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Pistol Reload Methods?


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Old September 19th, 2006, 18:15   #31
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Originally Posted by MadMax
NY reload if it was once practical is probably from the bygone revolver era. Changing out bullets from a six shooter is slow even with speed loaders, unless you're somebody working shooting shows for S&W. It certainly makes sense for cap and ball shooters, but with self loading semi autos, swapping mags is nearly as fast as drawing another gun if you don't plan to reholster the empty one.
Not entirely correct. You can get speed-loaders for revolvers. They are just as fast (after practice) as magazines.

Either system leaves changing guns in the dust as far as speed goes.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 18:17   #32
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Originally Posted by Combine
"Here the best way I've seen to reload!"

Damn that was hilarious!

Back on topic, if your really REALLY out of time and need to reload fast, do as Greylocks says, don't break a gun because you need to throw it away, go for the new mag, drop the mag in the gun and let it hit the floor, then quickly reload with the other hand. You may damage your mag, but thats better than breaking a gun, and the mag should be made of metal so on dirt or grass it wouldn't damage it at all.
If you look at IPSC and other combat shooting techniques, that is exactly what they do. Screw the empty mags, just reload.
Many mags these days have rubber or reinforced bottom plates just for that eventuality.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 19:02   #33
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I say once the guns mag is empty, either of gas or bb's, just friggin wing it at your opponent as hard as you can and make the stupidest face imaginable (sort of a constipated push crossed with a Rosanne Barr's laugh). If the gun don't whail buddy, your looks and laughing will knock them on their asses!!!

Or you can find some unsuspecting newbie and threaten them to reload it for you or else!!!

I love it man. I just friggin love it!!
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Old September 19th, 2006, 19:08   #34
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I believe every one here know the method of taping two assault rifle magazine together, they even sell metal gizmo for it. My point is what if we glued two pistol mag together by the bottom?
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Old September 19th, 2006, 19:33   #35
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Originally Posted by |-|ellfire
I believe every one here know the method of taping two assault rifle magazine together, they even sell metal gizmo for it. My point is what if we glued two pistol mag together by the bottom?
you would get one ugly gun
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Old September 19th, 2006, 19:45   #36
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Originally Posted by brently0725
I say once the guns mag is empty, either of gas or bb's, just friggin wing it at your opponent as hard as you can and make the stupidest face imaginable (sort of a constipated push crossed with a Rosanne Barr's laugh). If the gun don't whail buddy, your looks and laughing will knock them on their asses!!!

Or you can find some unsuspecting newbie and threaten them to reload it for you or else!!!
LOL!! :cheers:
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Old September 19th, 2006, 19:51   #37
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Originally Posted by |-|ellfire
I believe every one here know the method of taping two assault rifle magazine together, they even sell metal gizmo for it. My point is what if we glued two pistol mag together by the bottom?
Now I want to see you try to put gas in your mag ? Try at least fondling with a GBB before you suggest things like that.

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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:11   #38
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Gryphon "I've used a USP Compact in CQB as a BUG in the small of my back, but I found it took some abuse when I flattened up against a wall."

-It's not the gun you should be worried about. Backs are more precious and less durable than guns.

MadMax "I'm suspecting that pistol match organizers don't like the use of secondary pistols because of the transition time between guns when it's likely that a shooter will have two guns drawn."

-Not really, they're not baby-sitters and they don't let people in who'd require them. If you make the slightest safety violation, pointing the muzzle outside the zone by a degree, they'll end your turn. I'm getting into the sport ASICS (soon as I can hit shit). And they carea bout safety so much that it would be like farting during your wedding vows.

Greylocks "The actual reason is that you must NEVER let go of a gun that is technically unsafe in a range environment. For a handgun (pistol) to be considered safe, you must remove the magazine AND clear the chamber."

-Not really. The more safety rules you use, the better though. I'd go shooting with you, for sure, but in events like Cowboy Action you have to fire twin revolvers, then put them down and move laterally to the shotgun, then to the pistol-calibre carbine, in one event.

Spas-Tick22 I guess you were talking about games then, but there's a match called 'El Presidente' that might be relevant.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:30   #39
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Originally Posted by |-|ellfire
I believe every one here know the method of taping two assault rifle magazine together, they even sell metal gizmo for it. My point is what if we glued two pistol mag together by the bottom?
Explain to me how you would recharge the gas in a GBB if you did that?

Lucky, there will always be exceptions and special cases to everything. What I said is true in most cases for semi-auto pistols, and it also makes sense for airsoft (except that GBB mags are expensive)
SAA revolvers and cowboy competitions are a different animal. Different equipment, different rules.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:52   #40
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Originally Posted by Luckyorwhat
Gryphon "I've used a USP Compact in CQB as a BUG in the small of my back, but I found it took some abuse when I flattened up against a wall."

-It's not the gun you should be worried about. Backs are more precious and less durable than guns.

MadMax "I'm suspecting that pistol match organizers don't like the use of secondary pistols because of the transition time between guns when it's likely that a shooter will have two guns drawn."

-Not really, they're not baby-sitters and they don't let people in who'd require them. If you make the slightest safety violation, pointing the muzzle outside the zone by a degree, they'll end your turn. I'm getting into the sport ASICS (soon as I can hit shit). And they carea bout safety so much that it would be like farting during your wedding vows.

Greylocks "The actual reason is that you must NEVER let go of a gun that is technically unsafe in a range environment. For a handgun (pistol) to be considered safe, you must remove the magazine AND clear the chamber."

-Not really. The more safety rules you use, the better though. I'd go shooting with you, for sure, but in events like Cowboy Action you have to fire twin revolvers, then put them down and move laterally to the shotgun, then to the pistol-calibre carbine, in one event.

Spas-Tick22 I guess you were talking about games then, but there's a match called 'El Presidente' that might be relevant.
I really didnt expect this much confusion on the word, but I will clarify since were still all a little bit confrontational, in a standard Airsoft game, not real steel, not even "matches" i guess, would you/have you used NY reloading? and opinions on it.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:29   #41
Captain Tenneal
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Originally Posted by |-|ellfire
I believe every one here know the method of taping two assault rifle magazine together, they even sell metal gizmo for it. My point is what if we glued two pistol mag together by the bottom?
Well besides Greylock's point on gas filling.. I'd never do it. It's bad enough having the mag lips on a pistol mag possibly snap if you load it incorrectly, it's even worse when you have them completely exposed and where they can get snagged on all sorts of crap. Not to mention I have a feeling it'd be really hard to holster with it in, or find a pouch for it.

Originally Posted by Combine
Back on topic, if your really REALLY out of time and need to reload fast, do as Greylocks says, don't break a gun because you need to throw it away, go for the new mag, drop the mag in the gun and let it hit the floor, then quickly reload with the other hand. You may damage your mag, but thats better than breaking a gun, and the mag should be made of metal so on dirt or grass it wouldn't damage it at all.
The one thing I don't quite understand is... You really want to risk a 50+ dollar magazine, or a 200+ dollar gun? I'd just take the hit, no matter what circumstance. That was one of the multiple reasons why I stopped NY Reloading, too much risk of some mag falling out, or some gun slipping out of a holster. I mean, no shot I've ever had has been so traumatizing as to make me stop playing by any means.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 03:16   #42
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I've often gone into games with multiple guns, but I don't throw them away. But I also carry multiple mags for said guns and they share common mags but I tend to go dual pistols quite often.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 07:01   #43
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Originally Posted by Spas-Tick22
I really didnt expect this much confusion on the word, but I will clarify since were still all a little bit confrontational, in a standard Airsoft game, not real steel, not even "matches" i guess, would you/have you used NY reloading? and opinions on it.
No, and the reasons why not have not changed.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 16:28   #44
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Originally Posted by |-|ellfire
I believe every one here know the method of taping two assault rifle magazine together, they even sell metal gizmo for it. My point is what if we glued two pistol mag together by the bottom?
Why not, instead of buying two mags and "glueing" them together, just get an Extended Mag or a Hi-Cap (if they have pistol hi-caps).

The one thing I don't quite understand is... You really want to risk a 50+ dollar magazine, or a 200+ dollar gun? I'd just take the hit, no matter what circumstance.
Thats the thing, enless your in CQB (inside a building lets say and theres concrete flooring) you can drop the mag safely on the ground, a metal magazine on soft earth, snow, grass, hell maybe even gravel, will (I dont really have experience but I'm basing my argument on the sake that metal is stronger than the ground) not break. The worst thing that can happen is that your mag will get dirty. And Greylocks said theres some mags with rubber on the bottom (Prime example, USP Compact comes with a rubber base you can put on that is inclined so the mag hits down, then slips onto the ground)

Heres an example of what I mean (for the USP Compact rubber base, hopefully youl be able to see the image)
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Old September 20th, 2006, 18:53   #45
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Combine, as much as Real Gun mags can be dropped just anywhere at a cost of no more than $10 to replace, I'll be damned if I treat GBB mags in the same way.

I dont know if you are rich, but I certainly am not.
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