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Genuine Issue Cadpat Helmet cover... attachment?


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Old April 23rd, 2006, 00:44   #1
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Genuine Issue Cadpat Helmet cover... attachment?

Hey guys,

This might end up being one of those stupid questions that I should've figured out but here goes...

Just got a replica pasgt helmet to go with the genuine issue cadpat helmet cover. You'd think putting a helmet cover on would be simple, but I can't figure out what to do with the plastic tabs on the sides. They don't seem to attach to anything to hold the sides down. I'm thinking maybe there's some kind of mounting system on the real kevlar ones the army uses...

I don't have the patience to go take pics to explain but anyone who's put on a genuine issue helmet cover will know what I'm talking about. The 4" long black plastic tabs on either side of the helmet. Maybe there's some kind of technique to tuck them into the cover to secure it?

Thanks for your help guys.
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 00:54   #2
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Originally Posted by Falcon_MB
Hey guys,

This might end up being one of those stupid questions that I should've figured out but here goes...

Just got a replica pasgt helmet to go with the genuine issue cadpat helmet cover. You'd think putting a helmet cover on would be simple, but I can't figure out what to do with the plastic tabs on the sides. They don't seem to attach to anything to hold the sides down. I'm thinking maybe there's some kind of mounting system on the real kevlar ones the army uses...

I don't have the patience to go take pics to explain but anyone who's put on a genuine issue helmet cover will know what I'm talking about. The 4" long black plastic tabs on either side of the helmet. Maybe there's some kind of technique to tuck them into the cover to secure it?

Thanks for your help guys.
Well for one thing it will never fit exactly right, the CF usses the Gallet, not the pasgt helmet, so the cover will never be perfect. Seals action gear sells a Pasgt helmet cover in CADPAT, i'd suggest you sell the issue one, and pick up the SAG one.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old April 23rd, 2006, 01:06   #3
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The cover should (for a Canadian helmet)...*struggles for a better word than "cover"*..."enclose" the ear parts of the helmet, with the black plastic tabs going into the interior.

They are apparently stuck to a strip of thin yet hard transparent plastic travelling through the circumference of the helmet's interior by means unknown to me. The plastic strip is hidden behind the suspension system.

I would take Goldman's advice unless you decide to risk ruining your PASGT helmet in attempting to attach the black tabs via means of your choosing.
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 07:29   #4
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Originally Posted by Goldman
Well for one thing it will never fit exactly right, the CF usses the Gallet, not the pasgt helmet, so the cover will never be perfect. Seals action gear sells a Pasgt helmet cover in CADPAT, i'd suggest you sell the issue one, and pick up the SAG one.
I second that, I have an ABS PASGT with the CADPAT cover from SAG and it took me 30 seconds to put in place. It is worth the 22$ it costs and it look great.
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 10:58   #5
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Originally Posted by Goldman
Well for one thing it will never fit exactly right, the CF usses the Gallet, not the pasgt helmet, so the cover will never be perfect. Seals action gear sells a Pasgt helmet cover in CADPAT, i'd suggest you sell the issue one, and pick up the SAG one.
Actually, my issued CADPAT helmet cover fits over my PASGT helmet (with suspension internals, not foam) just fine. But it won't fit in the ones with foam.
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Old April 23rd, 2006, 14:13   #6
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I find that the helmet cover with foam work best for all kind of covers. I just stick the plastic tabs in between the foam and plastic shell. They stick out a little out, but not really visible.

The foam can be removed to fit other covers and put back on tigh on them.

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Old April 24th, 2006, 13:33   #7
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The issue cadpat cover fits perfectly on the helmet, it's just the tabs have no where to attach. I solved the problem by curling up the tabs and extra material inwards towards the lip of the helmet and it stays secured even after a days worth of airsoft. I'm going to make sure it stays there with a little tape. I'll post pics at some point in case this issue ever comes up for anyone else.
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Old December 9th, 2006, 20:12   #8
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Hey Falcon_MB

this is my first post on this forum. just one question: Does the CADPAT cover come in different sizes? and which one might fit a PASGT helmet perfectly?


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Old December 9th, 2006, 21:23   #9
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None would fit perfecly since the cadpat cover is designed to fit over the Gallet helmet (alsmost the same as the MICH helmet).

The issue cover fit OK on the PASGT with foam. You will have to thinker around to fit it to a PASGT with suspension.

Issue cadpat cover over a replica PASGT. Plastics tabs put in between the foam and plastic outershell.

I forgot to put my elastic band over the helmet to finish the look. Too bad.

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Old December 19th, 2006, 15:47   #10
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I had the same situation going on as Falcon actually. I just put the tabs inside the helmet and taped them to the side, and wrapped a band (read cats eye) around the helmet to make sure the looseness didnt cause any problems.

Then I got an M41 helmet and the helmet cover fit great on it, the plastic tabs sliding inbetween the metal helmet and 2nd layer head basket. the cat eye made it look even sharper.
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