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Thinking of getting into this...


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Old July 18th, 2017, 14:36   #1
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Scarborough, Toronto
Thinking of getting into this...

Hi, so I'm thinking of getting into airsoft on a more serious note.

I was interested in airsoft since Youtuber The Mighty Jingles mentioned it. I decided one day, after class, to just try it out. I went to the CQB arena near Downsview in Toronto.

I learned that CQB was really difficult - especially with a full-sized rifle. It was my first time airsofting at all so I was kinda scared about being hit, haha...I thought though, maybe an ourdoor arena with more manoeuvrability would be more my thing?

I also learned that it was rather boring without a fixed community.

Now I have a fairly decent job (not exactly minimum wage, but not exactly top-tier either) and am looking for reasons to be more socially active in something I can actually be interested in. Airsoft stuck out in my mind, though the costs are a bit of a problem (I definitely could save up for more expensive airsoft gear, though it would take some time).

To sum up,
  • If CQB isn't really my thing, is it possible I would prefer outdoors instead?
  • What could I do about finding a community?
  • Given everything I just said, is the sport worth getting into?
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Old July 18th, 2017, 14:46   #2
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1. In my opinion, outdoors is almost ALWAYS better.
2. I'm assuming you're in Toronto... which has a massive player base. Just start going to games and networking, its quite easy.
3. I think its definitely worth it if you can afford it monetarily and time-wise. I've made some truly amazing friends because of this sport and have had the privilege of attending events that created some lifelong memories. I dont regret getting into this at all.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17

Last edited by Desmodus; July 18th, 2017 at 14:49..
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Old July 18th, 2017, 14:51   #3
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Scarborough, Toronto
I also hope I'm getting into this with the right kind of mindset. I don't want to sink potentially thousands of dollars into equipment I can't end up using.

I think my friends describe me as a very "tactical" person; in the first person shooters I do play I'm not the kind of person to want to "quickscope" people and beat them with reflexes, I'm the kind of person to want to beat them with superior positioning, surprise, and above all else, using the right tool for the right job.

I usually end up sniping in FPS games I do play but I've done enough research to know that real life sniping is more about weaponizing math than it is about "crosshairs-on-head".

I read the sniping thread and it talked about the DMR role, and I think that's interesting; I'm the kind of person who will want to fill out just about any role the team needs - perhaps not as well as a dedicated person, but 'good enough' at everything (jack of all trades kinda deal).
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Old July 18th, 2017, 14:56   #4
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Originally Posted by Justin116 View Post
I also hope I'm getting into this with the right kind of mindset. I don't want to sink potentially thousands of dollars into equipment I can't end up using.

I think my friends describe me as a very "tactical" person; in the first person shooters I do play I'm not the kind of person to want to "quickscope" people and beat them with reflexes, I'm the kind of person to want to beat them with superior positioning, surprise, and above all else, using the right tool for the right job.

I usually end up sniping in FPS games I do play but I've done enough research to know that real life sniping is more about weaponizing math than it is about "crosshairs-on-head".

I read the sniping thread and it talked about the DMR role, and I think that's interesting; I'm the kind of person who will want to fill out just about any role the team needs - perhaps not as well as a dedicated person, but 'good enough' at everything (jack of all trades kinda deal).
You really should go to a couple more walk-on games and try out some different models of guns and gear before you start throwing money around.

Based on how you've described yourself, Milsim games might be something you want to look into after you've got more games under your belt and at least a basic set of equipment that you feel comfortable using for 12 or more hours.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old July 18th, 2017, 15:06   #5
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I guess the other issue is that I don't have a car (yet; licence yes but no car) and thus rely on transit to get around. I think the nearest one I found according to Google Maps is fairly far-ish (getting a bit on a tangent here...)

I don't really know the best way to get to know people at the games, either. It was weird going up to them and commenting on their gear, it was like everyone had their own little niche already and it was hard to break in, community-wise.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 15:42   #6
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Desmodus hit the nail on the head.

First thing go get Age Verified. I think Army Issue in Port Credit still does it. Then you can see games posted and see if you can get a ride to them. Thats how you get to know people.

Then get out there play with different guys and use different equipment.

There are games that run out doors that range from Scrim(15min-2 hour scenarios) right out to full blown Milsim (18-40 hours) with command structure and hard set pass/ fail objectives.

Do not get set in a team role yet. Play see how you like being the guy lugging a LMG, be the guy who is rocking a scoped rifle in a DMR Role, be a regular guy with just an M4 and your gear. Once you have what you like get kit that suits how you play and where you play.

I started off with an ICS M4 with tinted lower that cost me bout $500 with a decent battery and mags all brand new. You could easily get yourself kitted out with used gear for $500 including a decent set of load bearing gear and maybe a set of camo.
Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
A number of camo players just walked around with guns on their backs or hanging down with no kill indicators on them and expected players to know they are dead. I'm assuming most of these players drive BMW's and refuse to use the indicators because they know where they are going.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 16:24   #7
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Location: Scarborough, Toronto
I'm in Scarborough and I think I saw an age verifier in that region. If I'm going to go to another game then I'm probably going to need some help with transit until I get my own transportation sorted.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 19:05   #8
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OK so the first thing to do is put your location in your profile. That's helpfull for when you want to hear about games in the area or need to carpool to them.

Then after that start checking the posted game threads for the area and see who's going.

Find someone to split gas with and hitch a ride up. Find out if the local verifier will be at any games. That's a perfect place to meet up and share you info and to also get in the locale scene.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 19:06   #9
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Totally understand what you're saying about trying to meet new people/ break into the community. When I first got into this it was by myself and I knew absolutely nobody. Just keep showing up to drop in games and it will feel more natural. If you go regularly you will start to see the same people over and over again and it will be easier to talk to people between rounds after good run on the field with them. The best teams are the ones that can work well together and communicate effectively, so if you run hard, play fair and have a good attitude you will meet people.
If you're looking for info on guns/practical advice I would stick to the msg board for now as its literally a gold mine of information. Ask google anything with ASC at the end and you'll probably find some of the better info on the net right here on this forum.
There are a lot of facebook groups, but as a new player you may find that a bit discouraging as there are a lot more people interested in goofing around and stroking egos then helping you out.
Try to hit up an outdoor field this summer, Clairington Woods and Flagswipe are both excellent fields, but you will need to find transportation to get there.
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Old July 18th, 2017, 19:46   #10
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Scarborough, Toronto
I added my location though will I get PMs or anything from local groups that are running games indicating "Yeah a game is happening"? I don't think that's how vBulletin works...

You're also talking to probably the 1% of the population who doesn't have an operational Facebook, haha
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Old July 19th, 2017, 11:50   #11
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The big thing is one you get AV you will be able to check the Ontario game board. There is one guy who commonly posts about going to games and looks for people who need rides. He is in the downtown area.

For big games there is almost always an option to ride share. Hell I have picked up total strangers and driven them 1/2 way across the province to game with/against me. That's how you build a network. From that network comes the invites to the private games as long as you are honest and play fair.

Also don't be afraid to say. " I'm new and need some help/guidance". Most of us will help you out. As with anything there will always be elitist assholes( i have only ever seen 2 in total) but for the most part we will help you as we have all been there and know the feeling.
Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
A number of camo players just walked around with guns on their backs or hanging down with no kill indicators on them and expected players to know they are dead. I'm assuming most of these players drive BMW's and refuse to use the indicators because they know where they are going.
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Old July 19th, 2017, 13:04   #12
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Siege is also in Scarborough, (Midland and Progress) should hit up a game there.

Lot less cramped then UA. There are outdoor places, but they are out of the area, (Bowmanville, Guelph, etc.)
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 11:07   #13
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Perhaps I'm just not finding the right pinned thread but am I not supposed to get age verified by PMing such a person?
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 14:56   #14
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field is much slower paced than cqb in most cases. Your situational awareness is less focused in a specific direction, it has to be more completely around you, so people tend to move slower. Indoor I find if people are good they will push hard. You can't be afraid to get hit in airsoft, especially in cqb. If you hesitate going into a door or balk during a push, it means you and everyone else around you is usually screwed. You have to depend on the guy behind you to protect you. Not everyone is cut out to understand and execute that without knowing.

Outdoor games can move slow enough to develop that awareness of what to do. You can't do it all alone, even if you are the best player with the best gun. Numbers almost always wins.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 15:43   #15
a.k.a. Greedy
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PM is the default way to contact an AV'er. However, some stores in Toronto have AV reps there, so you don't have to wait to contact someone and arrange a meeting. Just pop into the store.
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