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Haven't played since 2010, what has changed?



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Old November 19th, 2015, 16:59   #1
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Haven't played since 2010, what has changed?

Hello all,

I haven't been active on my Airsoft hobby for about 5 years due to other hobbies and stuff.

I decided I should get back by summer 2016 because why not.
I have been lurking around for a couple of days and I couldn't help to notice that some things have changed since 2010:
  • There are a lot more airsoft brands and retailers around
  • What happened to BB bastards? Are they less popular now? (Stock issues?)
  • Are 0.28g BB's more popular on the fields? What about 0.25g?
  • Are bio-bbs mandatory? What is THE preferred brand for bio bb's?
  • Are GGBR's more widely used?
  • Please tell me HPA is not becoming the "norm". There is a reason why I don't paintball :/
  • Any major changes to the overall game rules on the fields? (No blind fire, min. engagement distance, etc.)
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Old November 19th, 2015, 17:48   #2
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- I mostly see .20 - .25
- Whether or not biobb's are mandatory depends on the field
- HPA is not becoming the norm, it's just something SOME people do because they want those extra perks and don't care for the air tank attached to their gun
- There is still no blind fire in every field I have ever seen. Min. engagement distance varies between fields. In a lot of CQB arenas, there isn't a minimum at all, you can shoot someone with the barrel on their skin
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Old November 19th, 2015, 18:44   #3
Rusty Lugnuts
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batteries are way better, G&G makes good reasonably priced guns now, Bio Bb's also better quality and if you have a G & P gun now you just hide it and never mention it.
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Old November 19th, 2015, 20:54   #4
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
- I mostly see .20 - .25
- Whether or not biobb's are mandatory depends on the field
- HPA is not becoming the norm, it's just something SOME people do because they want those extra perks and don't care for the air tank attached to their gun
- There is still no blind fire in every field I have ever seen. Min. engagement distance varies between fields. In a lot of CQB arenas, there isn't a minimum at all, you can shoot someone with the barrel on their skin
Ahhh not much has changed
Glad to see it!, thanks for your input
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Old November 19th, 2015, 21:02   #5
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Originally Posted by Rusty Lugnuts View Post
batteries are way better, G&G makes good reasonably priced guns now, Bio Bb's also better quality and if you have a G & P gun now you just hide it and never mention it.
Well I was away doing my RC hobby and Lipo's dominate that area.
But to run an airsoft AEG with a lipo (even if its only 2S-7.4V) it seems like a lot hassle, with the contacts being burnt prematurely and jamming issues when firing if one doesn't use a MOSFET...
And I never owned a G&P, but that is pretty darn funny

It ends up being more trouble some than using a GBBR, and I don't mind the maintenance.

Last edited by gmds44; November 19th, 2015 at 21:23..
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Old November 19th, 2015, 23:04   #6
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
Hello all,

I haven't been active on my Airsoft hobby for about 5 years due to other hobbies and stuff.

I decided I should get back by summer 2016 because why not.
I have been lurking around for a couple of days and I couldn't help to notice that some things have changed since 2010:
  • There are a lot more airsoft brands and retailers around
  • What happened to BB bastards? Are they less popular now? (Stock issues?)
  • Are 0.28g BB's more popular on the fields? What about 0.25g?
  • Are bio-bbs mandatory? What is THE preferred brand for bio bb's?
  • Are GGBR's more widely used?
  • Please tell me HPA is not becoming the "norm". There is a reason why I don't paintball :/
  • Any major changes to the overall game rules on the fields? (No blind fire, min. engagement distance, etc.)
- More brands, but top tier are still - TM, GHK, VFC.
- Bastards are alive, as mentioned
- .25 are the norm for me, for indoors. - .3+ for out doors.
- Bio bbs are mandatory on outdoor fields (most) - I used Bioval, think some use bbbastards, but they don't make heavy weight bios (.3)
- GBBR are widely used still, at least for CQB.
- Fields in Toronto have 380 FPS for indoor cqb, some have 400 FPS. - No mercy rule.

Terms of GBBR:
GHK M4's are the best performance on the current market - imo.

WE just released a P90 GBBR - aswell as TM just released their new GBBR M4 (Cerakoted).

RHOP is a big thing now, BTC Spectres V2 are a big thing now.

TM is also making an AEG AA12 - that shoots 3 shots simultaneously w/ different adjustable hop ups.
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Old November 19th, 2015, 23:21   #7
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
- More brands, but top tier are still - TM, GHK, VFC.
- Bastards are alive, as mentioned
- .25 are the norm for me, for indoors. - .3+ for out doors.
- Bio bbs are mandatory on outdoor fields (most) - I used Bioval, think some use bbbastards, but they don't make heavy weight bios (.3)
- GBBR are widely used still, at least for CQB.
- Fields in Toronto have 380 FPS for indoor cqb, some have 400 FPS. - No mercy rule.

Terms of GBBR:
GHK M4's are the best performance on the current market - imo.

WE just released a P90 GBBR - aswell as TM just released their new GBBR M4 (Cerakoted).

RHOP is a big thing now, BTC Spectres V2 are a big thing now.

TM is also making an AEG AA12 - that shoots 3 shots simultaneously w/ different adjustable hop ups.
That looks very interesting indeed. I am guessing it is night and day compared to regular hopup units? Do they come standard on some guns? Or is it a diy upgrade?
Those BTC spectres are very expensive! It is probably why I will stick to GBBRs, AEG's just seem like a money pit

I guess I will be buying bio-bbs only then!
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Old November 19th, 2015, 23:46   #8
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Originally Posted by gmds44 View Post
Well I was away doing my RC hobby and Lipo's dominate that area.
But to run an airsoft AEG with a lipo (even if its only 2S-7.4V) it seems like a lot hassle, with the contacts being burnt prematurely and jamming issues when firing if one doesn't use a MOSFET...
And I never owned a G&P, but that is pretty darn funny

It ends up being more trouble some than using a GBBR, and I don't mind the maintenance.
I did RC for 10 years before starting airsoft. I exclusively use lipos in my AEG's and I'm not sure what hassle you're alluding to. Why would contacts be burnt prematurely and the gun jam because of lipos?
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Old November 20th, 2015, 01:33   #9
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Lot's has changed.

- Lipos are 100% better and a fraction of the price.

- HPA has added some neat gun consistency, but carrying a tank and dedicated line around suck, also severe joule creep and FPS issues are getting them banned at certain fields. Or just putting holes in people's faces.

- Bio BB's are becoming the norm, but it really comes down to field requirements. There's several good or adequate brands of Bio rounds available.

- BB Bastard still has stock issues, but is still the highest quality product in my opinion.

- People don't typically run 0.25g anymore. 0.28g is the gold standard and has been for many years, but 0.30g and 0.32g are becoming more common. Basically, you want to run the heaviest weight BB your gun can fire effectively. Hop-up, FPS, stability and round delivery time will play a factor.

- There are way more GBBRs out there than there used to be. The only good reason to own one though is the kick and bang you get with them. They are still plagued with heat issues, cold issues, seal issues, maintenance issues, high cost mags and parts issues, joule creep and temperature swing issues, and you need to carry a dump truck worth of gas cans to match what a few lipos can do.

- There are way more players, groups and fields.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old November 20th, 2015, 09:10   #10
"bb bukakke" KING!
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rhop is a patch/bucking/nub mod, not a hop up unit.

If you have a competent installer it makes for tighter groupings and flatter flight trajectory. It's the last thing you do after you have upgraded air seal with low shot to shot fps variance.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 09:18   #11
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Think it depends where you play.

At least out in Toronto it's 0.20 or 0.25 only for indoors. Outdoors anything goes, as long as it meets the FPS/Joule requirement.

HPA here imo is pretty popular, alot of Polar Star, Tippmann user, and occasional Daytona Gun.

p.s. also harder to import guns now, assuming 5 years ago was before the 366-400 FPS rule with CBSA.

Asian companies are still sketch, they'll do as you ask, reduce invoice, and go as far as a different company name, "Kitchen wares" LMAO.

Last edited by BioRage; November 20th, 2015 at 09:31..
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Old November 20th, 2015, 09:28   #12
Join Date: Sep 2015
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Also from Montreal, Just started 2 m onths ago... Tomorow should be my last outdoor game, plyaing up north.. All the local fields I play use bio..

Local shops :
Aventure Airsoft
Prefair ( more gear than guns )
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Old November 20th, 2015, 09:59   #13
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Originally Posted by waylander View Post
I did RC for 10 years before starting airsoft. I exclusively use lipos in my AEG's and I'm not sure what hassle you're alluding to. Why would contacts be burnt prematurely and the gun jam because of lipos?
Correct me if I am wrong, but the increased amperage/arcing time (due to the fact that previous nimh batteries did not always provide enough current to the motors to operate at their 100%) causes the contacts to "burn" quicker. This is specially true in my case because I mostly do semi-auto shots. Also, for quick-firing in semi auto the gearbox sometimes can't keep up and jams. This was back when I used a stock Classic Army AUG in 2010, so perhaps lipo-ready AEG's don't have this issue. I know that MOSFETs do fix most of these issues.
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Old November 20th, 2015, 10:31   #14
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Lot's has changed.

- Lipos are 100% better and a fraction of the price.

- HPA has added some neat gun consistency, but carrying a tank and dedicated line around suck, also severe joule creep and FPS issues are getting them banned at certain fields. Or just putting holes in people's faces.

- Bio BB's are becoming the norm, but it really comes down to field requirements. There's several good or adequate brands of Bio rounds available.

- BB Bastard still has stock issues, but is still the highest quality product in my opinion.

- People don't typically run 0.25g anymore. 0.28g is the gold standard and has been for many years, but 0.30g and 0.32g are becoming more common. Basically, you want to run the heaviest weight BB your gun can fire effectively. Hop-up, FPS, stability and round delivery time will play a factor.

- There are way more GBBRs out there than there used to be. The only good reason to own one though is the kick and bang you get with them. They are still plagued with heat issues, cold issues, seal issues, maintenance issues, high cost mags and parts issues, joule creep and temperature swing issues, and you need to carry a dump truck worth of gas cans to match what a few lipos can do.

- There are way more players, groups and fields.
Glad Bios are becoming more popular! It is about time
As for joule creeps, this can be done with AEG's too with a short barrel and a correct piston compression pattern combination.
If I were to use a GBBR (say an MP7) that shoots ~400fps with .20's but I decided to use .30's or heavier bb's for better accuracy, would I be flagged as a joule creep? Could I get in trouble for doing so? I would be getting a higher muzzle energy output for sure. Nobody seemed to care much (back in 2010) anyway.

The one thing I praise GBBR's for is their ability to adjust their muzzle velocity quite easily (with an NPAS or a whole bolt change in the case of an MP7). So I could use the same gun for CQB and outdoors without having to open a gearbox to swap the spring. AFAIK only few AEG's do this, ICS and Systema PTW, the former being too cheap in my opinion and the latter being extremely expensive.
Never mind, apparently G&G now have split box design too

Last edited by gmds44; November 20th, 2015 at 11:28..
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Old November 20th, 2015, 10:36   #15
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Think it depends where you play.

At least out in Toronto it's 0.20 or 0.25 only for indoors. Outdoors anything goes, as long as it meets the FPS/Joule requirement.

HPA here imo is pretty popular, alot of Polar Star, Tippmann user, and occasional Daytona Gun.

p.s. also harder to import guns now, assuming 5 years ago was before the 366-400 FPS rule with CBSA.

Asian companies are still sketch, they'll do as you ask, reduce invoice, and go as far as a different company name, "Kitchen wares" LMAO.
When I left airsoft there was a "new way" to import airsoft guns and it required them to be specifically within the FPS rule you mentionned I think, so yeah. Does this mean that if manufacturers chose not to make "canadian compliant" versions of their guns, we can't import them?
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