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Canadian loadout *56K beware*



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Old July 22nd, 2009, 17:00   #766
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I want to burn that rucksack every time I look at it.
and apparently I'm not allowed to wear the jump ruck, so fuck you Mike!
and lerch, i'm going to yell at you soon!
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Old July 22nd, 2009, 17:18   #767
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
What? You can't wear the jump ruck. that sucks man.

So this new ruck is jumpable as is?
According to the CTS guy that did our demo/issue...yes.

I can't imagine it being too comfortable though.
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Old July 30th, 2009, 17:05   #768
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Hello all, this is my tac vest, finally completed...

Cheers from an Italian Cadpat fan!

-Tactical Tailor MAV-2 pieces + harness
-Tactical Tailor triple single pouch + 3 Guarder mags
-CPGear single pouch + Guarder mag
-smoke grenade pouch by CPGear, it contains spare bbs
-utility pouch by CPGear
-medic pouch by Tactical Tailor
-mbtir radio pouch by CPGear + Red Dragon Thales an/prc148
-rolly polly dump pouch by CPGear

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Old July 30th, 2009, 17:21   #769
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Nice rig, looks comfy.
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Old August 2nd, 2009, 00:30   #770
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I just went to Army Issue on Saturday. Now I have an almost complete CF outfit.

CADPAT BDU I picked up last year

CF Tac Vest ( Kind of regret buying it because I have seen better Tac Vests on this forum)

CADPAT pants ( Just picked these up at Army Issue)

PASGT Replica with CADPAT Cover ( also just picked up at Army issue)

Still have a few things I need to complete the outfit but those can wait till later. Also I just want to mention Army Issue rocks!! Best Army surplus store I've been to.

Last edited by Nat0snake; August 2nd, 2009 at 00:34..
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Old August 2nd, 2009, 12:13   #771
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Ant0snake, if you want to make the tac vest better buy some pouches off cpgear. Or yea just sell it an get a better rig. Tactical Tailor(2 piece MAV, MOLLA Tac Vest), HSGI(Warlord Chest Rig), TAG(Rifleman/Operator Chest Rig) and CP Gear(MoFoCR) are good companies to buy from an its what the majority of Army guys buy.
Thanks for the advice. Also maybe you could answer this question. Am I allowed to own and use that CF tac vest? Would any players get offended if I did? I only bought it because I figure it would be of good quality and I would not have to worry about it falling apart when I am playing.
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Old August 2nd, 2009, 20:25   #772
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
CF issue uniforms and tac vests, etc are not supposed to be in the hands of civilians. So no you aren't supposed to own it. Last I heard all CF issue CADPAT kit was illegal for civilians to own, an I doubt its changed an CADPAT kit is now surplused, etc.

Theres other airsoft players who run around in CADPAT, tac vests, etc so I doubt they would care what you have. An the CF issue tac vest sucks(lack of mag pouches, etc), an it has been known to fall apart after hard use.

I do find the lack of mag pouches to be annoying. But it does not really matter since I do not plan on getting more than 4 mags. The fact that it falls apart after hard use it more of a concern because I bought it because I figure it would be high quality considering it is used by the CF.

Another question: Do you think that tac vest was a good deal for $80?
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Old August 2nd, 2009, 20:39   #773
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I'm no fan of the issue tac vest either. Sub-$100 sounds about right. Anymore than that and you're getting hosed .
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Old August 2nd, 2009, 21:13   #774
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Seen them going from $150-$300 or so.

Running an obstacle course where I've managed to mess up the 'heavy duty' zipper on it, and bayonet myself in the face while coming down from a six foot wall. So just a little heads up on their quality. (fucking bayonet positioning is horrible on those damn things)
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 01:43   #775
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indeed our issue vests are pretty crappy when i was in afghanistan they had me run a trial on the new Gen 4 vest its pretty fucking sweet its build looks rather quite like a blackhawk vest but in AR cadpat with 4 double mag pouches admin pouches c9 and medical when i get my equipment sent back to me ill send pics(i was repat last week from an explosion......) anyways cheers , mike what organization were you in ?I was with the Omlt in dand dist..
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 07:59   #776
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Any idea when they'd be issuing the Gen 4 vest to everyone?
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 09:55   #777
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CPgear must be pissed, LOL.
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 10:16   #778
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heres a post matt made in that thread


As I said earlier, guys need to stop speculating about rigs and wait for the AAR to come out from somebody that was actually on the ground at the working group.

FWIW, CPGear had 2 rigs (our MoFOCR and KISS Rig) being evaluated as part of this process, both of which were found to have positive and negative points. Regarding the negative points, I've been informed informally as to what some folks thought of our rigs and will be doing an updated version of the MoFOCR and KISS Rig to satisfy those criticisms.

Negative points regarding the MoFOCR:
-Buckle closure on the front was found to be difficult to secure. This will be addressed by doing a version with a more conventional side release buckle opening; The snapdragons serve to reduce the amount of gap between the vest panels, however there must be a consideration made whether reducing vest gap vs. ease of donning the vest is more important, and as such a new buckle system will be developed for an updated version of the rig.
-D Rings on shoulder harness and rear of rig. This will be addressed by doing a new version of the shoulder harness without the articulted D rings; we've been selling the rig for over 2 years now and have yet to have one be returned for repair or customer reports of a broken D ring, however troops and our customers must have absolute confidence in our equipment, and as such an updated version will be produced.

Negative Points Regarding the KISS Rig
-With the 1.5" webbing shoulder straps, the rig can become entangled when attempting to put the rig on. We offer a shoulder harness upgrade which eliminates a large part of this entanglement issue, however the rig shown at the working group did not have this shoulder harness upgrade. To reduce the risk of this entanglement, we're considering making the shoulder harness upgrade a standard feature of the KISS Rig, however the price of the rig would be increased to account for this.
-The Side Release buckles on the front of the rig interefered with shouldering of the rifle. I'm awaiting some clarification on this point, as there is a large range of variation at which the rig can be positioned on the body, either high on the chest, or lower around the abdomen. I can see how when wearing the rig higher on the chest, the buckle may interefere with shouldering of a rifle, however a great many other similar rigs on the market would experience the same issue, i.e. Tactical Tailor MAV (both 1 and 2 piece), SO Tech Hellcat/Tomcat rigs, ESSTAC Boar family of rigs, Original SOE MWR, HSGI rigs, etc.

From my contact within DLR-5 that sponsored this trial, the next stage in the search for an interim load carriage platform (interim meaning replacing the tac-vest for operational usage until ISSP comes on line) is to take the data that was gathered at the working group to build a statement of requirement which will allow for another batch of rigs to be purchased for a larger (i.e. company level) trial to take place. The rigs most likely to be purchased for this trial will be those which most closely match the requirements identified by the working group, i.e. the top 3 rigs chosen by the working group.

After the company level trial takes place, and the feedback will be analyzed, the folks within DLR and DSSPM will develop a load carriage platform and pouch design based on that feedback, i.e. pattern drawings, material and construction specifications, etc. From there a Request for Proposal (government tender) for approximately 1-2 battlegroup's worth of kit will take place through the normal acquisition channels, i.e. PWGSC/MERX and the Army will have hopefully have a workable load carriage system for operational use, which is modular (i.e. MOLLE/PALS based), and multi-functional. It's highly unlikely that for the Battlegroup level purchase that DND/PWGSC will go out and buy a commercial off the shelf rig, i.e. Eagle Rhodesian Reconnaissance Rig, or Tactical Tailor MAV, however what they may spec out could be a near clone of that sort of system, which ends up getting made by the most cost compliant/best value bidder here in Canada.

So again, rather than spit out conjecture as to what the outcome of this working group is and what the tac-vest replacment's going to be, lets wait for the AAR, and then follow what happens with respect to DLR-5 pushing this thing forward onto a larger scale trial and the possibility of an eventual buy of 1-2 BGs worth of kit.
if anything it seems cpgear will at least be using the lessons learned to improve their rigs?
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 13:08   #779
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yeH Mn things are going better for me we had a lot of shit on this tour but were getting through it... the gen 4 i had seen being used alot by the Csor guys over there, close protection had there black hawk plate carrier vests and so did jtf so i guess its a wait and see scenario lol...

Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
airborneboi, that sucks man, you recovering alright now? I was with the TF 1-08 BG an I did some patrolling with the OMLT out in Zhari.

Warbird, theres a couple different vests being trialed right now and theres plans of getting a MOLLE tac vest to replace the tac vest.


Some of the companies weren't part of the initial trial but a lot of Soldiers bought rigs from TT and HSGI and got positive input they were put onto the list.
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 15:38   #780
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Move the bayonet either above or behind the C9/Utility pouch. Problem solved.

Its what most of us have been doing for the last few years.
I've seen it done and done it myself, but most of the time when on a course we get screamed at to make sure everyone is at a single 'standard' which usually means sticking the godamn bayonet on the front.

We actually had a guy take his own bayonet in the eye, like directly in when he slipped off of a rope and caught the bottom of the handle stuck on the rope on the way down.

Not a pretty sight, and they still wouldn't let us change where we put the stupid thing.
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