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King Arms - Dragunov SVD - Looking For Info


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Old January 28th, 2009, 16:38   #1
Old School Punk
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King Arms - Dragunov SVD - Looking For Info

Hi guys; I am wondering if any of you have any experiance with this Airsoft Gun?

I think this may be one of the hottest looking sniper rifles that I have ever seen. :tup:

The ones I have seen on the Net aren't cheap, but man are they Sassy! (I promise to never use this Word here again. Tee Hee)

Do any companies other that King Arms make this Riffle, if so who?

Thanks for reading


Last edited by Old School Punk; January 28th, 2009 at 16:40..
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Old January 28th, 2009, 16:41   #2
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Beside, King Arms. There are a few company that make like

Jing Gong = plastic SVD
Real Sword = On my wanted list

there should be more but that's all I knew. Hope it help you old school punk.


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Old January 28th, 2009, 16:48   #3
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The king arms version wasnt very solid, many cracked stocks and split forgrips & even more problems with the internals. Moderatly hard to come across parts. Spring loaded slow rate of far as i know its also discontinued.

Atoz (if thats even a company) made one, same deal few problems fixed. Few new problems. This version was spring loaded (i believe)

If your really set on one of these wait for the -real sword- version. It will be an aeg (much more practical)
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old January 28th, 2009, 16:51   #4
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Expect to pay over $2,000 for one of those things. IMO, Get a normal AEG first.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 16:53   #5
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Super gun...

I have one of these guns. They are absolutely amazing. I found that the internals are solid and had to make some modification to make the stock sturdier. It Shoots 480fps and is heavy and massive. Its hard to find these on the market, but I stand by this gun and would readily recommend this to anyone.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 16:56   #6
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Expect to pay over $2,000 for one of those things. IMO, Get a normal AEG first.
Not really , there is a decent one pup on classified less than 1 grand with a lots of goddie but still I'm not a sniper guy so I won't bother to get one.

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Old January 28th, 2009, 17:13   #7
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Originally Posted by KND View Post
Not really , there is a decent one pup on classified less than 1 grand with a lots of goddie but still I'm not a sniper guy so I won't bother to get one.
That one wasn't a draganov, it was a converted AK47.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 17:28   #8
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Thanks for the info guys, you guys ROCK!

I have been doing a bit more searching on this gun, and I see that my old friends "Jing Gong" have a made version of this thing.

I will admit that it isn't quite as S@#$$y as the King Arms version, but it is a lot more affordable!

I also believe that G&P made one of these, but I haven't seen a picture of it yet.

Keep the info coming, it's all very helpful!

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Old January 28th, 2009, 17:44   #9
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thats not even close to looking like a real Dragunov.

thats an AK-47S converted to an "SVD". all knock-offs the TM AKS and Guarder SVD conversion kit, it was popular back in the days. personally i find it ugly, and you can easilly spot the differences compared to a real SVD.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 17:45   #10
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Ummmmmmm.... Real Sword....Real Nice.

Me likes, me likes a lot.

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Old January 28th, 2009, 17:49   #11
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Actually your initial pictures look like they came from Real Sword. They are very nice and extremely realistic. I had a chance to compare one to a real steel SVD at this years Shot Show and it was pretty bang on....including the Russian scope. I would go the Real Sword route if it were me.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 18:09   #12
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Originally Posted by rustysniper View Post
Actually your initial pictures look like they came from Real Sword. They are very nice and extremely realistic. I had a chance to compare one to a real steel SVD at this years Shot Show and it was pretty bang on....including the Russian scope. I would go the Real Sword route if it were me.
The barrel and receiver look too glossy on that first photo to be a Real Sword. That looks like black paint, whereas the RS is blued steel. And the grip is different - more detailed on the RS.
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Old January 28th, 2009, 19:03   #13
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I used to have a King Arms/AtoZ SVD. It was fine, sort of regret selling it, but then I remember I did sell it because I had more guns than I reasonably used and I already had a "wall-hanger".

Good luck finding one.

Plastic fake-wood furniture was REALLY plastic. But authentic dimensions.

Held together mostly by set screws, but all metal (aluminum) and the fit was good. I fielded it several times and never had any durability worries or issues, but I wouldn't want to have fallen on it either.

Spring powered. Pretty high velocity and a hop-up, breech, and chamber that was solid as a rock.

Shitty mags. Picture the shittiest, most brittle black plastic ABS or whatever you can and you've got a good idea of it. 25 rounds in the mag. I owned 3 mags altogether. The mag that came with the gun was broken off in the gun (shipping was rough, and the mag is not strong to begin with). One mag just plain never worked right. The last one at least worked. Except that all mags had a habit of binding up the last few BBs (which don't feed all the way in, like with any AEG) but did so in a way that made it hard to remove the mag to reload. Hard to describe, but if you get your hands on one trust me, it will explain itself. Oh, and did I mention those pieces of shit were expensive too?

Nice looking gun though. But the painted black aluminum finish wasn't the classiest.

Still, for all its failings it shot well and it looked good and I liked having bought it.

The barrel and receiver look too glossy on that first photo to be a Real Sword. That looks like black paint, whereas the RS is blued steel. And the grip is different - more detailed on the RS.
As a former owner of the KingArms/AtoZ gun, I agree. The pictures in the first post sure look like the King Arms gun. Right down to the grain on the stock, the handgrip-endcap, and the off-white grey color of the bolt.

Now, the G&P one is one awesome gun for looking and feeling. If it shot as good as it looked, no one on the field would be safe. Sadly that's not the case. It does actually shoots BBs, but I'd rather carry a pistol onto the field gameability-wise.

Last edited by DonP; January 28th, 2009 at 22:33..
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Old January 29th, 2009, 11:30   #14
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I too have an AtoZ Dragunov, and everybody before me is correct, it shoots hard, spring loaded, minor furniture issues, but there are a handful of things that I find particularly annoying about it:

The hopup is set via an odd-sized allen key, and if you lose it (which is really just a matter of when), it's a real pain to find another one. I've gone through at least a half-dozen of them so far, to the point where it's easier to bend and grind a nail to work instead of a new key. It shot beautifully before I took a good header onto mine, bent the barrel slightly, and ever since it's just been a process of "Field it, still shoots crooked, take it home, attempt to straighten the outer barrel some more, rinse/repeat."

Cliff notes version: The gun is great, albeit expensive. Difficult / impossible to find parts for. The only problems I've had are my own fault. Fielded the thing for 4 years at this point and I am still just as in love with it.
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Old January 29th, 2009, 11:37   #15
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if you are heartset on getting a Dragonov, go Real Sword, or go home. There is no other way around this. Real Sword, despite what the other people have said about their experience with other company's Dragonovs, will pale in comparison to Real Sword's Dragonov. Still, if you are thinking of getting this as y our first airsoft gun, you are sadly mistaken. I too shared the desire to snipe and/or be a designated marksman. So i decided to go with an TM M14 as my first gun, which is probably the best TM product on the market and also the best airsoft M14 version today. Even that choice was a risk as the M14 is heavy, long and definitely not for everyone. If you want range and accuracy comparable to a sniper rifle, get either an M14 or upgrade a full length M16 as these are good for skrimishes and can be upgraded to shoot equal to most sniper rifles. As you progress, THEN think about getting a full fledged sniper rifle. Just my 2 cents though
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