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Win gun revolvers


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Old February 24th, 2010, 20:40   #1
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Win gun revolvers

Hey guys I am considering picking up a revolver to add to my ever growing collection of stuff no one ever really needs.

I am considering a Wingun revolver, I know there mag fed pistols are not the best how ever I have been reading some good things about the revolvers.

They are full metal, Co2, and seem pretty nicely made. HOW EVER. I can't find a real review on these things that isn't made by a freaking 14 year old *this gun is so cool yes it is yes it is ok done soot pew pew*......

So I am wondering if anyone on here has any experience with said guns. I am aware that they do not have a hop up so I am wondering how well they shoot with out it. I know its not a long range gun... more CQB back up when my desert eagle runs out of its 3 mags sorta thing.

How tough are the shells as well? Are we looking at another Dboys kar98 we make our shells out of tinfoil and baby farts material? or are they robust enough to have in your pack or bandalier *sp*.

Anything else you guys can think of would be awesome

Things I am not interested in knowing

The fact that Tanaka makes a good revolver... from what i have read this are just below them in quality at less than 1/2 the price.

The fact that the gun is not able to be ordered from outside the country

the fact that its a revolver and not 1337 enough for your spray and pray style of play

The fact that it only holds 6 shots and OMG you may have to reload during a game

Anything else that makes you sound like your trying to be puss *we only have, and need one lawl* jking puss
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Old February 24th, 2010, 21:16   #2
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edit: I just browsed them on UNcompany, i.m.o it looks like the quality is much better than Tanaka.
(dunno why Tanaka got this reputation, internals are crap and outer finish is just o-k)

CO2 is a good idea, it's probably tougher than a propane pistol, and will have a better grouping at the same distance.

revolvers are super fun to game, the problem with them is that internals have to support the efforts of the double action, so if you game them you risk breaking a part, and then you need a replacements, usually hard to come by.
my 2 cents. I want one.

UNcompany sells a jet loader for them

can you feel the temptation?

Last edited by Jimski; February 25th, 2010 at 08:02..
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Old February 24th, 2010, 21:20   #3
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actually they COME with that jet loader. Only thing about the shells is they are one shot shells not like TM's that do 4 per shell...

I am also considering the revolver for cold weather playing as my Desert eagle's slide is just too heavy to cycle in anything below 10c.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 21:24   #4
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believe me, the 4-by-shell TM system is UTTER crap if you want to field it.
(when 4 BBs are loaded you get very low FPS )
good revolvers will have ONE BB per shell or distribute from a mag-cylinder and that's it.

i.m.o swapping empty one-shot cartridges with the jet loader ingame will be pure sex.
just prepare a good, secure dump pouch to throw the empty catridges in, a pouch that closes completely.

Last edited by Jimski; February 25th, 2010 at 08:05..
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Old February 24th, 2010, 22:15   #5
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From a Friend of a Friend who has 3 of win guns revolvers he says he'd recommend them for sure as the best company to buy revolvers from. Again this is a friend of my friends but we were talking about it awhile ago.
Primary: TM MK 17 MOD 0, ICS L85 A2, Echo1 AKM, Echo1 AK-74, WE AK-74UN, JG AK-47 | Secondary: TM M9
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Old February 24th, 2010, 23:39   #6
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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I've been wanting a revolver for awhile now too, They're just pure sexy and buisness all rolled into one. I also like the idea of reloading, if I wanted to be Rambo, I'd go paintball.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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