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Why does everyone want to be a sniper?



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Old June 2nd, 2008, 13:55   #181
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Water is where you want to hide.
Cept for the leeches!!! God they are fun to burn off.

I've gotten wet before and well I don't go in the water anymore, it's not adviseable.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 14:41   #182
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Originally Posted by BC_K View Post
Cept for the leeches!!! God they are fun to burn off.

I've gotten wet before and well I don't go in the water anymore, it's not adviseable.
If you let them fill up they'll just let go.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 14:50   #183
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Leeches are good for you!
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 15:05   #184
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Originally Posted by WingZER0 View Post
What I have learned about being a sniper (in my one year limited role before I sold my rifle... which I still regret since I loved that thing) can be summed up in this.

"Sniper is misleading... the proper title should be, 'Observer.'"
No, proper term is PITA............ Pain In The Ass.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 15:22   #185
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
No, proper term is PITA............ Pain In The Ass.
Yet some people enjoy playing the role Come to think of it, this whole thread so far was mostly about how boring and painful a sniper can be at times. Don't get me wrong, there has been many good posts about info and experiences about sniping, but are people sometimes forced to play the role as a sniper?

Just seems that everyone who has played the role hates it...

Some feedback would be nice.

(TCSF-Bowers, I don't know the proper term for sniper?)
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 18:16   #186
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I was actually wondering if Stalker meant being a pain in the ass to the enemy. I mean, if one dude can tie up half a squad and report movements and such, that is a pretty big pain in the ass.

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Old June 2nd, 2008, 18:33   #187
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Exactly what I meant, a good sniper IS a PITA as far as the other team goes. I love watching them have to change plans on the fly once they sort out they've been shot at, and even more fun when you can tie them up for a while too. Some members will give the area a very wide walk around, almost a run, and leave a couple guys behind to try to take out the sniper (happened this past weekend actually, three guys stayed behind to deal with me while the rest of the small squad ran to the far side of the clearing and continued to move on. Took out one guy in that run, possibly two........... pretty sure I hit the first one I shot at and made them realize they were being sniped at, but my biggest problem of my location was small branches in the way of my rounds, out of maybe 6 shots fired, 3 of them hit branches about 15ft in front of me and went way off course. And before I was shot, I made them waste a pile of ammo in my direction, most of their shots were about 20ft to my right, and I was snuggled up behind a 14" cedar tree trunk. NOTE: Choose good cover before you take your first shot. Distance for me to them was about 120ft, I knew it was a suicide run for me unless they all ran away, but I made the right choice to find a thick tree with enough clearance to get a few rounds through the brush.)

Doing the sniper role is never a PITA, unless it ain't your cup o' tea. Personally, fucking with guy's heads by using camo and my rifle is my favourite thing about airsoft. All the rest is something to do in between 'fuck sessions'.
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 18:35   #188
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Yet some people enjoy playing the role Come to think of it, this whole thread so far was mostly about how boring and painful a sniper can be at times. Don't get me wrong, there has been many good posts about info and experiences about sniping, but are people sometimes forced to play the role as a sniper?

Just seems that everyone who has played the role hates it...

Some feedback would be nice.

(TCSF-Bowers, I don't know the proper term for sniper?)
lets read your quote again

Very good pics and examples, thanks for posting once again BC_K. Its also good to know that you don't need a sniper to play the sniper role in an airsoft game. It is usaully 450 FPS for spring snipers right? What about in BC_K's case, where he is using a MP5(AEG) as a sniper

now my edited version

Very good pics and examples, thanks for posting once again BC_K. Its also good to know that you don't need a sniper rifle to play the sniper role in an airsoft game. It is usaully 450 FPS for spring sniper rifles right? What about in BC_K's case, where he is using a MP5(AEG) as a sniper rifle

read them closely
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 18:52   #189
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Ah I misunderstood you at first CDN_Stalker, but thanks for clearing that up and great post once again.

(Ok, Bowers, I get it now)
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 19:57   #190
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That's why I laughed! because we had just hadthe pet peeve discussion of sniper VS sniper rifle about five pages back. remember now? anywho, not a prblem we all get the joke now (we all still love you armandhammer)

Euh, I forgot exactly what it is I was going to say. Oh yeah! Paintball: stealth sure, but NEVER as stealth as a GOOD A.E.G. Compressed gas or not. Yes, we know we don't all dress up like 'fairies???' wait, fairies wear indoor paintball gear??

As for 'fuck sessions', seems enjoyable (if there anything like the real ones ) but, what of PITAness? I mean obviously people will always label sniers as PITA if that's all they think they're good for there has to be more positive aspects of being a sniper, lets explore them shall we?

N.B the list has no order of priority

1. Snipers get laid more often ('fuck sessions'...right). Alright so, they get to mess with peoples' heads

2.Sniper gets a rifle that has, as a general rule, more FPS than a regular A.E.G

3. Snipers get to fiddle around wih their rifles and adjust the internal adjustments more than any other role (according to CDN_Stalker, who is a reliable source, IMO)

4.Snipers get to hide in trees? (alright so maybe that one's not so great)

4a. Sniper also encompasses the role of 'Observer' in order to relate crucial information to team mates unable to evaluate the enemy position from their standing point.

5. Snipers, as a general rule (andif they're any good), should receive less enemy fire.

6. Snipers get the exhilaration that comes from sneeking around close to enemylines and the thrill of observing without being seen (again, only if they're good ).

7. please add anything else, I'm sure tere are plenty more advantages to the sniper role but I'm too fatigued to be bothered at the moment (it's 1:55 in Norway so I'm tired).

Best of luck completingthe list, with much faith in my fellow ASCites,


Last edited by PvtSpartykus; June 2nd, 2008 at 20:00.. Reason: too mch sexual inuendo ;)
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 21:25   #191
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Originally Posted by PvtSpartykus View Post
That's why I laughed! because we had just hadthe pet peeve discussion of sniper VS sniper rifle about five pages back. remember now? anywho, not a prblem we all get the joke now (we all still love you armandhammer)

Euh, I forgot exactly what it is I was going to say. Oh yeah! Paintball: stealth sure, but NEVER as stealth as a GOOD A.E.G. Compressed gas or not. Yes, we know we don't all dress up like 'fairies???' wait, fairies wear indoor paintball gear??

As for 'fuck sessions', seems enjoyable (if there anything like the real ones ) but, what of PITAness? I mean obviously people will always label sniers as PITA if that's all they think they're good for there has to be more positive aspects of being a sniper, lets explore them shall we?

N.B the list has no order of priority

1. Snipers get laid more often ('fuck sessions'...right). Alright so, they get to mess with peoples' heads

Skull fucking, yes. Great fun, especially when one guy can tie up a half dozen guys in one base for a good hour (30mins longer than you were in the area, then heard teammates were under fire on the other side of the field, so you fucked off............. only to hear at the end of the game, from the field owner no less, that the guys in the base were stuck there for a solid hour after you left)

2.Sniper gets a rifle that has, as a general rule, more FPS than a regular A.E.G

True, but fps doesn't equal range. Heavier BBs plus hop up adjustment equals range (when I had my M24 at 340fps, I'd get .30g BBs out to 300ft, enough to touch someone, not hard, but still).

3. Snipers get to fiddle around wih their rifles and adjust the internal adjustments more than any other role (according to CDN_Stalker, who is a reliable source, IMO)

If the sniper is hardcore, yes, they will learn all they can about their rifle, the way it shoots, the way BBs react between 80ft and 300ft in varios conditions, ranges, angles to wind, etc.

4.Snipers get to hide in trees? (alright so maybe that one's not so great)

Fuck that.

4a. Sniper also encompasses the role of 'Observer' in order to relate crucial information to team mates unable to evaluate the enemy position from their standing point.

Hence the term "Scout Sniper"

5. Snipers, as a general rule (andif they're any good), should receive less enemy fire.

Fuck that. Is why choosing suitable cover must be done before taking your first shot. Ever been in a blizzard before? Snipers have to put up with it more than other players do, can't always be hidden, yet you get to suffer hail around you. Fire one shot and bugger off, well, you might live, but you don't fuck with people's heads on the other team if you hit and run after one shot.

6. Snipers get the exhilaration that comes from sneeking around close to enemylines and the thrill of observing without being seen (again, only if they're good ).

Shit ya!

7. please add anything else, I'm sure tere are plenty more advantages to the sniper role but I'm too fatigued to be bothered at the moment (it's 1:55 in Norway so I'm tired).


Best of luck completingthe list, with much faith in my fellow ASCites,

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Old June 2nd, 2008, 22:46   #192
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I can definately confirm that CDN_Stalker was a PITA this weekend. lol You did pick off the 2 guys up front and too bad for you I'm too old to run away.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 09:49   #193
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
I can definately confirm that CDN_Stalker was a PITA this weekend. lol You did pick off the 2 guys up front and too bad for you I'm too old to run away.
You are lucky that when I was pinned behind that tree I didn't have my G19 ready for your flanking charge (damned hind sight!!!). Remember Brucey, I'm only 5 years younger than you.

Ya, I saw and heard the perfect hit on the guy crouched with the black vest on, but wasn't sure which other one I hit. Wish I had a clearer area in front of me, too many little branches makes getting good shots off a real PITA as well. Lol
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Old June 4th, 2008, 17:04   #194
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Well it wasn't that I didn't enjoy being an observer. Pathetic number of kills but there's some thrill of being within a few hundred meters of an enemy base and them not having a clue that you're there. Even better when you manage to stay there for a while (I've done to around an hour lying in the same position).

Just that a) I needed the money for a another project and b) I enjoy movie like gunning around like more a moron as well so... ^^'
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Old June 7th, 2008, 01:03   #195
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I used to play attack and defend with rubberband guns in my highschool drama room at lunch and the amount of people wanting to be snipers got annoying but bayoneting the numerous snipers was fun. If a person wants to sneak around and gather intel they shouldn't be snipers they should be scouts and recons.

Last edited by Kingsix; June 7th, 2008 at 01:05.. Reason: last minute thought
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