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Old July 2nd, 2008, 09:38   #31
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Wiltshire/Near London, UK
Originally Posted by philstructo View Post
Man this gun is going to kick ass
Hehe i sure hope so... I mentioned it to a game site i go to and he said you can take everyone else on single handidly in that lol.

I'm working on an armour/suit high tech design to go with it also. I drew this a few weeks ago now and it wasnt 100% finished but its the idea. Looking in to ideas and hardware to kit it out with so ideas all welcome .

Basically as its going to be a support gun i think im going to need extra battery packs. I'm thinking on that Lipo idea now along with standard ones and actualy not having Battery packs as such... More like Power Packs. I'm starting to thin about housing a chunk of electronics and battery cells all within a custom powercel shell with a Conector on the end that would allow fast change overs for ingame if i have spares with me.

The arour idea is to use airsoft/molle parts/ Flight and Motocross armour parts along with a few others, and basically modding them all and fitting them together.

Here is the concept. Go easy its not very good, drew late at night and it was a few weeks ago lol. So far you can see the helmet cam idea.but trying to work out some other ideas to pimp it up and give me and obscene advantage..

Motion tracking, IR positioning Radar, Site Map uploaded to GPS with mission locations locked in...Sound triangulation for enemy positions..... Yea i wish..

Also Good shout on the electronics.

You will have to be able to disconnect every cell past 8.4v to charge your pack, because using only say 7 cells in a 10 cells pack, you will get a different discharge in your first 7 cells, and charging the pack as a whole will destroy the remaining 3 cells in under 20 charges.

Yea that was the idea i had in mind but yea i see where your coming from on the different discharge rates. Using resistors i guess wastes power overall but it would probably keep the batery overall in a better condition.

Plus, if you start looking into C programing, you will see that the changes you have to do to the trigger master program are not that big.

Have you done any work with the trigger master? I did wonder about teh possibility of adding to the programming on this for other functions on the gun.

You can use a multi switch, like the ones on old sound systems to change input/output. Wire each switch with a different resistor and compare each voltage with the PIC. You only need to use 1 analog input on top of the regular digital input used normally.

You could even use a potentiometer and simply use it as a PWM control over the PIC's output. That way you could control percentage instead of steps.

More interesting ideas there... Thats good, i like having more ideas thrown about... It helps prevent expensive mistakes and generlaly shows better ways of doing things!

Last edited by Marriott; July 2nd, 2008 at 09:42..
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Old July 2nd, 2008, 10:26   #32
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I just downloaded and opened the Triggermaster .c file.

It can be done, but you would need a A/D converter to be used before the chip, since the microprocessor they have used is digital only.

I am looking to find an other MP that can use direct analog inputs to make it easier for some projects.

Actually, using a larger MP could allow you to incorporate the LCD display, voltage control, burst control and shot count all in the same circuit.

I am looking at some MicroChip PIC controlers. I have worked with their 16 bit series before and got some good results controling a few h-bridges. Even driven some servo motors and did some slave control once (the differential algorithm was not good though).

I find you project interesting. I will see if I can get a triggermaster and some extra MPs... I am sure there is some interest in a variable voltage setup.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old July 2nd, 2008, 22:51   #33
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wow theres a great deal of words i never heard before but it sounds like your on your way to making the best gun ever
good luck on your gun and i hope one day i could make a gun like that :P
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 00:00   #34
Non Credo
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jeezum crowe man. do you realize what you will do to your piston after a few seconds of firing? Im sorry to rain on your parade of well wishing, and I do wish oyu the best of luck with this project, but an Intellect 12V, Deans, (im assuming fuse removal, and what switch are you going to use that will not immediately fry when you pull the trigger?), and Prometheus HS gears!!

good god man you arent building a gun youre building a piston stripping machine with that set up. You got to take it down to at least like a 10.8v Id go for just a 9.6 if youre going to have multiple batteries, at least take two teeth of the front of your sector gear and at least get an Angel Chopayya piston. At least. Id slow that beast down more. As is youll probably get a few seconds worth of playable time with it shooting 30+ rounds per second. Ive got to commemorate your optimism, but at a certain point it just becomes unrealistically impractical man.

again, good luck.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 00:03   #35
Non Credo
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oh and stick in more than an m90-m110. It will also help your piston stay alive, and, (im assuming this is an outdoor gun, yes?) of course give you a higher fps, greater accuracy.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 00:11   #36
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lol frikken bf2142 weapon you could only get if you pre-ordered the game...
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 04:34   #37
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Originally Posted by Non Credo View Post
jeezum crowe man. do you realize what you will do to your piston after a few seconds of firing? Im sorry to rain on your parade of well wishing, and I do wish oyu the best of luck with this project, but an Intellect 12V, Deans, (im assuming fuse removal, and what switch are you going to use that will not immediately fry when you pull the trigger?), and Prometheus HS gears!!
LOL I have the best prometheus Piston in there currently. But yea i am aware that it would strip pistons and need ongoing maintinence. This is the reason behind the variable voltage options.

Feeds for 8.4v Selection - Standard Rates of fire - Easy going game.

Feeds for 9.6v Selection - Starting to assist in pushing forward with the team.

Feeds for 10.8v Selection - Situation is getting a little Hairy and a few of the team players i am with are shot reducing our numbers.

Feeds for 12v Selection - Things are up shit creek, all my teams been shot, im the last man standing and need to guard a missin objective... Guns set to 12v, electronic grenades are at the ready and i would be set to go judge dread/ robocop on anyones ass coming near!

The projec tis using Mosfets, these reduce current to the triger assembly down to like 10 miliamps, not 40+ Amps that would most likly melt it. This will prevent and remove the chance of trigger falior.

They key with a project like this is to reduce the failior of every single section of the gun to as low as possible or channel the failior in a direction you know where it will occur. If i can remove the falior to just general piston wear i would be happy. The Pro-win gearbox would let me stripa new piston out and place a new on in within minutes so this would be an idea *intended wear point*

Originally Posted by Non Credo View Post
good god man you arent building a gun youre building a piston stripping machine with that set up. You got to take it down to at least like a 10.8v Id go for just a 9.6 if youre going to have multiple batteries, at least take two teeth of the front of your sector gear and at least get an Angel Chopayya piston. At least. Id slow that beast down more. As is youll probably get a few seconds worth of playable time with it shooting 30+ rounds per second. Ive got to commemorate your optimism, but at a certain point it just becomes unrealistically impractical man.

again, good luck.
Again lol.. Any link to that sugested piston and other reasons for it? The slow down is not really needed. As mentioned i will most likly use 8.4 or 9.6 most of the time. The 10.8 and 12v is for situations where i'm taking on 3-4+ people on my own.

Originally Posted by Non Credo View Post
oh and stick in more than an m90-m110. It will also help your piston stay alive, and, (im assuming this is an outdoor gun, yes?) of course give you a higher fps, greater accuracy.
Humm... That is a thought. I do use a Prometheus MS110 in the M15A4 SPC i upgraded... The gearbox would be able to handle the high fps and say 350fps no worries also... Hell i'll just order in springs between 300 and 350 fps and check the ROF with the Madbull Chrono to get an idea... Besides i can always do spring changes too. Yea it is going to be an outdoor gun too. But the gearbox will allow it to be lowered to indoor fps..

Out limits here are 328fps indoors - Strickt) and outdoors there is a 10% diviation to a maximum of 350-360fps at some sites that allow this.

Cheers for the replies!

The thing that makes me positive on this is this...

My M15A4 SPC ran for 9 months under powered at 280fps... With the Stock internals. The CA piston came out after, wait for it..... 80,000bb's and it was unmarked... I mean utery brand spanking new looking and thats on a 9.6v speed from day 1 with about 18-20bb's per seccond fire rate...

That is not bad going at all...

Last edited by Marriott; July 3rd, 2008 at 04:36..
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 10:28   #38
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Don't worry about piston stripping.

I run all my guns at 11.1v with LiPo packs. None get damaged in the process. Using a Ms120 spring, I get a nice 395 fps, and ROF over the roof.

Simply use a standard ration gearset, shim correctly and use a TM stock piston. These are the best around.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 14:43   #39
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Don't worry about piston stripping.

I run all my guns at 11.1v with LiPo packs. None get damaged in the process. Using a Ms120 spring, I get a nice 395 fps, and ROF over the roof.

Simply use a standard ration gearset, shim correctly and use a TM stock piston. These are the best around.
Yea i would have thoguht it would be ok, not for full use 247 - Very trigger happy i am

But yea i was considering the CA piston, Prometheus Hard one (already in the gun), I have also heard TM ones are very good. I do have a feeling i will go through a few before i find the best one and have the gun setup

I can't wait till its done although i know it will take a while to do, it shall rule
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 14:50   #40
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Originally Posted by Marriott View Post
Again lol.. Any link to that sugested piston and other reasons for it? The slow down is not really needed. As mentioned i will most likly use 8.4 or 9.6 most of the time. The 10.8 and 12v is for situations where i'm taking on 3-4+ people on my own.
Except if you're one of the only guys left taking on a bunch of guys, you'd want to conserve ammo...not waste it by having a crazy ROF.

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Old July 3rd, 2008, 15:11   #41
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Except if you're one of the only guys left taking on a bunch of guys, you'd want to conserve ammo...not waste it by having a crazy ROF.
It's a support gun.... It will use a box mag too. Possibly high caps also.. It's also not a milsim gun so no ammo limits.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 15:29   #42
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If someone hasn't offered already, I have this particular weapon in game, and if you need something for screen captures i can see what i can do.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 15:33   #43
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Can you post some pictures of what the gun looks like so far? This is very interesting...
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 15:43   #44
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
I just downloaded and opened the Triggermaster .c file.

It can be done, but you would need a A/D converter to be used before the chip, since the microprocessor they have used is digital only.
I don't know if we're talking about the same thing, but the Trigger Master has two unused analog inputs (AUX0, AUX1) that use the built-in ADC.

The GetVoltage() function is used to read the voltage present on either of those pins. You can then do different things based on what voltage is present.

For example for my Virtual 30 Round Mags mod, I just used it as a switch (reads either 0V or 5V depending on switch state) but it could just as easily -- for example -- do "X" if you read 0V, do "Y" if you read 2.5V, and "Z" if you read 5V, or whatever. Or any range in between.
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Old July 3rd, 2008, 15:53   #45
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Originally Posted by AcidFire View Post
If someone hasn't offered already, I have this particular weapon in game, and if you need something for screen captures i can see what i can do.
That would help ALOT! Especially also the 3rd person views, like another player looking at the gun to show all sides.. Would be apreciated if you could get those! Cheers

Originally Posted by DonP View Post
I don't know if we're talking about the same thing, but the Trigger Master has two unused analog inputs (AUX0, AUX1) that use the built-in ADC.

The GetVoltage() function is used to read the voltage present on either of those pins. You can then do different things based on what voltage is present.

For example for my Virtual 30 Round Mags mod, I just used it as a switch (reads either 0V or 5V depending on switch state) but it could just as easily -- for example -- do "X" if you read 0V, do "Y" if you read 2.5V, and "Z" if you read 5V, or whatever. Or any range in between.
Thats definatly interesting! Ideally i'd like this to be done up to the nines...

LCD read outs, Custom lighting, I saw a Muzzle Flash mod for the trigger master too! That would be quite cool! Everyone would know to avoid me at all costs then

Sound effects would be novel lol!
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