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Old May 18th, 2010, 04:35   #1
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Old May 18th, 2010, 04:39   #2
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Location: Toronto, On Read this. It's an example of what happens when you ask these questions in the wrong area. This is the AGE VERIFICATION sticky. Follow this if you want to be able to buy airsoft guns in Canada.

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Old May 18th, 2010, 04:52   #3
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spring pistol... Walmart or Canadian Tire
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Old May 18th, 2010, 10:43   #4
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The Bass Pro Shop is probably your best bet for cheaper guns. They sell the same guns as Crappy Tire but for significantly cheaper amounts. Not sure how they relate price wise to Walmart.
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Old May 18th, 2010, 10:51   #5
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Originally Posted by luongoo View Post
since shipping to canada is impossible

where can i buy a p226?
pyramyd air spring pistol

or any p226 thats not gas

that hongkong site, how do they ship to canada|?
Welcome to Airsoft Canada

Spring Powered pistols that are avaliable to you in Canada are few and far between in terms of Availability price and quality. If your interested in getting a quality product for the purpose of using it to game Im sure we can help you after your age verified. If your looking for a cheap springer to plink(play with inside the comfort of your home) your best bet is to hit your local hunting/finishing stores, Canadian tire and Walmart and buy whatever they have available and not get too hung up on brand or type. Heck I know Canadian Tire and Walmart sell some cheap Clearsoft CO2 airsoft that are perfectly acceptable for a plinker.


Ps. Do not order from Oversea's or the US as it will most likely be seized by customs and will not be returned to sender and you will be out however much you paid for it.
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Old May 19th, 2010, 21:07   #6
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Really if your just plinking you should get a normal bb or pellet gun instead you will be far more satisfied
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Old May 19th, 2010, 21:23   #7
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Right here on this site in the Classifieds. Which you need to be 18+ to access.
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Old May 19th, 2010, 21:30   #8
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Most everyone on this forum will tell you to get “Age verified” and buy from the classifieds.
You cannot import any guns from websites outside of Canada.
Airsoft is a 18+ sport
Sniping is not for newbies
If you are underage please do not try to circumvent the system in place, its there for a reason.
Nobody will help you get a gun if you are not age verified or underage
Do not play in your backyard/forest or anything of the like. Only play on official fields.
Please read the FAQ’s

FAQ's Please read

How To get verified

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Old May 22nd, 2010, 03:17   #9
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
Most everyone on this forum will tell you to get “Age verified” and buy from the classifieds.
You cannot import any guns from websites outside of Canada.
Airsoft is a 18+ sport
Sniping is not for newbies
If you are underage please do not try to circumvent the system in place, its there for a reason.
Nobody will help you get a gun if you are not age verified or underage
Do not play in your backyard/forest or anything of the like. Only play on official fields.
Please read the FAQ’s

FAQ's Please read

How To get verified

I'm not a smart ass but there are so many things wrong here Like:
1. If you have a valid PAL there are lots of web sites outside of Canada that you can import a gun from provided it meets with regulations.
2. Airsoft is not 18+. You might want it that way, and it might be the law where you are but the C in ASC is for Canada and that is not the law in Manitoba.
3. Sniping is for anyone who wants to. Some might not like that but there is no governing body to regulate that. I was a newbie and if you gave the rules or guidelines for sniping I'd just do it.
4. Going somewhere other than ASC to buy an airsoft gun is not circumventing the system. It's called shopping.
5. Someone will help you buy a gun if you are under age. Their special secret circumventing code words are Mom and Dad.
6. My friend's back yard is 380 acres. We'd like to play airsoft out there because its really secluded but he won't let us thanks to you. Seriously, who grants official status to airsoft fields. What's the zoning code for that.

It's true that some municipalities have bi laws that prohibit the firing of air powered guns inside the city limits unless confined to an authorized range. We have that here in Winnipeg. The good news, draw a diagram of your proposed range with BB trap included and the city will designate your back yard an ari powered gun range.

Not everything is wrong here. You should read the FAQs when you get a chance. There is some god info in there.

As for Mr luongoo who asked about where to buy a gun. We should answer your question at some point. There are a lot places to get spring powered guns. Try out your local outdoor sporting goods store and there is Cabela's. I think they have a few in their inventory.
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 04:26   #10
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Originally Posted by bpbcc1 View Post
I'm not a smart ass but there are so many things wrong here Like:
1. If you have a valid PAL there are lots of web sites outside of Canada that you can import a gun from provided it meets with regulations.
2. Airsoft is not 18+. You might want it that way, and it might be the law where you are but the C in ASC is for Canada and that is not the law in Manitoba.
3. Sniping is for anyone who wants to. Some might not like that but there is no governing body to regulate that. I was a newbie and if you gave the rules or guidelines for sniping I'd just do it.
4. Going somewhere other than ASC to buy an airsoft gun is not circumventing the system. It's called shopping.
5. Someone will help you buy a gun if you are under age. Their special secret circumventing code words are Mom and Dad.
6. My friend's back yard is 380 acres. We'd like to play airsoft out there because its really secluded but he won't let us thanks to you. Seriously, who grants official status to airsoft fields. What's the zoning code for that.

It's true that some municipalities have bi laws that prohibit the firing of air powered guns inside the city limits unless confined to an authorized range. We have that here in Winnipeg. The good news, draw a diagram of your proposed range with BB trap included and the city will designate your back yard an ari powered gun range.

Not everything is wrong here. You should read the FAQs when you get a chance. There is some god info in there.

As for Mr luongoo who asked about where to buy a gun. We should answer your question at some point. There are a lot places to get spring powered guns. Try out your local outdoor sporting goods store and there is Cabela's. I think they have a few in their inventory.
Perhaps you did not notice but his question was answered in a positive fashion quiet a while ago.

This community as in Airsoft Canada, requires that our users are age verified. This is the policy that this community has set forth, you are welcome to your own rules at your field and we will respect your decisions in that regard, however we would ask you to lend our community the same respect and honor our rules while here.

Your statement that ownership of a PAL is sufficient to order guns from outside Canadian boarders illustrates a lack of understanding in the system and a gross oversimplification of the facts, for the sake of uninformed users it would be advisable that you did not go about spreading faslehoods and generalizations as it could result in newer players suffering financial loss due to said misinformation, and I can tell that is not your goal.

Many players who have been involved with Airsoft for many years have learned the hard way that Spring powered bolt action sniper rifles are not a good starting point for the avarage new player, and as such we usually try to dissuade players from choosing this avenue as their entry point into airsoft as most will be disappointed with their purchase and will have needlessly invested a fair amount of money into something that is difficult to use and often requires considerable upgrading before it performs as people would have it

Lastly on the topic of "official" fields. In this capacity an Official field is one that is properly maintained and safe for airsoft use, is insured and is secluded from the public eye. This can be a paintball field. A private space modified for airsoft use. or even a rented commercial space. There are no steadfast rules, but in general it is not advisable for people to wander about on their property with realistic looking guns. This is not suggested so people will not have fun, it is for the benefit of the individual as well as the community as a whole.

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Old May 22nd, 2010, 07:01   #11
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by bpbcc1 View Post
I'm not a smart ass but there are so many things wrong here Like:

...few in their inventory.
Uhhh dude, I think you missed a point here. The post RITZ posted is a copy & paste cookie-cutter post intended for noobs who post cookie cutter "where can I get this gun?" or any other thread that clearly states they made no effort in doing any kind of research or reading our FAQ.

Also that tidbit about the PAL, how or where does replica/imitation firearms fall under the jurisdiction of the PAL? Cite your sources and credible information.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 14:35   #12
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Rugger_Can FTW!
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 14:49   #13
Con Murder
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bpbbc1 really wants to be an airsofter, only 18 and he should be trusted with a sniper The field he plays at has some different rules but since he never has purchased an airsoft gun he has never read the chinglish that clearly states the warnings and penalties in an amazing form of accurate translation that seems to be void in the rest of the manual.

Hey man, grow up. We have some rules and we enforce them. Not because they are perfect but because the public is imperfect. You and me included.
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 14:52   #14
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Originally Posted by luongoo View Post
Where do I buy an airsoft gun in CANADA
Sheesh. People are still posting posting this stuff, after all the FAQ's and stickies and stuff?

Seems the world is full of smartasses who think the world is going to come around to their way of thinking, and when it doesn't, they go to Brian MacIlmoyle and give him a nervous breakdown...

READ people, READ! The stuff's not posted there because we love to blow out our wind hole. We actually would like to educate you properly, so that one day we can enjoy a nice game of airsoft together...

But why am I saying this? Probably a complete waste of time typing this.

No wait, it's probably because I want to be on the same thread as Pus and flame noobs together.

Last edited by Buzzrexx; May 22nd, 2010 at 19:34..
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 16:08   #15
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Originally Posted by bpbcc1 View Post
I'm not a smart ass but there are so many things wrong here Like:
1. If you have a valid PAL there are lots of web sites outside of Canada that you can import a gun from provided it meets with regulations.
No. No PAL covers prohibited replicas, and those guns that don't fall under that classification don't require a PAL.

2. Airsoft is not 18+. You might want it that way, and it might be the law where you are but the C in ASC is for Canada and that is not the law in Manitoba.
This forum has 18+ rules, and you WILL observe those rules.

Additionally many fields and organizers also enforce 18+ rules.

3. Sniping is for anyone who wants to. Some might not like that but there is no governing body to regulate that. I was a newbie and if you gave the rules or guidelines for sniping I'd just do it.
Sure, people can pick up a sniper rifle if they want to. A cheap $200 one, too. Doesn't mean the gun will perform (it won't), nor that they'll have the skills to use it properly. More often than not, people find themselves with a slow underpowered gun, facing people with better quality full auto guns; and guess what happens then? The experience sucks.

So yes, anyone can buy a sniper rifle; not everyone can "be a sniper." New players are discouraged from getting a sniper rifle as their first gun since experience has shown us it usually ends up not working out well.

As for "hot" rifles, organizers do restrict those to experienced and otherwise properly trained players.

4. Going somewhere other than ASC to buy an airsoft gun is not circumventing the system. It's called shopping.
Sure. But most of the retailers are on ASC. And even off ASC most retailers require proof of age (18+).

Sure, you can get some Walmart or BuyAirsoft gun...

5. Someone will help you buy a gun if you are under age. Their special secret circumventing code words are Mom and Dad.
And a lot of accounts have had their AV status revoked, or even banned, for it. Good advice, champ.

6. My friend's back yard is 380 acres. We'd like to play airsoft out there because its really secluded but he won't let us thanks to you. Seriously, who grants official status to airsoft fields. What's the zoning code for that.
Who's your friend? He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders; I like him already.
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