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Crossman .2 BBs Opinions


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Old May 24th, 2010, 15:59   #1
¡¡¡ɹǝʞɐǝɹq oqɯoɔ-ɔ-ɔ-ɔ
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Crossman .2 BBs Opinions

I know Crossman is generally looked down upon in airsoft with quality rivaling Walmart's but my experiences with the BBs they make are fine- i do not however know the true comparison details so if someone could provide PROOF it would be helpful. I thought this might be helpful to anyone looking for some cheap good .2s as they have served me well so far anyways.
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Old May 24th, 2010, 16:04   #2
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if you want proof, the easiest way to do that is go to a game and ask everyone with a different kind of bb if you could have one for compariosn test. I'd imagine you'd get alot of different kinds so long as there is no field bb's only rule. Honestly I think that'd be the best way to do it and not have to buy 10 or more different kinds. I have never used crosman bb's though so I couldn't tell you if they are any good.

Bastards are best IMO and many other players feel the same about them.
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Old May 24th, 2010, 16:08   #3
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Is $10 for 2000 bastards really asking too much?

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Old May 24th, 2010, 16:14   #4
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
Is $10 for 2000 bastards really asking too much?
not at all since I just went up to .28's for my m4. with the new mechbox, hopup and rubber/scs, it just won't shoot .25's rather just spits them out 30'. load up .28's and they sail forever.
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Old May 24th, 2010, 17:23   #5
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I more over want to see if Crossmans BBs are bad but i already know BBBastard are better from the 3x polish. Is there anything wrong with crossman's though? edit, most games wont allow me in.
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Old May 24th, 2010, 17:27   #6
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I don't think you'll find many people here using them, so you won't get many reviews. Buy a bag of crossman and buy a bag of bb bastards and test them yourself.

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Old May 24th, 2010, 17:46   #7
craps0ft expurt
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
I don't think you'll find many people here using them, so you won't get many reviews. Buy a bag of crossman and buy a bag of bb bastards and test them yourself.
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Old May 24th, 2010, 17:57   #8
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hmm, I feel as if I can help here.

I have used Crossman .20 gram BBs before.
I mean there not as bad their .12s for sure, but no where near the quality of Bastards or Metal Techs.
In my gun after about 10 rounds ill get a misfeeed (not my gun or mag, the BB's) .

Not really accurate either.

I wouldn't recommend them at all.

Although if you have to you have to, BB bastards on ASC Mart in .25 or .20 have been sold out for months (at least when I have looked).
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Old May 24th, 2010, 19:30   #9
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Originally Posted by scurvythepirate View Post
hmm, I feel as if I can help here.

I have used Crossman .20 gram BBs before.
I mean there not as bad their .12s for sure, but no where near the quality of Bastards or Metal Techs.
In my gun after about 10 rounds ill get a misfeeed (not my gun or mag, the BB's) .

Not really accurate either.

I wouldn't recommend them at all.

Although if you have to you have to, BB bastards on ASC Mart in .25 or .20 have been sold out for months (at least when I have looked).
Oh really? I know .12 of any BBs basically suck haha
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Old May 24th, 2010, 19:32   #10
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Originally Posted by scurvythepirate View Post
Although if you have to you have to, BB bastards on ASC Mart in .25 or .20 have been sold out for months (at least when I have looked).
The issue is going to be resolved <= 30 days and permanently. Field Bastards are stocked and arrangements have just been finalized for distribution to the western provinces, you can look forward to some announcements shortly.

Re: Crossman's

I've seen them off and on, and its a mixed bag. I think they do huge orders intermittently because I've bought them to compare. One batch the polish was non-existent. Another batch the polish was okay, but the fliers were insane and when I opened them, you could tell material distribution was uneven (carefully cut dead center and use a digital scale with 3 decimals of accuracy - each side should weigh the same - not).

Its like anything else that sold at crappy tire. If you use a Canadian Tire soft-air gun, use Crossmans, it won't make any difference. But running them in a tuned AEG? No.
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Old May 24th, 2010, 22:38   #11
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
I've seen them off and on, and its a mixed bag. I think they do huge orders intermittently because I've bought them to compare. One batch the polish was non-existent. Another batch the polish was okay, but the fliers were insane and when I opened them, you could tell material distribution was uneven (carefully cut dead center and use a digital scale with 3 decimals of accuracy - each side should weigh the same - not).
Sorry, how the hell do you cut dead center? I just don't think a tool able to do it with enough accuracy for tests to be made readily available? Don;t take it thr wrong way i know the community has great respect for you but I do wonder how realistic the results are you see.
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Last edited by Brayden; May 24th, 2010 at 22:41..
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Old May 25th, 2010, 07:17   #12
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by Brayden View Post
Sorry, how the hell do you cut dead center? I just don't think a tool able to do it with enough accuracy for tests to be made readily available? Don;t take it thr wrong way i know the community has great respect for you but I do wonder how realistic the results are you see.
Uhhhh........are kids these days truly this ignorant?

There are tools that can do things your uneducated mind can't even begin to fathom. Cutting a BB dead center is no supernatural feat. One can accomplish this with merely a fine toothed saw blade and an accurate eyeball measurement. Scarecrow is not one to talk out of his ass when it comes to anything related to BBs and airsoft. The man is very trustworthy and he (unlike you) knows what hes talking about.

You say you wanted "proof" from people with experience? You got it from someone who would have THE most experience with BBs in our entire country, yet you shoot his post down as if its all bullshit. GOOD JOB KID!
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.

Last edited by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw; May 25th, 2010 at 07:19..
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Old May 25th, 2010, 07:36   #13
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scarecrow did add the " - not " to the end of that, so it may have just been a joke. Though cutting a BB dead center is possible, just need a tool that'll hold the bb, and has an attached blade that moves straight up and down perfectly center of the 2 sides holding the bb.

Scarecrow is very right about crossmans though, No quality control on the bbs or even uniformity to speak of.
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Old May 25th, 2010, 08:02   #14
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I think the "NOT" mean't that they do not weigh the same.

And I think that he has enough knowledge that if a .25 should weigh .125 each side and comes up with weight of .124 on one side and .126 on the other, then it is possible it was a cutting error. However if you cut it and come up with .11 and .14, there's a problem with the BB. Farthermore if there are massive air bubbles in the product it will effect the weight distribution as well.

And Brayden, if anyone here knows about BB's and BB quality it's Scarecrow, show some respect. Think about how many BB's you've cut up to see air bubble distribution, how many BB's you've measured with a micrometer, how many different brands of BB's you've test fired for comparison through your $1200 airsoft gun, and how many brands of BB's you've put in your yard (and checked everyday) to compare their breakdown into the environment against bio-BB's.

Kid, sit back and listen to those who know and have been there, you know, those of us with "experience".
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Old May 25th, 2010, 08:13   #15
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Then use them, We disagree with your viewpoint. You sir are not looking for information your only goal is to tell the community that Crosman BB's "are fine" and you demand "PROOF" that they are not.

A man who Owns a Brand of BB's and has more knowledge about BB's then anyone else around shows up and gives valid reasons for why your wrong and you basically call him a bullshitter? Are you well.

Give your head a shake man.

Last edited by Rugger_can; May 25th, 2010 at 08:15..
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