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Old January 15th, 2012, 14:23   #31
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Originally Posted by Adamlxlx View Post
Will race you in my "ricer" civic anyday But ya I see what you are saying
Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of love for Hondas in stock form or slightly upgraded. Where I tune out is when people try to make it into something it is not, a high-end sports car.
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Old January 15th, 2012, 14:39   #32
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^agreed dude. I was just playing sorry.
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Old January 15th, 2012, 19:15   #33
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Originally Posted by kyle milliken View Post
i was hoping you would pop up sooner or later seeing as how i'm talking about a gun you reviewed. so you also agree i should just buy an "engine" and work on it instead of buying a "cheap civic"? because if so i well take your advice seeing as how you have the gun in question.
Whatever I say in my maintenance thread, the VA36 isn't really easy to work on and between iterations there are long periods of head-scratching and puzzling weirdness. There are quite a few pitfalls if you're looking to get started with that gun as your tech platform, especially if you buy the cheaper version which has a much much much older (6mm) version of the JG V3 gearbox. If you want to base your builds on JG G36s, you are going to have to buy one that has the newer 8mm gearbox.

The 6mm gearbox has a lot of little issues that aren't worthy "lessons", off the top of my head:

- The motor cage is a bendy metal, causing a lot of proplems
- Non-stock gears tend to bind (causing cycling seizures), this is an issue I haven't figured out yet completely
- The interior of the gearbox shell needs to be filed down in order for any aftermarket bushings to work
- The bushing holes are too loose for anything except stock nylon bushings

Aside from that, it's really hard to find parts. They exist, but where you might find hundreds of options for a V2 / M4, you will often only find one option for a G36.. And often it is something that might not be entirely compatible with anything else (I'm not touching any of the SRC parts for this reason).

If you're looking for an excuse to buy a G36, just go buy one of those newer JG ones with the 8mm gearbox. If you're looking to learn tech work.. start with something requiring fewer hacks.
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Old January 15th, 2012, 19:49   #34
kyle milliken
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
Whatever I say in my maintenance thread, the VA36 isn't really easy to work on and between iterations there are long periods of head-scratching and puzzling weirdness. There are quite a few pitfalls if you're looking to get started with that gun as your tech platform, especially if you buy the cheaper version which has a much much much older (6mm) version of the JG V3 gearbox. If you want to base your builds on JG G36s, you are going to have to buy one that has the newer 8mm gearbox.

The 6mm gearbox has a lot of little issues that aren't worthy "lessons", off the top of my head:

- The motor cage is a bendy metal, causing a lot of proplems
- Non-stock gears tend to bind (causing cycling seizures), this is an issue I haven't figured out yet completely
- The interior of the gearbox shell needs to be filed down in order for any aftermarket bushings to work
- The bushing holes are too loose for anything except stock nylon bushings

Aside from that, it's really hard to find parts. They exist, but where you might find hundreds of options for a V2 / M4, you will often only find one option for a G36.. And often it is something that might not be entirely compatible with anything else (I'm not touching any of the SRC parts for this reason).

If you're looking for an excuse to buy a G36, just go buy one of those newer JG ones with the 8mm gearbox. If you're looking to learn tech work.. start with something requiring fewer hacks.
ok thanks for your help looks like i'm getting a vfc gearbox shell and practising on that, i'll make it a CQC drop in GB for my scar. everyone thanks for your help if you have anymore suggestions feel free to post.

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Old January 16th, 2012, 15:26   #35
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Originally Posted by kyle milliken View Post
ok thanks for your help looks like i'm getting a vfc gearbox shell and practising on that, i'll make it a CQC drop in GB for my scar. everyone thanks for your help if you have anymore suggestions feel free to post.
FYI VFC SCARs use proprietary V2 gearboxes due to the way the the folding stock works. In order to have a drop in gearbox it MUST be another VFC SCAR-L gearbox. Those clone Echo1/Dboys SCAR-H mechboxes MAY work too but I'm not 100% sure if the VFC based SCAR-H/L uses the same mechbox shell. If you can find a place that sells full VFC gearboxes let us know b/c I find VFC parts very hard to find.

As for working on JG G36s, my very first aeg I've ever worked on was a JG G36C. I upgraded the inner barrel and replaced the nylon bushings with Element metal ones and had no issues fitting them in. It must have been an issue with your gearbox MacieKa. As for the non stock gears binding, that appears to be a common issue with many Chinese mechboxes. It's another reason to avoid them if you're serious about your performance upgrades. The only real issue I had with it was that the spring was attached to the piston so you can't replace the piston w/o changing the spring. That and it was a horrendous pain to get the trigger back in place w/o it popping out. Other than that, the JG G36C still works great to this day 2 years later. I've moved on to much better AEGs but working on the G36 gave me some very useful experience that helped boost my confidence up. Personally, I think the SCAR is not a great aeg to start if you're planning on just building a drop in gearbox due to the proprietary shell, hop-up, and self shimming gears since you'll never learn about shimming with VFC guns.

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Old January 16th, 2012, 15:48   #36
kyle milliken
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
FYI VFC SCARs use proprietary V2 gearboxes due to the way the the folding stock works. In order to have a drop in gearbox it MUST be another VFC SCAR-L gearbox. Those clone Echo1/Dboys SCAR-H mechboxes MAY work too but I'm not 100% sure if the VFC based SCAR-H/L uses the same mechbox shell. If you can find a place that sells full VFC gearboxes let us know b/c I find VFC parts very hard to find.

As for working on JG G36s, my very first aeg I've ever worked on was a JG G36C. I upgraded the inner barrel and replaced the nylon bushings with Element metal ones and had no issues fitting them in. It must have been an issue with your gearbox MacieKa. As for the non stock gears binding, that appears to be a common issue with many Chinese mechboxes. It's another reason to avoid them if you're serious about your performance upgrades. The only real issue I had with it was that the spring was attached to the piston so you can't replace the piston w/o changing the spring. That and it was a horrendous pain to get the trigger back in place w/o it popping out. Other than that, the JG G36C still works great to this day 2 years later. I've moved on to much better AEGs but working on the G36 gave me some very useful experience that helped boost my confidence up. Personally, I think the SCAR is not a great aeg to start if you're planning on just building a drop in gearbox due to the proprietary shell, hop-up, and self shimming gears since you'll never learn about shimming with VFC guns.
well for the gearbox i was just going to buy this and take it apart repeatedly untill i get the basics of it.

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Old January 16th, 2012, 16:05   #37
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
I find VFC parts very hard to find.
Try UN Company and WGC for VFC parts. I haven't seen a complete box there but they do have shells and lots of the other little odd parts.

Also VFC responds really well to email when you need something that's not listed.
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Old January 16th, 2012, 18:13   #38
kyle milliken
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Originally Posted by danke View Post
vfc responds really well to email when you need something that's not listed.
%100 true anytime i've emailed they i have a response in 12 hours or less their costumer service is amazing.
edit: also if you do want a complete box i posted a link to a Canadian retailer that has them for $121.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
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Last edited by kyle milliken; January 16th, 2012 at 18:16..
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Old January 16th, 2012, 18:45   #39
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
As for working on JG G36s, my very first aeg I've ever worked on was a JG G36C. I upgraded the inner barrel and replaced the nylon bushings with Element metal ones and had no issues fitting them in. It must have been an issue with your gearbox MacieKa.
Yeah, entirely possible. The bushing hole for my sector gear is an "outie" as opposed to an "innie", i.e. the outer perimeter of the bushing hole rises up above the surface of the rest of the gearbox shell. I couldn't put any gears other than the stock ones in without the sector being completely unable to move. I had to sand the hole down. In addition, once I got bushings in, they were actually a little bit loose in the holes.

From what I understand, the JG V3 gearboxes undergo regular revisions.. The 8mm ones seem to be popular and are probably quite good. Examples on the market would include the new RIS version of the G36 sold by Velocity Arms, and Echo1's MTC1 and MTC2. One of the SOB variants as well.

As for the non stock gears binding, that appears to be a common issue with many Chinese mechboxes. It's another reason to avoid them if you're serious about your performance upgrades.
I still haven't quite figured this one out yet. It's kinda weird. Put GB back together, pull trigger, nothin. Shake it around a bit, works fine for a while. Put it down and come back a few minutes later, dead. I'm tempted to just get a drop-in V3 but the one I really want (Lonex) is kinda pricey.

I do hear these are some of the best drop-in internals you can find anywhere though.

The only real issue I had with it was that the spring was attached to the piston so you can't replace the piston w/o changing the spring.
I unscrewed the piston head, at which point you can snake the spring out. It's a normal spring but the very end of the spring wire has a little corner bit to it. I cut it off using some giant wire cutters I happen to have (as you might imagine, these come in handy in downtown Toronto ...). This spring is now residing in my trusty Diablo:

Diablo Mechbox Update 7.4V LiPo - YouTube

Works great! And the piston from the JG works fine on its own as well, I found the o-ring from it to be quite decent.

That and it was a horrendous pain to get the trigger back in place w/o it popping out.
The first time I tried putting back the trigger I thought I was going to throw the thing out the window (I live in a highrise...). After a ton of practice, I'm happy to report that it DOES get easier with practice and I'm now a pro at it (so this shouldn't deter the gearbox newbie).

Personally, I think the SCAR is not a great aeg to start if you're planning on just building a drop in gearbox due to the proprietary shell, hop-up, and self shimming gears since you'll never learn about shimming with VFC guns.
I agree with the above, plus with a lot of VFC stuff you're not going to be as likely to want to upgrade / tinker with it since it's more expensive and in many cases it already kind of rocks out of the box (their VFC is a good example of this). If you're going with a V2, go the M4 route. A world will open up!
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Old January 16th, 2012, 19:10   #40
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
If you're going with a V2, go the M4 route. A world will open up!
This is very true. No other V2 AEG will give you as much control over the internal and external customization as a AR15 variant. Which sorta sucks if you hate M4s and want to be an individual. V2 parts are also the easiest to source replacements for in the airsoft world. Nothing's stopping you from learning about mechboxes using another platform though. I initially started tinkering with V3s before moving onto V6s (By far the easiest of the common gearboxes to work on), and then finally working on V2s. Gaining hands on experience with a gearbox regardless of the version will give you valuable skills and insight that's applicable to any sort of gundoc work.

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Old January 16th, 2012, 19:45   #41
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
This is very true.
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Old January 16th, 2012, 20:01   #42
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
Gonna miss the old avatar
She'll be back someday Mac, someday.

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Old January 16th, 2012, 20:18   #43
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Start working on the ICS M4. It is much easier.

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Old January 16th, 2012, 21:09   #44
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
Start working on the ICS M4. It is much easier.
nope like i said in my first post it's a nice gun, and i don't want my inexperienced hands anywhere near the gearbox.

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Old January 17th, 2012, 00:28   #45
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