, but there is no airflow out the nozzle to propel the BB down the barrel.

3) Massive airleak in the chamber. That's an easy one to find, if it's occuring.
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:33   #9
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Well, there's 3 possiblilities.

1) Tappet is toast, tappet spring missing, or similar issue

2) Poor compression, and BBs are being fed properly, but there is no airflow out the nozzle to propel the BB down the barrel.

3) Massive airleak in the chamber. That's an easy one to find, if it's occuring.
Sorry Im a little drowsy from lack of sleep, but wouldn't that mean BB's just dont fly all the way down the barrel? These are litterally sticking inside the barrel. Meaning I have to get a road and tap them out of the barrel.

The gun shoots fine randomly (usually a sticking BB is shot out by the one behind it) and sometimes like today 5 BB's get stuck and everything goes screwy!
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:38   #10
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Well, the law of averages says that if you have bad BBs, either all will be bad or very few will. You shouldn't be getting failures like this with Metal Tech, unless they've been stored by a blast furnace.

Are you certain there has been no damage to the inner barrel? Was this a newly installed barrel? A slight dent or crushed section can do this. I've also seen guys overtighten screws on sectional outerbarrels (ICS guns) that would exhibit a similar problem.
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:42   #11
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Well, the law of averages says that if you have bad BBs, either all will be bad or very few will. You shouldn't be getting failures like this with Metal Tech, unless they've been stored by a blast furnace.

Are you certain there has been no damage to the inner barrel? Was this a newly installed barrel? A slight dent or crushed section can do this. I've also seen guys overtighten screws on sectional outerbarrels (ICS guns) that would exhibit a similar problem.
I have no idea, Ive only owned the gun for a month maybe and only fired it a few times at the most. The gun was working before it was sold me to I know that, I trust the seller.

Only thing I can think of is wait until new mags come in, I'll order a new bag of BB's (these ones are about 6 months old, the last 400 rounds in the bottom of the bag), and relube the hopup then barrel.

I was just trying to get a few other ideas. Sadly new mags and BB's wont be arriving until end of the month.
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:45   #12
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Are you using the G&P 130rnd. mid-cap?

If so, throw it in the bush after you hit it with a hammer. That's about all it's good for. I had a couple. Absolute garbage. Thye misfeed like crazy, and sometime require a tap to bring the BBs up to the nozzle.
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Old August 8th, 2008, 23:54   #13
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Are you using the G&P 130rnd. mid-cap?

If so, throw it in the bush after you hit it with a hammer. That's about all it's good for. I had a couple. Absolute garbage. Thye misfeed like crazy, and sometime require a tap to bring the BBs up to the nozzle.
I believe it's the G&P! Like I said in my media thread on the gun, I've got three VN style midcaps coming for it!
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Old August 9th, 2008, 00:07   #14
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may sounds strange, but maybe your innerbarrel is a bit bend and bbs can't travel as they normal do
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Old August 9th, 2008, 00:16   #15
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take out the barrel from the hopup unit and try to pour the silicone oil in it and gently push the bbs using the rod... if the bbs stuck inside the barrel, possibilities Metaltech bbs you using are crap...
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