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HK USP .45 Suppressor


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Old February 24th, 2007, 06:16   #1
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HK USP .45 Suppressor

It had a very good run, but propane is starting to put some small cracks in the slide of my full size KSC GBB. Naturally, I'm thinking about getting a metal slide, some of which come with threaded barrels for suppressors.

I know there's a million posts on "what does a silencer do?" for an AEG, but in a GBB, does a suppressor affect performance? By this, I mean:

1. Is the sound muffled? I know there's still the noise from the slide and such, but is there a significant change from pop to pft?

2. How is the reliability? I've read up on how the weight of having/not having a suppressor can cause the gun to jam up. This is paramount.

Also, any recommendations on compatible configurations would be welcome (I've heard Shooter's Design has some decent stuff by way of slides and barrels, maybe a SOCOM style suppressor?)

On the side, just a semi-related question: Will the installation of a metal slide require any other internal upgrades? I'd like to keep fooling around in there to a minimum.

Any info appreciated.

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Old February 24th, 2007, 08:48   #2
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I got a full size USP also when and where did the cracks start. just asking so I can look out for it.
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Old February 24th, 2007, 09:29   #3
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Having a suppressed USP .45, I can answer your questions very easily.

1: The muzzle report is significantly reduced, but it won't matter much since you'll still hear the rather loud CHA CLINK of the slide cycling.

2: Any long silencer will cause the gun to eat up gas as it tries to cycle the slide. So therefore, not that reliable.

3: I have a King Arms SOCOM silencer, and since it's long and heavy, it's a no-no for the USP. I would suggest getting the 85mm HK Pro silencer, or either an SS-80 or SS-100 silencer since they are short and light. You can also try out any silencer that is noted as being lightweight.

4: The USP series recoil springs are notoriously weak. It's best to buy a spring upgrade kit. It will make a much snappier blowback action and you will never have spent a better $15. Go to for the Shooter's Design spring kit for the USP .45. Also, be warned that since it is a 150% kit, you might just want to stretch your stock hammer spring about half a mm or full mm instead of installing the upgrade spring. The SD spring will eventually snap your trigger because it's too stiff. At least, that's what I've heard from horror stories.

Hope I could have helped!

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Old February 27th, 2007, 19:32   #4
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Very thorough and helpful, thanks a lot. Still two questions though.

1. Will having a heavier suppressor cause any drawbacks/malfunctions other than eating up more gas? I mean, will anything jam, or fail to cycle properly etc.

2. How much gas eat up are we talking? I know this would depend on the system and specific suppressor used, but so long as I can get through one mag with relatively decent "umph" by the last shot (20 or so), I'm content.

Thanks again.

As for the crack in my slide, there's one on each side of the back bottom end, right above the safety but starting from the edge of the slide if you get me. In truth, I think they could maybe even break off and I'd be ok.

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Old February 27th, 2007, 20:00   #5
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Yes, a heavier silencer will cause the gun to fail cycling properly sometimes, it's happened to me. it may have just been my gun, but i'm thinking physics here, heavy weight on barrel end will prevent the barrel from tilting upwards when the slide is cycled back, so that would cause problems.

as for gas consumption, it depends on the gun. With a silencer on my USP, i usually get 2 mags through on one charge.
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Old February 27th, 2007, 20:17   #6
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my friends got a USP with a silencer for indoor use, we call it the "cheater meter" because theres alot of people that wont call their hit if they dont see a shooter, and you CANT hear this thing from 30 feet away.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 09:01   #7
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In terms of malfunction, how often are we talking? Once every couple shots, 10 shots, 100 shots?

Without the suppressor I'm assuming it works fine yes?

ThunderCactus - is your friends USP a NBB or GBB? If it's a GBB then that's pretty spiffy. I saw a crazy suped up NBB SOCOM in Japan, you honestly had to strain your ears to hear it fire right beside you.

"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." - Edison
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Old March 1st, 2007, 21:03   #8
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Originally Posted by pizzainthemorning View Post
In terms of malfunction, how often are we talking? Once every couple shots, 10 shots, 100 shots?

Without the suppressor I'm assuming it works fine yes?

ThunderCactus - is your friends USP a NBB or GBB? If it's a GBB then that's pretty spiffy. I saw a crazy suped up NBB SOCOM in Japan, you honestly had to strain your ears to hear it fire right beside you.

It likely wasn't "suped up". They are really damned quiet while stock
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 14:29   #9
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I think you guys are talking about the TM NBB MK23.
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