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Old July 21st, 2006, 00:13   #1
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Talking Hello!

Hey guys,
I finaly decided to enter the wounderful world of airsoft hehe. Anyhow a bit about me
My name is Dimitri, I live in Montreal I am 21 years old and well I am ready to get in to this whole thing!
Ive been looking around the forums, read the FAQ's and got a LOT of usefull information from there and I have finaly decided which gun I want to buy, found it at 007 AIRSOFT.
The gun is the "Tokyo Marui M4A1 S"

Now before I buy it I would like to ask a few lil questions that I didnt find the answers for, and since the gun is quite pricey I would want to know these things before hande heh.

1) I noticed that the battery that it uses is Mini, now will getting 2-3 minis have the same effect as 1 large?

2)I read some reviews about the gun, but can someone who has it here tall me their personal opinions?

3)The rifle has a EG 1000 motor, I am still not very familiar with all the specs, but is that any good, like I belive that some guns have the 3000 model ( I might be wrong on that one tho)

4)I read on some sites that in canada they remove the realistic writings like : Property of US Gov, Colts fire arm devison etc... is that true? Or do they just cover them up with tape when they send it to you? Or am I just crazy hehe.

5)Put aside the Charger and the Extra Batts for the gun what else do you advise me to buy with it?

All right for now this is it, hope to hear from you guys and gals soon so I could order this bad boy and meet ya all on the battlefield hehe!

Thanks in advance!
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Old July 21st, 2006, 00:33   #2
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1. No, you can only fit one battery. Large can be fitted externaly or using aftermarket stocks, battery bags etc.
3. Different companies have different designations for their motors. I think 3000 is ICS motor that comes with AK74M. EG 1000 is fine.
4. No. Guns come to Canada the same way they came out of manufacturing facility.
5. Eye protection, extra mags, bb's, radio, some sort of LBV or a rig to carry your equipment around.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 01:06   #3
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What I ments with the batts, is if I buy 2 minis and just change them around when I run out of power, will the total capacity be the same as from 1 large batt?
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Old July 21st, 2006, 01:52   #4
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buy intelect battery, they are the best, buy 2 at least, 1400mah preferably... enought to last all day.

You can buy from them, very trustable seller
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Old July 21st, 2006, 01:59   #5
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It all depends on capacity of each battery. Regular 8.4V large batts go anywhere between 1500 and 4200Mah. Mini batteries range from 600 to 1400Mah IIRC. With a stock gun 2 batts with decent capacity will last you for a long time. More than enough to last one daming day.
Also, don't buy cheap charger if you want batteries to live long. Buy something decent. I'm pretty sure this board has a thread about batteries and chargers.
Here's what I use.
Thing called Pirahna. Works really good.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 10:12   #6
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Read a LOT of the Information section, the FAQ section, and then contact local Montreal players.
Go to a game/meet and see what folks use. Get age-verified at the same time.

All your questions will be answered faster that way. 99% is already written down.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 18:01   #7
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I already did read a lot of the info found on the site just wanted to ask a few last questions before the purchase . Does anyone have this gun?
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Old July 21st, 2006, 18:02   #8
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1)2-3 minis DOES NOT have the same effect as 1 large because Large Batteries have lower internal resistance than minis.
As a result,Larger Batteries offer you more than capacity, they also give you more torque and higher rate of fire(at the same Voltage).It would be wise to use larger battery cells to power your AEG if you plan to ugrade it later.
Mini batteries should be OK for stock guns,but they will have a hard time cranking upgraded springs.

You'd better use a external battery box like this(recommended)

or whatever external power source(such as :sling battery bag,full stock,or even tape larger battery outside your gun)

3)TM EG1000 motors are good ,you don't have to worry about this.They work very well in upgraded AEGs as well.The "3000" motor is ICS Turbo 3000 motor,and it has slightly better performance(more torque) than TM EG1000 IMHO.

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Old July 21st, 2006, 18:35   #9
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Cool thanks for your input guys, I stumbled on 2 another versions of the same gun... the G&P M4A1 (it says that it is also full metal) and ICS M4A1 (full metal aswell) how do they compare to the Tokyo Marui M4A1 S. I mean I heard that TM are the best, but both guns have a relatively similar price.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 18:51   #10
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Originally Posted by Red_Star
Cool thanks for your input guys, I stumbled on 2 another versions of the same gun... the G&P M4A1 (it says that it is also full metal) and ICS M4A1 (full metal aswell) how do they compare to the Tokyo Marui M4A1 S. I mean I heard that TM are the best, but both guns have a relatively similar price.
Remember that G&P and ICS are full metal. Both have their ups and downs.
There is also G&G and Classic Army, if you want more think about. :lol:

Personally, I would go with a Classic Army. Great for a beginner, as it's not going to have problems, it has a metal body and a highcap, reinforced mech, etc. I went with it and after owning a ICS, I prefer the Classic Army, personally.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 18:58   #11
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I have a TM M4 not the same version as the one you're looking at but I am able to last a day with my mini 8.4v with 1000mAh. If you want to not waste BBs and power consider going low cap, best investment I made.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old July 21st, 2006, 19:34   #12
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Well I mean is it better to have a plastic TM or a full metal gun?
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Old July 21st, 2006, 19:58   #13
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Well metal always beats plastic hands down. Metal is more durable, stronger and feels more realistic...

The availibility of a full metal outer composite is what I look for on guns that are on my wanted list.

Companies such as Classic Army, ICS, G&G, G&P will provide this for you.

IMHO, Classic Army has really gotten their act together. I currently have the ICS (gone through alot of cosmetic and internal change), and the Classic Army. I would definately purchase a Classic Army again. But now I am into custom building my own gun, you get exactly what you want and you know which parts are going into your toy.

In my opinion, if you have the knowledge and capital I suggest you build a gun from scratch, but if you dont have the time and patience go for a full metal gun that has been pre-built by any of the companies mentioned.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 20:20   #14
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Red_Star
Well I mean is it better to have a plastic TM or a full metal gun?
Not in all cases.

In the M4 scenario, metal body give you better durability, especially with the tabs that break easely. But even on metal body, the tabs can snap easely.

The metal used in airsoft body is very cheap. I can snap it with my bare fingers.
Plastic is more durable because it's a little flexible and won't break that easy. It depend on where on the gun it's used.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old July 21st, 2006, 22:29   #15
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Heh coolos so we have 1 for metal and 1 for plastic any other opinions?
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