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Does anyone own a Desert Eagle?


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Old August 24th, 2019, 12:28   #1
Join Date: Jul 2019
Does anyone own a Desert Eagle?

Does anyone own a Desert Eagle? There are three brands available. TM, Cybergun WE, and KWA. Feedback on any of them?

Desert Eagles
KWA $200 co2
Cybergun WE $260 gas
Tokyo Mauri $312 gas [special gas?]
Note TM always seems to be out of stock
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Old August 24th, 2019, 13:23   #2
Spengler's Avatar
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I picked up a KWC CO2 model from Toronto Airsoft for $180:

I love the look, the size, the heft. It feels substantial and intimidating, and really stands out on the field where I play, where small black handguns are the order of the day. The metal slide sounds sublime as you send it home, and the mag release is buttery-smooth. Cocking the hammer doesn't feel "springy;" instead, you get a few clicks as your thumb puts it in place. And, of course, firing it? With that blowback and the sound of the slide? I can only get so erect.

It runs on CO2 so maybe I should just keep a hex key and some spare ampoules in one of my pouches... I haven't counted how many mags I get out of one CO2 ampoule, but I think it's at least two full mags and a bit of the third. I have a match tomorrow; I'll try to keep track of that for you if you'd like.

Sure, it probably won't get you the best FPS, ROF, range, accuracy, group out of all the more, shall we say, reasonable sidearms on the market, but you don't get a Desert Eagle to be practical. Or even tactical. You get it because it's fun. And brother, drawing and firing this beast is fun. (Hell, even reloading it is, with the smooth mag release and the satisfying music of the slide.)

Every time I field mine, both friendlies and enemies always give me props and ask to try it between rounds. Their faces light up when they fire off a single shot. And when I tell them to go ahead and dump the mag, it's like Christmas morning.

Obviously, the KWC one isn't the highest-quality or most fully-featured model, but you wouldn't expect that for only one-eighty. The slide and mag are metal, but the rest of the body isn't. (Don't let that make you think it's super-cheap-feeling, though.) It only fires in semi-auto; it lacks the full-auto firing mode of certain Desert Eagle models. The safety is really tight (I have use my off-hand to set it to semi; it's too tight to just flip with my thumb), but that might be a plus.

The mag release feels buttery-smooth, but that also meant that my mag fell out during a match and I didn't even notice. My squad and I searched the forest after and managed to find it, but I've since used a strip of tape around the mag to get rid of the looseness in the magwell so I have to manually pull it out now rather than press the release button and have it drop deliciously into my hand.

Finding holsters hasn't really been an issue. I have three pistol holsters and all of them can fit my Desert Eagle, even a cheap $10 one I got off Toronto Airsoft and the default pistol holster that came with a cheap $60 Armist vest I used to run.

Here's a comparison video of the KWC version and the WE model. The dude has reviewed them each individually, as well, I think:

I don't have any of the other models, so I can't comment on those.
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Old August 25th, 2019, 20:20   #3
Join Date: Jul 2019
Originally Posted by Spengler View Post
I picked up a KWC CO2 model from Toronto Airsoft for $180:

I love the look, the size, the heft. It feels substantial and intimidating, and really stands out on the field where I play, where small black handguns are the order of the day. The metal slide sounds sublime as you send it home, and the mag release is buttery-smooth. Cocking the hammer doesn't feel "springy;" instead, you get a few clicks as your thumb puts it in place. And, of course, firing it? With that blowback and the sound of the slide? I can only get so erect.

It runs on CO2 so maybe I should just keep a hex key and some spare ampoules in one of my pouches... I haven't counted how many mags I get out of one CO2 ampoule, but I think it's at least two full mags and a bit of the third. I have a match tomorrow; I'll try to keep track of that for you if you'd like.

Sure, it probably won't get you the best FPS, ROF, range, accuracy, group out of all the more, shall we say, reasonable sidearms on the market, but you don't get a Desert Eagle to be practical. Or even tactical. You get it because it's fun. And brother, drawing and firing this beast is fun. (Hell, even reloading it is, with the smooth mag release and the satisfying music of the slide.)

Every time I field mine, both friendlies and enemies always give me props and ask to try it between rounds. Their faces light up when they fire off a single shot. And when I tell them to go ahead and dump the mag, it's like Christmas morning.

Obviously, the KWC one isn't the highest-quality or most fully-featured model, but you wouldn't expect that for only one-eighty. The slide and mag are metal, but the rest of the body isn't. (Don't let that make you think it's super-cheap-feeling, though.) It only fires in semi-auto; it lacks the full-auto firing mode of certain Desert Eagle models. The safety is really tight (I have use my off-hand to set it to semi; it's too tight to just flip with my thumb), but that might be a plus.

The mag release feels buttery-smooth, but that also meant that my mag fell out during a match and I didn't even notice. My squad and I searched the forest after and managed to find it, but I've since used a strip of tape around the mag to get rid of the looseness in the magwell so I have to manually pull it out now rather than press the release button and have it drop deliciously into my hand.

Finding holsters hasn't really been an issue. I have three pistol holsters and all of them can fit my Desert Eagle, even a cheap $10 one I got off Toronto Airsoft and the default pistol holster that came with a cheap $60 Armist vest I used to run.

Here's a comparison video of the KWC version and the WE model. The dude has reviewed them each individually, as well, I think:

I don't have any of the other models, so I can't comment on those.
Thanks. I read the KWA gas model was crap but the Co2 model was good. I also read the earlier full auto version would break a lot.

The Cybergun WE model has more metal, and is a lot heavier than the KWA. It may feel better but more weight and big blow back means less accuracy. It also cost $100 more. The Tokyo Mauri model is green gas and like the KWA model, only has a metal slide. The TM model also recommends using a hard to find type of special green gas. The TM model cost about $120 more than the KWA model and seems to be out of stock most of the time.

I am leaning towards the KWA model because green gas does not work well in the cold and Co2 has a bigger blow back.

I agree the Desert Eagle may not be the most practical but with a powerful blow back, it sounds like the most fun. How long have you owned yours?
I was wondering about durability?
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Old August 25th, 2019, 20:54   #4
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I have the Cybergun slash WE and absolutely love desert eagle out there..

Keep Loyal to the game and remember...In battle it is the cowards who run the most risk; bravery is a rampart of defense.
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Old August 25th, 2019, 23:38   #5
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Originally Posted by john3302 View Post
Thanks. I read the KWA gas model was crap but the Co2 model was good. I also read the earlier full auto version would break a lot.

The Cybergun WE model has more metal, and is a lot heavier than the KWA. It may feel better but more weight and big blow back means less accuracy. It also cost $100 more. The Tokyo Mauri model is green gas and like the KWA model, only has a metal slide. The TM model also recommends using a hard to find type of special green gas. The TM model cost about $120 more than the KWA model and seems to be out of stock most of the time.

I am leaning towards the KWA model because green gas does not work well in the cold and Co2 has a bigger blow back.

I agree the Desert Eagle may not be the most practical but with a powerful blow back, it sounds like the most fun. How long have you owned yours?
I was wondering about durability?
I've only had mine about half a year, but other than cosmetic wear, there's no structural or functional damage. It hasn't shattered into pieces when I dropped it accidentally. At least once.

Today, it fell out of my holster (I hadn't pushed it far enough securely) and the plastic rear sight popped out. To slide it back into place properly, I would've had to disassembled the slide and removed the safety, but I managed to just snap the plastic rear sight back into place. That's the only issue I've had so far -- no cracks, no double-feeding, no misfires, no leaks.

Here's an ASC post that compares both the TM and KWC models, and comments on the KWC after 1.5 years of use (keep in mind the post is from 2012 so maybe the dude's comments don't reflect the modern model but still):

I am by no means trying to sell you on the KWC model specifically! Do your research, stay within your budget, and most importantly, get yourself the Desert Eagle that's best for you and have a hell of a lot of fun with it!
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Old August 26th, 2019, 16:37   #6
Rumpel Felt
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I've had the Guarder/TM hard kick version for years and in polished chrome of course. Let's be honest, you don't buy this thing to holster or use as a practical back-up. Indeed the times I gamed it a long while back it was my primary/only with 4 mags of which 2 I believe had 'high flow' valves but I've never noticed any difference on chrono or kick.

With this model/set up as mentioned, you will require 3 stages of something to contain your sploog: one for when you see it, one for when you hold/reload it, and one for firing it.

It has the Guarder full metal slide, frame, safety catches, and barrel/chamber kit (CNC aluminum). Enhanced recoil springs (DE has two) to compensate for weight, guide rods, and enhanced hammer spring. Steel front and back sights as well.

Wait for it.... Wait for it....

It's the full trademarked version of the kit! That means no cheesy "Tokyo Marui" or "Made in Japan." The trades aren't cheesily painted on either. I don't have it near me right now but it's got ".50AE" where it should be. "Desert Eagle" and trademark and "Magnum Research Minneapolis, MN" on the slide. And "Made in Israel" on the frame as well as a unique serial number. They're all very nicely engraved.

The weight is obviously amazing. I've never held a real one nor have I weighed mine myself but according to stats for both, they're not off by much.

This is the best GBB I've ever laid my hands on in in terms of build quality as well. No creaks, cracks, scratches or wobbles. It's solid as a brick and you could probably do more damage throwing this at something than an actual brick.

Functionality wise you can't ask for more. I've never had it jam. It's never crunched a BB. It's never misfired. Due to the size of the mags you get plenty of gas mileage out of them. Easily a full mag firing as fast as you can assuming you gave it time to warm. When you use it as your only then you're going to be conservative with your shots anyway. I have easily had over two full mags go through it in moderation with a little to spare. Those "high flow" ones just seem to give off a tiny bit of excess but not even noticeable in practice. As long as it gets one full mag worth off without hiccups it's fine by me.

The range, accuracy, and power of this thing are significantly better than any stock GBB. I'm not going to say 'what it can go up against' since when I play I'll use anything against anything. You'll feel extremely confident firing it out to 20m+. It can be a bit hard to aim but the sights are quite practical and pleasant.

Seems like some of you are extremely new by the mention "this obscure green gas." Green gas is just propane in an incredibly unsafe and overpriced can. I've never had a can of it ever. Look up the AI propane adapter. All you need is that and as many $4 camping propane tanks from the store you want. And some lightweight silicone oil

Price wise....well this is a nightmare to compute. So I won't and I'm not sure you can even get some of these parts anymore. Let's just say it's several times the ballpark of anything mentioned here. It was also a mostly pre-build from overseas too, so there's that. Starting with a stock TM DE now it's probably going to run you over $1000

You can't put a price of peoples' faces when they see it though whether it's in their hands or pointed at them. This gun is the epitome of bad ass ridiculous hand cannons (for airsoft anyway). I'm just happy I got a solid product that's as equally wall-hanger worthy as it is practical.

Now the Achilles heel of this thing The mag catch was not upgraded from whatever TM uses. So given the crispness and sharpness of the slide and the pressure of the stronger recoil springs it wore off the nub of the slide catch in just a few mags. It still functions if I push it up when locking the slide back but during firing to empty it won't lock back thus you must remember your shots or at least check your mag often (not all bad since it gives you more reasons to slide it in and out). Sucks though because watching a DE fire to empty is one of the assiest parts of the badness. Luckily there does seem to be a steel slide catch out there but it's going for $32 USD overseas alone for fuck sakes.

Last edited by Rumpel Felt; August 26th, 2019 at 16:58..
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Old August 26th, 2019, 19:08   #7
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Originally Posted by ripanu1 View Post
I have the Cybergun slash WE and absolutely love desert eagle out there..
How long have you owned it? How does it perform in cold weather? Can you get two full magazine rounds before having to refill with gas?
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Old August 26th, 2019, 22:23   #8
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
I've had the Guarder/TM hard kick version for years and in polished chrome of course. Let's be honest, you don't buy this thing to holster or use as a practical back-up. Indeed the times I gamed it a long while back it was my primary/only with 4 mags of which 2 I believe had 'high flow' valves but I've never noticed any difference on chrono or kick.

With this model/set up as mentioned, you will require 3 stages of something to contain your sploog: one for when you see it, one for when you hold/reload it, and one for firing it.

It has the Guarder full metal slide, frame, safety catches, and barrel/chamber kit (CNC aluminum). Enhanced recoil springs (DE has two) to compensate for weight, guide rods, and enhanced hammer spring. Steel front and back sights as well.

Wait for it.... Wait for it....

It's the full trademarked version of the kit! That means no cheesy "Tokyo Marui" or "Made in Japan." The trades aren't cheesily painted on either. I don't have it near me right now but it's got ".50AE" where it should be. "Desert Eagle" and trademark and "Magnum Research Minneapolis, MN" on the slide. And "Made in Israel" on the frame as well as a unique serial number. They're all very nicely engraved.

The weight is obviously amazing. I've never held a real one nor have I weighed mine myself but according to stats for both, they're not off by much.

This is the best GBB I've ever laid my hands on in in terms of build quality as well. No creaks, cracks, scratches or wobbles. It's solid as a brick and you could probably do more damage throwing this at something than an actual brick.

Functionality wise you can't ask for more. I've never had it jam. It's never crunched a BB. It's never misfired. Due to the size of the mags you get plenty of gas mileage out of them. Easily a full mag firing as fast as you can assuming you gave it time to warm. When you use it as your only then you're going to be conservative with your shots anyway. I have easily had over two full mags go through it in moderation with a little to spare. Those "high flow" ones just seem to give off a tiny bit of excess but not even noticeable in practice. As long as it gets one full mag worth off without hiccups it's fine by me.

The range, accuracy, and power of this thing are significantly better than any stock GBB. I'm not going to say 'what it can go up against' since when I play I'll use anything against anything. You'll feel extremely confident firing it out to 20m+. It can be a bit hard to aim but the sights are quite practical and pleasant.

Seems like some of you are extremely new by the mention "this obscure green gas." Green gas is just propane in an incredibly unsafe and overpriced can. I've never had a can of it ever. Look up the AI propane adapter. All you need is that and as many $4 camping propane tanks from the store you want. And some lightweight silicone oil

Price wise....well this is a nightmare to compute. So I won't and I'm not sure you can even get some of these parts anymore. Let's just say it's several times the ballpark of anything mentioned here. It was also a mostly pre-build from overseas too, so there's that. Starting with a stock TM DE now it's probably going to run you over $1000

You can't put a price of peoples' faces when they see it though whether it's in their hands or pointed at them. This gun is the epitome of bad ass ridiculous hand cannons (for airsoft anyway). I'm just happy I got a solid product that's as equally wall-hanger worthy as it is practical.

Now the Achilles heel of this thing The mag catch was not upgraded from whatever TM uses. So given the crispness and sharpness of the slide and the pressure of the stronger recoil springs it wore off the nub of the slide catch in just a few mags. It still functions if I push it up when locking the slide back but during firing to empty it won't lock back thus you must remember your shots or at least check your mag often (not all bad since it gives you more reasons to slide it in and out). Sucks though because watching a DE fire to empty is one of the assiest parts of the badness. Luckily there does seem to be a steel slide catch out there but it's going for $32 USD overseas alone for fuck sakes.
I did handle one with metal slide/frame years ago at Sgt. Splatter's, probably also with Guarder kit. That is like half of the price of real one but that thing was a monster
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Old September 1st, 2019, 13:01   #9
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Originally Posted by ripanu1 View Post
I have the Cybergun slash WE and absolutely love desert eagle out there..
I just bought the WE version. Great blowback and feel! Do you know where you can get parts for it in the future?
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Old September 5th, 2019, 22:13   #10
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KWA does not make one. It's KWC.

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Old September 12th, 2019, 16:43   #11
Rumpel Felt
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
I did handle one with metal slide/frame years ago at Sgt. Splatter's, probably also with Guarder kit. That is like half of the price of real one but that thing was a monster
Yeah it just somehow is automatically a bit more powerful due to the size. I had the TM plastic one before that and it was considerably more powerful out of the box than any other stock GBB I've used. The mags for one seem to hold more gas too.

I just wish I had that steel slide lock lever for fuck sakes.
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Old March 26th, 2020, 12:05   #12
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I own the 3 models.

My favorite is the


they all have their pros and cons.

FOR ME the WE is the best but out of the box you might want to make a barrel support for your inner barrel inside the outer barrel. also change your bucking if you want.

TM super accurate, very light and feels cheap plastic(even though not cheap)

Kwc frame is plastic with metal slide, magazines dont feed well in mine.(double stack lips) but runs on co2 and gas efficiency is not that great, capsule gets cold very quick you can get 2 mags decent power then the third is weak.

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