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in Vancouver, looking to get AVed


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Old May 31st, 2009, 23:08   #1
Bonjour43ma's Avatar
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in Vancouver, looking to get AVed

PM'ed 4 of the regional AVers and only 1 person has responded (in 3 weeks). Why is it so difficult to do something so simple? I even offered to goto the AVer's location to meet up with them because I know they're doing this in their own spare time.

Sorry just getting a little frustrated because I feel like I'm being treated like a kid (I'm almost 30 for christ' sake!) to have to jump through all these hoops to have access to some of the stuff in the classifieds sections of this forum.

Sigh. I can't goto any games because I'm just starting out and have no equipment whatsoever, so I need to get AVed soon to start buying up stuff, and this delay is really not helping me to get into this hobby at all.

Also, I'm shocked to find that here in Canada we're paying 2x or 3x of what the US airsoft players are paying, equipment-wise wow... it's like the government doesn't want anyone in Canada to have any kind of fun, not even in a controlled environment.

Sorry for the rant.

A very frustrated newbie.
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Old May 31st, 2009, 23:46   #2
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I suggest you go to a game and arrange to get a rental. Most airsoft clubs here in B.C. will have an age verifier and offer rentals. For example, just yesterday Op-For hosted a Battle School, essentially an introductory course for newbies that would've been excellent for you. Optix, one of the age verifiers for ASC, was present. I suggest you try going to these two websites and poking around, you might get a quicker response this way:



I know that you can arrange for Op-For rentals through Kampfer and Warcraft games, perhaps a few others. I haven't checked out BCAC rentals but I'm certain someone will be able to loan you an AEG for the day.

Don't be afraid of rental equipment; it will help you make an intelligent purchase and will be an excellent way to familiarize yourself with what AEGs and the sport of airsoft is like. Plus, most players at games will allow you to try their equipment, which should give you even more ideas of where to go with your purchases.
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Old June 1st, 2009, 00:06   #3
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Thanks for your reply. I'm normally very patient with things in general but for some reason this whole AV process just got to me.

Optix was actually the one that responded to my PM and we're in the process of setting up a meeting sometime soon. He was kind enough to let me know his schedule so the only thing left is to set it up and see it through.

I try to be as pro-active as possible but this is still taking too long to do.... sigh. The price to pay to get into this hobby, I suppose.
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Old June 1st, 2009, 00:41   #4
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Try Here: and

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That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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Old June 1st, 2009, 00:50   #5
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Originally Posted by Airmax View Post
Try Here: and

For local gun shops
wasn't warcraftgames involved in selling all-black AEGs to civilians a few years back? they're not still doing that, are they?

thanks for the links though.
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Old June 1st, 2009, 00:58   #6
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That's an rather large story to tell you, and I do not want to post details about that here. But in short, yes that was somewhat of the case, but only to 18+ person's that we're starting into airsoft or so.
As of Today, they are selling "Cansoft" AEG's and pistols with an small inventory.
That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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Old June 1st, 2009, 01:32   #7
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I know a little bit of what happened mostly from some friends that were heavily into the airsoft scene from a few years back... but yeah it was too bad about what had happened.

Anyhow... looks like they have some newer G&Gs in stock - might drop by and take a look
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Old June 1st, 2009, 01:38   #8
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Best hurry, he has an habit of selling out before next order...You any questions, just pm me.
That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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