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Old December 13th, 2010, 23:57   #16
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Originally Posted by Elmaestro View Post
Thanks for all the replies (except a


As far as the learning curve goes, I'm a hands-on guy... I much rather buy a GBB and take it apart a hundred times to get to know the gun and be very familiar with it.

As far as AV goes,
Yes I've read up on it and yes I'll get to it when I have time or maybe at a first game?

I have no problem with telling you I'm 20 because I know I am 20 and more than able to buy a gun and get myself AV'd at a first game (if it can be done??)

anyways, I'll have to see if I have time. I'm getting into law studies so I'll most likely have a ton to do.

so back to the guns,

I'm going to be comfortable spending an initial 400-500...600$ on a rifle (enough??)
I don't want to go with AEG at first, I want to start off in GBB and learn with it.

I'm more of a Lego guy..not a playmobil guy (If you can understand such analogy ...I suppose you know what I'm talking about)

In the upcoming days, I'll go to an army surplus and buy myself a handgun.
the one I saw was 295$...If I remember correctly it was some asian (chinese, japanese? excuse me if I can't remember specifically lol) brand and it was an M9? (not sure it was an M9...can't remember)

I'm more of a pistol guy too so I think I'll just go for a pistol (less expensive than a rifle?) and work on my learning curve about GBB guns with the M9 and then buy a rifle.

I really don't mind kicking your asses only with a pistol lol (I'm good with my fingers hehe)

yeah...I think that's just what I'll do.. buy an M9 and learn everything there is to know about GBB and the maintenance etc...

by the time I'm finished with the M9, I'll be able to take it apart and back eyes shut.

so yeah... um...I have to run now (gotta proofread and correct my gf's essay)

I'll be back to read the replies later.

thanks for the warm welcome too!
Playing pistol only is...hard. Especially when a M249 is coming your way and you only have a Mk23 (oh wait...thats whta happened to me..nevermind)The fact is that with most pistols you wont have a good range and accuracy to take out people with rifles in front of'll have to sneak behind the lines wich is kind of not easy lol.

I played pistol only when their was AEGs around and I had fun...but it was indoor so range was not THAT bad...and a Mk23 as a good range, but the important thing to remember is that you'll probably be overranged and won't have fun with a pistol outdoor as your primary unless its a really good one and or you are ''that special kind of guy'' you know
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Old December 14th, 2010, 00:06   #17
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GBB anything = expensive mags...if you are running a pistol as a primary (not smart) you are going to want multiple mags which means lots of cash...

I would really recommend getting a nice can get a nice weapon for 600 bucks

I understand you are really hot to get into the sport but don't be sucked into the 'gun' remember that you are also going to need gear and equipment, this includes batteries magazines, bbs, protective goggles/mask, LBVs. It all really piles up, if you have a sick gun and no mags you are useless.

I would really suggest reading more into what is good and what is crap before you drop some serious dough. Go out to a game and talk to some guys, the scene in the Montreal area is pretty big so go to a game and talk to some of the vets (trust me, sometimes all they do is talk ) they may even let you rent a set of their gear.. I am usually more than willing

Go to a game, get AVd and get some knowledge and THEN make your decision

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Old December 14th, 2010, 00:29   #18
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I would strongly recommend against a GBBR as a first gun. Being a 'hands on' guy or not, they tend to be far more problematic and more costly.

And to me, the #1 reason not to get them is they don't work in cold. Period. Under 10ºC, most GBBs perform poorly, if at all. And under 5ºC, forget about it. We're in Canada, so GBBRs are not a year-round gun here.

But in the end, it's your money, so you can do as you wish. But I'd recommend a decent AEG as a first "all season" gun.
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Old December 14th, 2010, 00:55   #19
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
And to me, the #1 reason not to get them is they don't work in cold. Period. Under 10ºC, most GBBs perform poorly, if at all. And under 5ºC, forget about it. We're in Canada, so GBBRs are not a year-round gun here.
YouTube - KJW M4 Airsoft Firing @ 29F <-- -1.7ºC

I have been waiting for it to stay below -5,-10 long enough for me to test on camera, so far weather has been too warm. Hopefully over the holidays.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; December 14th, 2010 at 00:58..
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Old December 14th, 2010, 02:34   #20
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
YouTube - KJW M4 Airsoft Firing @ 29F <-- -1.7ºC

I have been waiting for it to stay below -5,-10 long enough for me to test on camera, so far weather has been too warm. Hopefully over the holidays.
That's only 15 shots. On semi.

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Old December 14th, 2010, 04:55   #21
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
Also keep in mind where you are in the country and the time of year it is. I see you are from Montreal like me, thats good because we have the second largest group of players in the country and the best events.

Gas blow back rifles and pistols do not like the cold, so basically they are problematic from fall to the start of spring. This can be avoided by playing indoors and by using co2 mags instead of propane. AEGs and spring guns are a better choice for colder times of the year. I would suggest getting an AEG as your first gun and then branching out to gas guns after. Most of the players who game gbbrs bring an electric gun as a back up.

All this however is contingient on the fact that you are in fact an adult. If not then you will have to wait to play, but please feel free to stick around and read and learn and enjoy the community.

since you brought it up! I always wonder where would be the number one or largest group of airsoft players in Canada
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old December 14th, 2010, 04:57   #22
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I would strongly recommend against a GBBR as a first gun. Being a 'hands on' guy or not, they tend to be far more problematic and more costly.

And to me, the #1 reason not to get them is they don't work in cold. Period. Under 10ºC, most GBBs perform poorly, if at all. And under 5ºC, forget about it. We're in Canada, so GBBRs are not a year-round gun here.

But in the end, it's your money, so you can do as you wish. But I'd recommend a decent AEG as a first "all season" gun.
Im with crunch on this one +1
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old December 14th, 2010, 07:49   #23
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wait, don't CO2 GBBRs work much better in the cold?
what about red gas?

anyway for a beginner + handyman an AEG is the reliable solution.

Last edited by Jimski; December 14th, 2010 at 07:55..
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Old December 14th, 2010, 07:58   #24
Diabolic Tyrant
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
wait, don't CO2 GBBRs work much better in the cold?
what about red gas?
No, C02 doesnt work well in the cold either. And I agree with the guys saying avoid GBBR and go with AEG first, they are still usable in the winter (Given you keep them warm), but its not recommended as fast moving projectiles and frozen plastic dont usually go hand in hand. But if you want realism, and yes I know you dont like the whole electric thing, try looking at getting a Real Sword Type 56. Its the chinese AK, and its all metal and not pot metal (Garbage metal), as far as I know, its a real AK body, just with airsoft internals. And again with the other people dont get a pistol first, I wanted to do that too, and was warned against it, tried using one against someone with a Mac 11 and i lost horribly. Good luck and welcome

@Jimski, dont think many aerosol/gases work very well in the cold due to the temp and humidity.
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Old December 14th, 2010, 08:13   #25
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Originally Posted by Jimski View Post
wait, don't CO2 GBBRs work much better in the cold?
works better than propane....

Referring to my ill advised paintball years, HPA was superior in lower temps. I recall indoor spring/fall games where CO2 failed to work well, and it wasn't even as cold as we play airsoft. Air was consistent all the time.
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