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Long Distance Age Verification Tool?



View Poll Results: Would You Use This Service To Be Age Verified?
Yes 23 35.94%
No 41 64.06%
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Old January 31st, 2012, 07:48   #1
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Long Distance Age Verification Tool?

Thoughts? It's essentially a free service for recording a statement. Tho the recording of ones ID used for age verification might make some folks nervous, especially since it's just airsoft.

Think folks would be weirded out by having their ID recorded?
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Old January 31st, 2012, 07:53   #2
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I think it is a good idea (if it is proven safe to use)
their is a lot of people far from age verifiers
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Old January 31st, 2012, 07:56   #3
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If it is just for ASC, then the service is not needed. If ASC rules were changed to allow video confirmation, the applier could simply send a video to the Age Verifier. The applier could simply film him/her self with various picture id's.

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Old January 31st, 2012, 08:05   #4
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Originally Posted by venture View Post
If it is just for ASC, then the service is not needed. If ASC rules were changed to allow video confirmation, the applier could simply send a video to the Age Verifier. The applier could simply film him/her self with various picture id's.
I disagree. I think the service is very much needed. I just think it needs to be updated to take advantage of the technology available. I was more worried about how people felt about having their government issued ID recorded then transmitted over the internet UN-encrypted.

There seems to be some hurdles with folks who live far away, and can't get to games every few months. We have this wonderful technology, perhaps if we found a reasonable alternative it would lessen the burden both to Age Verifiers and those in remote places seeking verification.

Last edited by Blackthorne; January 31st, 2012 at 08:08..
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Old January 31st, 2012, 08:27   #5
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As much as the idea might deserve debate, I'm move this discussion to the AV section or else it'll get flooded by non-AV folk and descend in a meaningless debate pretty soon.

As for my two cents, it's better than verification over a webcam or similar methods, but the core issue is that it still doesn't address the possibility of having dad coming online and taking the verification for their kids. Not too sure if I'd like my personnal ID being recorded in a permanent way either, and as you said transmission is an issue.

The only way I'd see something like this being a reasonnable alternative would be for folks that live outside of a radius of a verifier, say something that can't be covered in a day's drive back and forth. Not for everyday verification.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 08:33   #6
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Originally Posted by surebet View Post
As much as the idea might deserve debate, I'm move this discussion to the AV section or else it'll get flooded by non-AV folk and descend in a meaningless debate pretty soon.
Thanks bud, I was thinking that but am still working through my first coffee

Originally Posted by surebet View Post
As for my two cents, it's better than verification over a webcam or similar methods, but the core issue is that it still doesn't address the possibility of having dad coming online and taking the verification for their kids. Not too sure if I'd like my personnal ID being recorded in a permanent way either, and as you said transmission is an issue.
That can't happen in a face to face meeting?

Originally Posted by surebet View Post
The only way I'd see something like this being a reasonnable alternative would be for folks that live outside of a radius of a verifier, say something that can't be covered in a day's drive back and forth. Not for everyday verification.
Agreed. Base it on postal code or something, and a limited tool for distance issues, not some new way to be lazy and avoid face to face verification.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 09:18   #7
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I'm not too sure about this;
I could scan an ID, phoshop it real good, print it on some cardstock; it wouldn't even look real in face-to-face but might apear good enough in a compressed video.

I'm all for making some process as painless as possible, but I think airsoft is all about commitment and dedication. Can't get to see an Age Ref, how can you think of going to a game then? And for those who'd give the "I just want one for plinking in the basement" I'd tell them to get an airgun, for various reasons.

And really, what's the point to "chairsofting" - guy is going to pay 3-800$ for a gun "meant for shooting at people" and will keep at shooting cardboard boxes? In the basement with limited range? Not so sure about that. I'm sure he'll crave for a bit more and eventually go out with the thing where he shouldn't.

I would allow this kind of process only for non-canadians (at least verified by IP, though that can be faked) who wants access to the Age Verified forums, but nothing more.

My opinion of course.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

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Old January 31st, 2012, 09:20   #8
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Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post

I'm all for making some process as painless as possible, but I think airsoft is all about commitment and dedication. Can't get to see an Age Ref, how can you think of going to a game then? And for those who'd give the "I just want one for plinking in the basement" I'd tell them to get an airgun, for various reasons.

Excellent point.

I would add that the age verification process is a bottleneck to access, and probably a good one. There needs to be some kind of "filter" to weed out the weirdos.

But should that apply to people who are up north and have genuine access issues? If we want to grow the sport then we have to both police it and offer opportunity to join it.

Last edited by Blackthorne; January 31st, 2012 at 09:23..
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Old January 31st, 2012, 11:15   #9
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I was playing months before I was age verified. With AEGs etc. While it's true you can not access the AV area of the site without it this place is not the be-all end-all of airsoft.

What may help is finding more "storefront" style of bricks and mortar locations. You may live in Bugtussle but chances are good a few times a year you will travel to a less remote city. Meeting a private person in a city you're not familiar with on a short time line can be a headache. If you had a solid 6 days a week 9-5 location to drop in at then that would help quite a bit.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 11:48   #10
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Its not like our Age Veri reps are trained to spot a fake ID... I hope it hasnt been done, but its still a possibility. Theres similar risks and loop holes that could happen face to face, that could happen with this system.

My stand has always been, if you are too far to meet a rep, your too far to play airsoft... This would be more of a collector servicing method.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 11:57   #11
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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The concern about fake id's being generated for this is definately valid.
Is there technology that can utilize the scan section of a driver's license? If the ability to scan that information, then send it is possible, that could be a way to prevent false identification being used.
While I appreciate technology, I'm by no means a techo-geek, so what I' proposing may just be impossible, but you never know with what's out there today.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 12:00   #12
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I would be very concerned about releasing my personal information to service like this that could be compromised.

I suspect someone just turning 18 wouldn't be able to asses that risk and would ignore it.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 12:08   #13
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Originally Posted by Matt 'Maverick' Watts View Post
The concern about fake id's being generated for this is definately valid.
Is there technology that can utilize the scan section of a driver's license? If the ability to scan that information, then send it is possible, that could be a way to prevent false identification being used.
While I appreciate technology, I'm by no means a techo-geek, so what I' proposing may just be impossible, but you never know with what's out there today.
A fake ID could be used in a face to face meeting also. My 2c.

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Old January 31st, 2012, 12:34   #14
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If we do alllow Video Confirmation there must be a rulling on the Age Verifiers Part OFC If the video is Bad Quality the simple answer will be no AV until quality improves. I mean you gotta be sure its not fake.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 13:00   #15
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ASC will not be using any kind of not-in-person verification in the foreseeable future.

A simple underlying logic exists: if you can't make it out to be AV'd, you won't be able to make it out to a game.

There's a small handful of players in very remote areas, but the negative impacts far outweigh the inconvenience to a small handful of people who'll have to travel a longer distance to get AV'd.
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