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Bullpup Talk (L85, UAR)


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Old November 14th, 2015, 22:23   #1
Join Date: Nov 2015
Bullpup Talk (L85, UAR)

I don't understand why the UAR V2 has such a low retail value even though it has all the makings of a good stock gun. The full metal gear box, hop up, ergo design. Only flaws would be the motor, spring, barrel and maybe the mag well.

Why is it that the ics L85 is marked so much higher?

What changes would be needed to be made to make the UARv2 on par with the L85?
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Old November 14th, 2015, 23:09   #2
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majority of the external parts on the l85 is metal versus the body of the UAR is primarily plastic
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Old November 15th, 2015, 17:43   #3
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Another thing is proprietary parts since the L85 uses a proprietary gearbox design while the UAR uses a standard V3.
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Old November 18th, 2015, 17:46   #4
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That being said, some proprietary parts of the UAR are impossible to find (i.e. Trigger Bar)

The ICS L85 may use a proprietary mechbox design, but most if not all parts are available through one route or another. The L85 I owned was one of the most reliable guns I've ever touched. Pretty heavy beast though if I'm honest.
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Old November 27th, 2015, 20:31   #5
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In my opinion, the UAR feels pretty cheap. I don't like the feel or spund of the plastic, and it's a tad flimsy. Not an issue with the L85. That being said, I don't like the L85's ergonomics. You gotta find one that works for you, or you will hate it.
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Old November 28th, 2015, 05:39   #6
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Originally Posted by ASCWil View Post
I don't understand why the UAR V2 has such a low retail value even though it has all the makings of a good stock gun. The full metal gear box, hop up, ergo design. Only flaws would be the motor, spring, barrel and maybe the mag well.

Actually the UAR has all the makings of a junker, bargain basement gun.

"Metal gear box" is a selling point like a car with "rubber tires:" I'd be very suspicious about any mechbox that isn't metal.

And all guns have hop up (but not all guns have good hop up).

The price, especially in Canada, really isn't that low for what you're getting (about average value-for-money for that grade gun).

As for the ICS L85, as Redzaku mentioned, it's got a lot more metal. The receiver is actually steel, not just pot metal. I haven't seen the APS UAR in person but I'd be willing to bet the polymer on the ICS L85 is a lot nicer quality than the plastic on the UAR. And last but not least you've got a pretty good gear box, barrel, etc out of the box.

Also, the Canadian pricing on the L85 -- CDN$415 at Airsoft Depot vs. ~USD$380 overseas -- makes it a good deal for Canadians. Sure, the UAR may be $150-200 cheaper out the gate, but swap out just the inner barrel, motor and hopup for something better and you're up to about $150 already, and you haven't even touched the mechbox. And its still an all plastic gun. So is it really a better deal in the end?

Last edited by Drake; November 28th, 2015 at 13:06..
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Old November 28th, 2015, 11:41   #7
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Because it's APS. They have low build quality and their quality control is bad, if they even have any.

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Old November 28th, 2015, 17:06   #8
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I bought an ICS L85 from mach1, at a good price. And LOVE IT. The ergonomics took a little bit of a change to get used to, but it's brilliant once you've had a game or two with it.
It's solid, no flex to it at all. Darn near everything is steel on the body, barring te foregrip, cheek rest, and butt pad. My only gripe, which is my fault, is that the cheap plastic magazines I was running in a G&G M4, don't sit well in it. But, that's cheap mags for ya!
In fact, I liked it so much I bought a second one when they were on sale!

Last edited by Saxon79; November 28th, 2015 at 17:21.. Reason: Removed price
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