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Old October 17th, 2007, 23:55   #76
Cadpat Pro
Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Lerch View Post
Yup, I pissed off quite a few RegF'ers when I got my ICE before they did :P

Oh well...I swapped over to DPM to avoid the hassle and endless crap that I'd hear
I had pissed off large amount of CFs when i got all my items right after the manufacture date.

I like hearing the hassle and the endless crap from them.
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Old October 19th, 2007, 01:10   #77
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Originally Posted by Pvt Vince View Post
DPM ftw
x2 Ally>high speed
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Old October 19th, 2007, 11:35   #78
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Wait to see my next AEG you'll hate me forever mate
Who wants to dine in hell?
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Old November 14th, 2007, 18:57   #79
Primo Italiano
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Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor View Post
1% the gun

1% the guy

Your country or better your site is the only one where the collectors are treated like thieves or worse as terrorists because although maybe not violate know your laws.

Many of you violate federal laws of other states - buying countries currencies marpat, acu, Danish, Norwegian etc. Etc. The only thing that seems to be tolerated on the site but if a foreigner buys Canadian material you yell thief.

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Old November 14th, 2007, 19:11   #80
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We are clearing out all our Drop Zone Cadpat TW and AR

Check out our Clearance Bin!!!
Official Merchant of War.

Exclusive Canadian Distributor for Blue Force Gear, Knights Armament, Rainier Arms, High Ground, Battle Comp, Multitasker and more!

One Shot Tactical Inc.

Last edited by Farmboy; November 14th, 2007 at 19:14..
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Old November 14th, 2007, 19:12   #81
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Originally Posted by mctaz View Post
Many of you violate federal laws of other states - buying countries currencies marpat, acu, Danish, Norwegian etc. Etc. The only thing that seems to be tolerated on the site but if a foreigner buys Canadian material you yell thief.

In all fairness, both MARPAT and ACU, while current issue can be easily purchased from the companies that produce it by anyone - there are no restrictions since US servicemen/women have to buy their combat clothing. So not breaking any laws there.

As for DANCAM or most other euro cam patterns, they have been out for years (decades in some cases) and as such a flood of secondhand combats are freely available from such reputable retailers like etc...

Some of us get upset when we see unauthorized persons with issue Canadian/non-surplussed kit because our military's procurement system moves at the speed of slow most of the time, and it takes years in some cases for new kit to filter down to all serving members. Have obviously stolen kit flaunted around makes the whole situation a little harder to take.

Also, alot of the chatter you'll see on the boards here deals with completely different issues, such as reg vs. reserve bellyaching (which will never end, it's practically a sport in our military), or serving members playing airsoft in their issue gear (which is verboten)... It's not all about "the collectors".
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Old November 14th, 2007, 20:39   #82
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Kokanee allow me to make clarifications, as for Canadians users there are frontenac exist for US users several companies that produce for civies ACU or marpat items.

The end result is the same, if you have material with military specific, this items are stolen material as I was with the Canadian material since the current laws prohibit to have if you aren't in US army. navy or air forces.

If I am not mistaken i sand to you a used uniform of special units of Italian army,do you believe tath for the Italian law you can have there?


Last edited by mctaz; November 14th, 2007 at 21:10..
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Old November 14th, 2007, 20:43   #83
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The only time you will see "Brits"wearing desert DPM in B.A.T.U.S. is because they are members of OP-FOR and thats only during the summer when the MED-MAN Exersices are conducted from the end of may til usually the end of sept/oct. They wont be seen all of the time. As for buying AR CADPATs SEALS Action Gear carries the civvy version.
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Old November 16th, 2007, 20:50   #84
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However, for your calm inform you that at the moment I do not have heads in cadpat and, given the witch-hunt by some elements of the forum in my respect, I am not interested in anything that can be traced back to that pattern.

For this reason I ask you not to call my old discussions on this topic

With esteem McTaz
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Old November 16th, 2007, 22:41   #85
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Originally Posted by mctaz View Post
However, for your calm inform you that at the moment I do not have heads in cadpat and, given the witch-hunt by some elements of the forum in my respect, I am not interested in anything that can be traced back to that pattern.

For this reason I ask you not to call my old discussions on this topic

With esteem McTaz
Hi McTaz,
I just wanted to point out that the laws of Italy that govern the wearing of uniforms in Italy only apply in Italy, just like the laws of Canada only apply in Canada ( here) or to people subject to Canadian law.

Anyhow, technically speaking the wearing of most uniforms without authority is not permitted in Canada, not only Canadian Forces uniforms.

Here is the section of the Criminal Code of Canada:

Unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates
419. Every one who without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him,

(a) wears a uniform of the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force or a uniform that is so similar to the uniform of any of those forces that it is likely to be mistaken therefor,

(b) wears a distinctive mark relating to wounds received or service performed in war, or a military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron or any decoration or order that is awarded for war services, or any imitation thereof, or any mark or device or thing that is likely to be mistaken for any such mark, medal, ribbon, badge, chevron, decoration or order,

(c) has in his possession a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card from the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force that has not been issued to and does not belong to him, or

(d) has in his possession a commission or warrant or a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card, issued to an officer or a person in or who has been in the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force, that contains any alteration that is not verified by the initials of the officer who issued it, or by the initials of an officer thereto lawfully authorized,

is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 377.

Make of it, what you will.

Cry "Haddock" and let slip the hounds of Beer
[-brought to you courtesy of Salamander Army -]
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Old November 20th, 2007, 18:05   #86
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Originally Posted by Porkchop View Post
Hi McTaz,
I just wanted to point out that the laws of Italy that govern the wearing of uniforms in Italy only apply in Italy, just like the laws of Canada only apply in Canada ( here) or to people subject to Canadian law.

Anyhow, technically speaking the wearing of most uniforms without authority is not permitted in Canada, not only Canadian Forces uniforms.

Here is the section of the Criminal Code of Canada:

Unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates
419. Every one who without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him,

(a) wears a uniform of the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force or a uniform that is so similar to the uniform of any of those forces that it is likely to be mistaken therefor,

(b) wears a distinctive mark relating to wounds received or service performed in war, or a military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron or any decoration or order that is awarded for war services, or any imitation thereof, or any mark or device or thing that is likely to be mistaken for any such mark, medal, ribbon, badge, chevron, decoration or order,

(c) has in his possession a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card from the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force that has not been issued to and does not belong to him, or

(d) has in his possession a commission or warrant or a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card, issued to an officer or a person in or who has been in the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force, that contains any alteration that is not verified by the initials of the officer who issued it, or by the initials of an officer thereto lawfully authorized,

is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 377.

Make of it, what you will.
Hi Pockchop,
Often I see pictures in this forum of players with Canadian military chiefs of origin and not dwvo say whether I used objects, new objects, legally or illegally detained (depending on your law), none of these have ever been told they hold material stolen.

The only thing that I saw for sure is that my nickname and some photos not posted in this forum were used in the forum of the Canadian army indicating me (maybe not espicitamente) as a receiver or as a legally be pursued (at the end I have confined myself to buy various uniforms that I found in a shop in Stuttgart and take other in various auctions on ebay).

Sorry then if you say that you are essentially false, and if I repeat that I do not want more see my nickname associated with the name cadpat view the unequal treatment.

However, for those who accused me (even without information on the origin of the objects in my possession) would be curious to know why the time I was the one to pursue (I went to Stuttgart 4-5 times a year and, given my interest in the ojects military passed in many shops surplus), not perhaps your military that is moving from Germany resell or exchanged their material with a manager of the approximately 100 stores ojects military Corsican main Stuttgart or those put up for sale on e-material bay?


PS The translation from Italian to English was fairy google
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Old November 20th, 2007, 22:44   #87
Cadpat Pro
Join Date: Jun 2007
i just found out my post for Arid and TW items had been moved away.
All i can say is "Nice".........Such an awesome Forum!!
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Old November 27th, 2007, 20:42   #88
I got all my arid cadpat for free.. and legally..

Last edited by -Skeletor-; November 27th, 2007 at 20:45..
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