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we msk/acr 2014


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Old September 23rd, 2014, 16:52   #1
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Montreal, lachine QC
we msk/acr 2014

hi guys im looking to buy a we msk/acr to replace my we scar open bolt carbine and im curious to know it the msk is better or its best to stay with the scar . So msk owner please give me a little review hehe
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Old October 17th, 2014, 14:17   #2
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I would stay with the Scar, MSK has been out for a bit and there's no after-market parts, or parts in general for it that I can really be confident to tell you to move to the new platform.

But if you're bored of your current platform, just sell it and get something you want.
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Old October 17th, 2014, 14:58   #3
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Just switched to a MASADA from my SCAR myself.

Recoil is on par, the MSK is louder however.
I find the ergonomics a lot better on the MSK, and I had a MIAD on my SCAR.
The fact that you don't need to have rails where you don't want them is really nice. Handguard is really compfy without rails.

The stock is a lot sturdier, does not skip like the SCAR one tends to do from time to time.
Cheek rest adjustment is basically the same.

Hop-up is better on the SCAR. The MSK uses a standard M4 hop-up, and it's a pain to adjust. I find that it's easier to remove the QD barrel assembly to adjust.

MSK uses M4 nozzles, though the newer batch seem to have a "special" nozzle. I ran mine with both and it's really the same.

Bolt removal (for NPAS adjustment) is a breeze, just like on an M4, 1-pin. However you can do it with the gun in your hands, because no carrying handle to move. And unlike the SCAR, you don't have 3 parts to remove (and potentially lose) before getting the bolt out.

The replacement barrels are sold separately, and come with inner barrel and hop-up chamber. I would not say it's useful for on-the-field swap, but nice if you want a short setup for CQB, and you can bring your other barrel in case you have a break/jam etc.

I found that the stock iron sights could not be adjusted close enough to the bore... I replaced them with a set of Magpull and theses work great.

Lastly, my M4 metal mags do not lock the bolt on empty. The stock PMAG did just fine, so I am considering selling all my STANAGs and get PMAGs instead. They fit in all the 5.56 WE rifles no problem.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old October 17th, 2014, 15:19   #4
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Kos knows everything

Those mags might be tempting.
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Old October 17th, 2014, 15:45   #5
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The PMAG's don't work with WE's "416s" unless you modify it, everything else should be fine though.

The MSK's seem to be a bit of a hit or miss thing, I've read rave reviews and but I've also read about issues w/ fps, stuttering fire rate (might be a wear-in issue), bolt lock, broken stock latches, etc. The newer batches should be better though, still tempted to pick one up myself if I don't go w/ the CQBR.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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