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Old March 19th, 2015, 21:00   #1
BloodLictor's Avatar
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Mp5 Questions

I have been looking at getting myself an mp5a4 with a RIS for a swordfish/strike kit. So far the only brand that I can find with the criteria of what I want is CYMA. I know very little about this brand other than it is a Chinese brand. Is this a decent brand?
As for the mp5a4 with RIS;
  • What version gearbox is in it?
  • What size of bearings does the gear box take?
  • Should I invest in a new/better motor?
  • How large is the stocks battery cavity?
  • What would be the best idea for upgrades or maintenance?

Thank you for your response in advanced.
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Old March 19th, 2015, 21:17   #2
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Originally Posted by BloodLictor View Post
I have been looking at getting myself an mp5a4 with a RIS for a swordfish/strike kit. So far the only brand that I can find with the criteria of what I want is CYMA. I know very little about this brand other than it is a Chinese brand. Is this a decent brand?
As for the mp5a4 with RIS;
  • What version gearbox is in it?
  • What size of bearings does the gear box take?
  • Should I invest in a new/better motor?
  • How large is the stocks battery cavity?
  • What would be the best idea for upgrades or maintenance?

Thank you for your response in advanced.
I've a TM Mp5A4, converted over to a Swordfish setup.

For the Cyma:

1 - Version 2
2 - I don't know - likely 6mm
3 - Run it until it drops, replace motor then
4 - Solid stock can take up to large brick, IIRC
5 - 6.03 barrel, hop-up .. if it shoots straight and true, just leave it be until it doesn't.
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Old March 19th, 2015, 21:25   #3
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
I've a TM Mp5A4, converted over to a Swordfish setup.

For the Cyma:

1 - Version 2
2 - I don't know - likely 6mm
3 - Run it until it drops, replace motor then
4 - Solid stock can take up to large brick, IIRC
5 - 6.03 barrel, hop-up .. if it shoots straight and true, just leave it be until it doesn't.
Thank you.
Was the Swordfish kit easy to set up on your TM Mp5?
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Old March 19th, 2015, 21:40   #4
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Originally Posted by BloodLictor View Post
Thank you.
Was the Swordfish kit easy to set up on your TM Mp5?
Fairly easy and straight forward. Only work necessary was to file down "gas tube"/hop-up bracket a bit for RIS clearance. Likely TM specific, since you are looking at the CYMA with RIS option.

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Old March 19th, 2015, 21:43   #5
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Jesus Billy you turning in to a Prepper? Those are some beast you've been posting lately.

Originally Posted by HackD View Post
Fairly easy and straight forward. Only work necessary was to file down "gas tube"/hop-up bracket a bit for RIS clearance. Likely TM specific, since you are looking at the CYMA with RIS option.

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Old March 19th, 2015, 21:49   #6
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
Fairly easy and straight forward. Only work necessary was to file down "gas tube"/hop-up bracket a bit for RIS clearance. Likely TM specific, since you are looking at the CYMA with RIS option.
I figured it would be straight forward, but it never hurts to ask.
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Old March 19th, 2015, 22:09   #7
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Originally Posted by Rossco66 View Post
Jesus Billy you turning in to a Prepper? Those are some beast you've been posting lately.
Yeah, shit has kinda gotten out of hand in the airsoft-candy department. I figure i'm probably at the point of finding my equilibrium for where i like things to be for airsoft pew-pew .. a gun for every occasion, and all that.

Me? A prepper? Nah, i'm the equivelant of "that fat guy" that everyone is going to want to have around (to get munched first, while they get away) should the balloon go up..
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Old March 19th, 2015, 23:40   #8
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I normally like my MP5s plain as stale bread, but your swordfish build looks really slick and functional.
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Old March 20th, 2015, 15:57   #9
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Just commenting on the CYMA brand. I have the k for three years as a main. Only thing I changed were the TB and the hop up. The rear sight is loose now, and the sling swivel is not solid. Everything else seems fine. Don't want to jinx it. Love it to bits. Solid metal body. I am sure the internals can do with some shimming and upgrades, but can't complain for the price.
M4 MK12 MOD0, SBR, KC02
(B. A. Level 2 Cert.)
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Old March 20th, 2015, 16:07   #10
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there's a couple mp5 threads if you care to search for them comparing the various differences and qualities of the aegs out there. The cyma is nicely priced and the quality useable, but it's drawback is weight vs the others.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 20th, 2015, 18:23   #11
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I am mainly interested in the CYMA mp5a4 RIS because it has the rails, the full stock, is relatively small and has a look I like.
The search function does help answer some of my questions but not all.
I figured that I would have to shim the gear box and potentially upgrade certain parts in order for it to last longer and/or perform better.
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Old March 20th, 2015, 23:42   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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well.. the laymen's wise choice would be to game it as is until something breaks then upgrade it all in one shot, get some use out of the stock parts. If you know nothing about upgrading... game it till it breaks then deal with it then, either by paying for services or learning to do it yourself, but you will need reasonably deep pockets either way.

Upgrades even when done perfectly are at the mercy of the parts. Even good parts will fail, it's a matter of when, could be 10 rounds, could be 50k.

Once you start upgrading you need to assume it will break on the next trigger pull and be prepared to pay for whatever happens when you pull the trigger.... every time. That's not to say you won't improve the odds by say... putting a set of riot siegetek gears in there right away, and a spectre fet if you could find one... but even those have failed before, albeit rarely and they are some of the very few products on the market that have a warranty.

Techs like me gamble on a set of 25$ gears lasting over 50k rounds or beyond, and if the 25$ gears blow up, they're only 25$, the cost is in labor/time to open it and shim new gears. Still ahead of the curve. I have 3 guns all running 25$ 13:1s pr 16:1s. The 16:1s have held for almost 4 years now. If I forked out the money for 3 sets of siegeteks, they'd still need more rounds to pay themselves off.. where the cheap ones owe me nothing.

As a tech though, shooting a reasonably new or new gun, I would improve the shimming properly from the pinion/bevel outwards, then address air seal quality and AoE. Since I know what I'm doing I'd probably just gut the thing given that all of my guns are highly upgraded and reliable, shooting a stock gun is pretty sad to me. :P

I've been teching for the public for 2 years now and while most of my clients have been great, one was not prepared for a failure as soon as they put the money in... and he also tried to do it himself first and ended up giving me a bag of parts to assemble for him.

If you're going to open the gun right away, don't be that guy that hands a bag of parts to a tech and know what you're getting into first. :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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