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Old June 11th, 2009, 17:53   #16
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Do you not have anyone that can spot you some cash until next week in order to get in before the deadline?

If the minimum amount of players can make it in before Sunday, then yes you can pay afterwards. But the dillemma is that we need people NOW.
My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 18:06   #17
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Yeah, true enough, problem i've got is i'm probably the richest of all my friends at the moment :P but we'll see what happens, I might be able to pull it off, i'll know for sure before sunday.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 20:07   #18
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Originally Posted by Danneichh View Post
Yeah, true enough, problem i've got is i'm probably the richest of all my friends at the moment :P but we'll see what happens, I might be able to pull it off, i'll know for sure before sunday.

have you spoken to krusty yet?.... theres always prostitution, or selling organs....
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Old June 11th, 2009, 22:07   #19
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yeah i talked to krusty, and i think i'd have to pay to sell my body to the night :P and i like my organs where they are, thank you very much.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 23:35   #20
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Agggh, 70 people by Sunday.

Every appendage crossed in hopes that those fence sitters pitch in.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 01:39   #21
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Man, guys I'd love to hop in help you out and have a blast myself.

But I just lost my job the other day and really want to hold onto funds as tight as I can.
If I had this job longer I was expecting to buy all the extra bits I'd need and sign up asap.

If I happen to get wind of my credit card then I'm SO coming =D

=( Best of luck everyone.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 14:43   #22
Mordarski J.A.
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C'mon folks, with a community of over 30,500 members we should be able to come up with 70 payments pretty quick. To the fence-sitters, IF the game doesn't happen, you'll have your money back. Otherwise, let's get those payments in quick and make sure this game happens! To those who missed BW1 and BW2, you'll be kicking yourself should you not be able to make this game.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

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Old June 12th, 2009, 18:05   #23
G.I. Joel
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Originally Posted by Blinky View Post
C'mon folks, with a community of over 30,500 members we should be able to come up with 70 payments pretty quick. To the fence-sitters, IF the game doesn't happen, you'll have your money back. Otherwise, let's get those payments in quick and make sure this game happens! To those who missed BW1 and BW2, you'll be kicking yourself should you not be able to make this game.

Could not have said it better! Lets hurry it up and get them payments rolling in!
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Old June 12th, 2009, 18:24   #24
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I'd really hate for this event to get cancelled. I've never been to a BW and would love to experience it. It's not all about airsoft guys. This is an experience of a life time. How many event are like this?

There wont be any like this again if the people on the fence don't sign up.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 18:47   #25
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C'mon people pay up.

There is no loss for you what so ever! You either a) Get to participate in one of the best events in Canada, EVER. Or b) You get your money back. No loss.
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Originally Posted by Barf View Post
The registry is a tool for police the same way a dildo is a tool for carpentry.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 19:23   #26
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If I may offer a small observation, if there is indeed a refund in full the game information thread should possibly be worded more clearly, as it currently states "A Full refund (minus $25 admin fee) will be given for cancellations up to June 1st 2009. Other refunds after June 2nd 2009 will be reviewed on an individual basis." -- I had to re-read it a few times to understand this was actually for people canceling (calling out) rather than the event itself being canceled (and this only after having read this thread which re-iterated the "full refund" several times).

There's also another thread in the BW3 section that says the cost is $125 after June 2nd (although as I understand it, it's still $100).

Just some FYI, as some people may be reluctant to pay up right now if they also read it the way I initially did.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 19:38   #27
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The additional 25$ in the 125 admission fee was waved in an attempt to get more people to join up faster.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 19:39   #28
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If the game is cancelled I will refund $98 to each players minus 2 dollars for fees starting with all who payed with Paypal then EMT's last.

Last edited by Krusty; June 12th, 2009 at 19:47..
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Old June 12th, 2009, 22:02   #29
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Originally Posted by Krusty View Post
If the game is cancelled I will refund $98 to each players minus 2 dollars for fees starting with all who payed with Paypal then EMT's last.
That's good to know, altough I'd really LOVE to go to this game, I've been waiting so long for this and preparing myself for it (gear-wise and physical shape wise).

For all those members out there wasting their summer, PLEASE LOOK AGAIN. THIS IS A NICE OPPORTUNITY TO PLAY YOUR SPORT (if airsoft is your hobby, of course. I don't see why you're on this forums if it's not anyway...)
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Old June 12th, 2009, 23:14   #30
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The 2 dollars for fee's that you will be keeping if the event is cancelled.............what fee's are those. I know its only two dollars but why should any of us who have paid up have to surrender any of our money to "fee's" if we are not getting anything out of it. I mean its not my fault there are a bunch of fence sitters out there, why should I lose 2 bucks for it. Some justification for the 2 dollars would be appreciated.
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