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What makes a good 24 hour event?



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Old December 20th, 2005, 22:11   #16
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Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by FNG
Pyro! Lots and lots of pyro.
Wow, I'm flattered. :grin:
We just want to see the Eagle CIRAS vest you got off Batman, that all.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
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Old December 20th, 2005, 22:33   #17
made Man
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Whores and liquor
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old December 20th, 2005, 22:40   #18
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Players that know their limits and sleep when they can so the game CAN GO 24hrs.
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Thomas Jefferson

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Old December 20th, 2005, 22:42   #19
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Very good thoughts. Thank you.

Before you even get into plan b or c problem is having an event that is wrapped around a story line that lasts 48 hours.

I was thinking; adding alot more of the reenactor elements into the game.

The event has to be carried out as a war instead of an engagement.
Slow it down. Give Commanders sand bags and other surplus to help them build up defenses(pitch tents). So picture yourself being inserted and staying out all day and night, Having dug a fox hole. waiting orders to search and destroy the mortar team attacking your base, or recon a forward position to do the same to the nme.

I also feel keeping the regular elements or classic BF2 style objectives is important. Take out the fake Cardboard Tube artillery etc.

Mix it all up with some advanced role play for special classes. Realistic ivs and penalties designed to encourage your team bring all their men home; dead or alive. Rather than " we have to keep moving... You walk back 1/2 a click and catch us some time after the event". Engineer roles (BF2 style) Support gunners dishing out ammo, linguists (local speak) , squad leaders , rto ( the 2 radio wonder)

I also like to give the commander more influence over the game. add simulated napalm with smoke grenades used by non combatants(yes you have to have grids these days on your fields). When regen i like to make people wait till they have a squad leader, rto and a medic. I then have the rtos assign them a callsign to the commander . The penalty to your team in a respawn rather than a medic heal or a drag out to inbound hospital is a ticket loss. the tickets vary but usually i like only 2-3 per person/day.

My favorite thing to do is prisoners. My rule has been get healed by an nme medic and become prisoner(medics only have so much gauze) Players keep their guns. Visual inspection of the prisoner is done. Any weapon not pointed out by the engineer/ security officer can be used in the escape. Prisoners must answer all questions but does not have to tell the truth. 3 ways to get out 1 execution (cap gun/mini airsoft gun) 2 escape/shoot your way out 3 get rescued.(if prisoner. the other team CAN listen to your radio)

As you can see all this will slow the game way down...........

I think of 3 safety issues when i think 24 hour game. blind fire/fallingdown and people needing to wipe thier goggles. So i feel it is important the pace gets slowed. extra solutions to these problems helpful (i know auto tracers for one but that is asking alot)

All your points are valid. Some i knew some you helped me on( iam going to check on the price of renting trained fireworks people tomorrow). I can't put everything in here (it will ruin it). So the system isn't the concern. I am trying to give you an idea of the mood i am trying to create.

I plan to have alot of toys.
I did call about a helicopter today. weow baby is it steep. 4 thousand US for a day.

so, is my theme too off base with airsoft today?

I wonder if you all agree with my assesment?

Some asked about the field. i have a link above. :xmas:
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Old December 20th, 2005, 22:44   #20
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Not Directed at any one. Have your field completely sorted out before the game. Dont have yout players humping out your props. If the field is flooded either change fields or postpone. Safety. Make sure you have qualified emergency medics around(not the 2hand-30 sec types) Lots of stuff to do that can be spread out for the whole time. Players that are willing and able(fitness) to hack 24 hours. Players that have done the research on dealing with night ops ie sleep shifts, force movment in the dark ect. Cool props any pyro are always a plus in any game.

2 cents CDN haha which is damn near 2 cents USD


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Old December 20th, 2005, 22:58   #21
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What makes a good 24 hour event? Make sure the players who signed up stay for the ENTIRE game. There are few things that suck more than having your team spanked because 5 guys decided to pack it in and go home.

Make sure that everybody has a tent/basha so they can sleep at the field. It sounds like common sense but this summer at Kelowna's 24-hour milsim, some out-of-towners actually drove back into town and rent a motel. This wouldn't have been a problem except the driver woke up late, took a hot shower etc. and as a result these guys arrived waaay after the game had already started.

But Kelowna put on a kickass milsim this summer. They had generators, lights, porta-potties, shuttle service between the camp and field, large laminated maps at each of the command posts, and well built sandbag bunkers.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 03:42   #22
made Man
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If you have people going 24 hours (or close), FORCE them to sleep before letting them drive. Last thing you want is someone crashing and dying on their way back home. Or ask them to organize for carpool with designated drivers who do get some sleep.
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

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<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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Old December 21st, 2005, 08:31   #23
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Originally Posted by Yeoman
one thing no one has said yet; actual player participation and encouragement.
IC's game in August could have been amazing, unfortunately no one wanted to spend money to try and get authentic and have a good ol Vietnam game (shut up sean I was working! leave me alone!).
Actually all things considering I found the game to be quite entertaining. It didn't turn out as expected but it was worth the drive from trenton.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 10:16   #24
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yeah it was just too bad we didn't get as many players as orignally hoped for.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 12:05   #25
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Too bad you didnt get alot of good era kit at your Nam game, but it is a niche type of event. Canada Day there was a Nam game in Edmonton and there was fantastic kit out there! From a set costume from "We were soldiers" to real issue US kit. Really helps suspend disbeliefe when every one is into it like that.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 12:31   #26
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once you have the event sorted out, make sure to plan a meal of the two main food groups (steak / beer) for the end of the game. Wolfpack hosted a weekend game 2 years ago and the game was awesome but the food was even better, plus it gives players the chance to mingle with EVERYONE not just their team mates.....

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Old December 21st, 2005, 14:10   #27
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You'll need a good storyline to keep people interested. How we've run 24hr games in the past is you have the two teams... and givew them some commanders, but you have field admins that are in radio contact with the team commanders at all times to keep the scenarios running smoothly and to do some improv if things get messed up a little. The key is to have it running smooth. Only way to do that is have VERY good communications between the teamleaders and the admins. On our field regular FRS radios don't cut it so we have a bunch of UHF radios we lend out to the admins and leaders for these types of games.

Also, some of the most fun 24hr games I've been to, we get on our teams and goto our main bases, but we get an hour or two to build up the defenses and make our "HQ" a very solid base. The games are usually planned to keep the majority of fighting away from the bases so that people who want to sleep at night, can. Those two main HQ bases should not be able to be captured by the other team. If things happen where they go through the base and clean everyone out, then thats cool cause it was probably a hell of a firefight, but they shouldn't be allowed to maintain control of that base for the whole game cause it gets pretty boring and frustrating for the team that has no base.

Be prepared for fighting to die down at night. So plan fewer scenarios for nighttime and make them a lot simpler. Unless everyone has nightvision or its a really bright night things are most definately going to slow down. I remember one 24hr game we had here in Edmonton... the enemy team had a base that was very well dug iin in a trench system and it was surrounded by fields so they had clear view of any attackers. It was night time and there want a lot going on so me and a few buddies headed out to raise some heck at the other teams base. halfway there we heard a few shots and some fighting going on like 209 feet from where we were so we hit the deck. We ended up staying there for the majority of the night in the prone, guns up and taking turns sleeping for a half hour at a time in the middle of the thick bush. About 4 in the morning the fighting stopped and we pushed forward to their base and got lit up as soon as we got near because a few guys on their team had gen3 NVG's. But it was fun. Night time fighting is very different simply because you can't see.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 20:56   #28
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[QUOTE=Aquamarine] The Tamran field in Charlotte, North Carolina is equally huge, but also very hilly and it makes for amazing over-night games too (only played two there)

Did any canadians win prizes or airguns ar the event in charlotte, Aquamarine? Or has anyone been to a US event and won a prize?

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Old December 21st, 2005, 21:23   #29
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1- dedicated players
2- a good story with a simple senario that keeps the ball roling whatever happens. ( remember that as mutch as some would like to beleive we are but kids playing soilder)
3-dedicaed players
4-the ability to adapt the said senario on the fly
5-interesting field

and last but not least

dedicated players
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.

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Old December 21st, 2005, 22:38   #30
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If you want to run a good 24hr milsim, have 72 hours worth of stuff to do.
Paul / Whozat
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