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Advice on G&G M4 G26


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Old February 29th, 2012, 15:41   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Mississauga, ON
Advice on G&G M4 G26

I've been a paint-baller since 2006 and am finally looking to switch it up to airsoft, I'm currently in the process of getting rid of my paintball gear.
That being said I'm looking to pick-up a decent marker and was looking at this one.
Does anyone have any experience with these and how reliable they are? Is full metal really going to be a big difference for me?
The reason I was looking at this one is that is already comes with a built in laser and flash light.

Also, if anyone has any other recommendations i would be more than willing to hear them. I'm looking for a marker that looks similar to this (M4/CQB) Its likely i will be playing both indoor and outdoor (maybe slightly more indoor than out). I'm about 5'6 tall if that makes any difference.
My budget is around $500 for the marker, I can always pick other odds and ends up as I need them.


Forgot to add, will be getting age verified once I find some time to make it down to Army Issue in Port Credit.

I have a few of the items you listed already which i have outlined below with any additional questions i have.

-Eye Pro
I have an almost new vForce Grillz mask will that be ok?

I think combat boots are ok?

Are full finger gloves needed? Currently have half fingers that i used for paintball

-Appropriate clothing (BDUs, Helmet if desired)
Have a full set of Tiger Stripe BDUs, not the best camo but love the pattern

-Load Bearing equipment
Currently have a PB vest (which i will prob sell to get something more suited for AS)

Last edited by Viper717; February 29th, 2012 at 17:36.. Reason: Included additional gear owned from post 3
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Old February 29th, 2012, 16:35   #2
butthurt for not having a user title
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I would advise against the G&G.
They perform very well in their price range, and I was very happy with mine...
But the clear plastic lower receivers are a major liability. If you are an experienced paintballer you're probably going to play pretty hard, and the clear plastic lowers are unfortunately very brittle in key structural areas.

As for the style and accessories lumped into that gun, I can see why you'd go for it. It's got a pretty attractive body kit. However, as a former paintballer myself I can tell you that the headspace and movements typical to paintball have very little cross-over to airsoft. You'll have the advantage of being able to play without hesitation right off the hop, but you will have to unlearn some habits and learn some new ones to use an AS gun effectively.

My best recommendation would be to
1. Get AV'd as you said you would so you have a greater variety of sources to shop around with
2. If you want an M4, don't get one with a clear lower. If you must, expect it to fail and be prepared to drop coin on fixing it
3. Amongst affordable M4s, scuttlebutt says King Arms is one of the best deals around
4. Buy a basic model. You'll have enough to worry about when getting accustomed to AS guns that extra accessories and doodads will get in the way.
Stuff like fancy body kits, grips, alternate stocks, flip-up sights, optics, lights, PEQs; they're only going to help you out when you know what works for you and why.


-Eye Pro
-Water carriage
-Appropriate clothing (BDUs, Helmet if desired)
-Load Bearing equipment
-Battery charger (a good one like the IMAX B6), extra battery**
-Basic tools (usually Allen keys, screw drivers, gearbox lube)
-Accessories (optics, grips, makeup, purse, etc)

**Ideally these are purchased in one go
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Old February 29th, 2012, 16:46   #3
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Mississauga, ON
Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
I would advise against the G&G.
They perform very well in their price range, and I was very happy with mine...
But the clear plastic lower receivers are a major liability. If you are an experienced paintballer you're probably going to play pretty hard, and the clear plastic lowers are unfortunately very brittle in key structural areas.

As for the style and accessories lumped into that gun, I can see why you'd go for it. It's got a pretty attractive body kit. However, as a former paintballer myself I can tell you that the headspace and movements typical to paintball have very little cross-over to airsoft. You'll have the advantage of being able to play without hesitation right off the hop, but you will have to unlearn some habits and learn some new ones to use an AS gun effectively.

My best recommendation would be to
1. Get AV'd as you said you would so you have a greater variety of sources to shop around with
2. If you want an M4, don't get one with a clear lower. If you must, expect it to fail and be prepared to drop coin on fixing it
3. Amongst affordable M4s, scuttlebutt says King Arms is one of the best deals around
4. Buy a basic model. You'll have enough to worry about when getting accustomed to AS guns that extra accessories and doodads will get in the way.
Stuff like fancy body kits, grips, alternate stocks, flip-up sights, optics, lights, PEQs; they're only going to help you out when you know what works for you and why.


-Eye Pro
-Water carriage
-Appropriate clothing (BDUs, Helmet if desired)
-Load Bearing equipment
-Battery charger (a good one like the IMAX B6), extra battery**
-Basic tools (usually Allen keys, screw drivers, gearbox lube)
-Accessories (optics, grips, makeup, purse, etc)

**Ideally these are purchased in one go

Thank you for the great information i will start looking into the KA M4s instead.

I have a few of the items you listed already which i have outlined below with any additional questions i have.

-Eye Pro
I have an almost new vForce Grillz mask will that be ok?

I think combat boots are ok?

Are full finger gloves needed? Currently have half fingers that i used for paintball

-Appropriate clothing (BDUs, Helmet if desired)
Have a full set of Tiger Stripe BDUs, not the best camo but love the pattern

-Load Bearing equipment
Currently have a PB vest (which i will prob sell to get something more suited for AS)

Thanks again!!

A gun like this one would be ok? As a "basic" starting point?

Last edited by Viper717; February 29th, 2012 at 16:51.. Reason: Added link.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 16:48   #4
Cobalt Caliber
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Yea thats all good stuff just one thing. Airsoft guns are not called markers.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 17:45   #5
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All those questions cobalt Caliber and all you do is correct him for calling them markers? Very helpful

I have a g&g m4 with a tinted lower an I've never had a problem. I also have a king arms m4 that's full metal. I would go with the king arms m4 they can be had for 300-400 depending what site you look at an what exact gun you want.

Your paintball mask will be fine. Not every field requires full face but that's up to you.

Any kind of gloves are good, really personal preference.

You can really wear anything you want in airsoft any sort of camo is ideal.

As for a vest a molle style vest is the best so you can customize it anyway you want.

Last edited by Hawke519; February 29th, 2012 at 18:02..
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Old February 29th, 2012, 17:57   #6
butthurt for not having a user title
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Those Vforce masks are great. I used to run a Profiler and I think it was probably the best mask I've ever used. It will be great to start off with because it will keep you safe, and you are already used to it.
The face protection built into the mask will be good for you as it will protect your teeth, but it will be bad for you because it will get in the way when you attempt to use the iron sights on your rifle. You can get around this by using a basic red dot sight, by mounting a sight on a riser, or by moving to a set of goggles designed with airsoft or real firearms in mind.
You will need to play a few games with your equipment before you decide which option will work best for you. FYI; if your Vforce mask is painted in any bright or uncommon colours, it will stick out in the bush. This can be a liability, especially when playing against experienced airsofters (or woodsballers for that matter).

Combat boots are perfecto as long as they're laced all the way up but not over tight, and provide good ankle support. If you've played woodsball you know what's comfortable and safe in this capacity.

Full fingers are not necessary, but I like them for the "I hate brambles and poison ivy" factor. What's comfortable for you is what you want, I just find that having SOMETHING covering your knuckles makes taking hits in the hand less brutal. Knuckle dusters on bare skin will bleed all day.

PB vest will do for now, you'll want to see what long-time players wear before you jump in anyway. Observing what players wear, asking questions, and buying stuff you'll actually use will save you lots of time and money.

Look into Camelbacks and similar hydration systems. Having all that water right there when you need it without having to screw around with bottles (or worse; forgetting to drink) is just about the best damn thing. They don't have to be expensive, and they're worth every penny.

Btw Tiger Stripe is awesome. Good taste.

I have no objections with that M4 as long as you're 18 or older.
The rail system will allow you to put all kinds of fancy crap on it later if you so choose.
The crane stock means that it is likely rear-wired and will thereby allow you to use larger capacity batteries.
From one guy who bought stupid to begin with (me) to another guy who doesn't have to (you), read read read before you buy. Find as many different sources as you can and try to pick out the nuggets of truth.
Airsoft guns are finicky and temperamental compared to the rugged simplicity of a few valves and a tube. I'm serious about that battery charger as well, the ones that come with the guns range from terrible but safe to terrible and dangerous.

I think you'll have fun.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 18:03   #7
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by 93tsi View Post
All those questions cobalt Caliber and all you do is correct him for calling them markers? Very helpful

I have a g&g m4 with a tinted lower an I've never had a problem. I also have a king arms m4 that's full metal. I would go with the king arms m4 they can be had for 300-360 depending what site you look at and they are a good gun.
All those questions where answered. They didn't require a lengthy answer now did they? Everyone else is going to tell him the same thing with more words. So why not compact the BS and give to him straight. If not blabbing on for hours about crap isn't helpful then I apoligize. Oh wait I don't because ten other people are going to post the same crap.

As for G&G? Unlike my unAV'd friend there I don't recommend them. Piston heads are often leaky and to be honest they have horrible resell value ATM cause the market is flooded with them. That being said you can pick up a working one cheap off the classifieds.

Helpful enough.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 18:27   #8
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As far as I'm concerned G&G halfbreeds especially are way overpriced for what you get.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old February 29th, 2012, 18:29   #9
butthurt for not having a user title
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Welp, thread's over folks. We can go home now.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 18:34   #10
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
All those questions where answered. They didn't require a lengthy answer now did they? Everyone else is going to tell him the same thing with more words. So why not compact the BS and give to him straight. If not blabbing on for hours about crap isn't helpful then I apoligize. Oh wait I don't because ten other people are going to post the same crap.

As for G&G? Unlike my unAV'd friend there I don't recommend them. Piston heads are often leaky and to be honest they have horrible resell value ATM cause the market is flooded with them. That being said you can pick up a working one cheap off the classifieds.

Helpful enough.
I didn't recommend the g&g I said I have one and haven't had a problem with the tinted reciever.

So giving it to him straight was to point out he called it a marker?
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