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Possible? ECHO-1 M4 XM-177 Issues.



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Old December 22nd, 2007, 23:02   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: New Jersey
Possible? ECHO-1 M4 XM-177 Issues.

From what I've seen around the interweb, the Echo-1 M4 series is incredible for it's price, and it's medium grade rating.

Now, with that, I've taken a look at Echo-1 M203 (barrel mounted, not RIS) grenade launchers.. You'd think it would be supported BY an Echo-1.. No?

Well, normally that would be common sense. But in this case it seems to be hazy. I'm not sure what to think..

So, from what I've read as previously stated, the "Outer" barrel is not very strong.. So it cannot support the launcher. They would suggest buying a newer "Reinforced" outer barrel.

My question is.. What's so reinforced about the "reinforced" outer barrels?

More simply, what IS an outer barrel and why don't many people like them?

lastly, how would I reinforce one myself? I don't feel like spending another 80 dollars for a barrel after the 180 total for launcher and shells .

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Old December 22nd, 2007, 23:23   #2
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Location: Montreal, QC
The outer barrel is the "gun barrel" of your M4, the outside part that you see (which would be the barrel of a real M4), versus the slim brass barrel that actually shoots the BBs (which is hidden inside the outer barrel).

I don't know how the stock ECHO barrel is built, it it's like the TM outer barrels it's actually not just one piece, and not all that solid all by itself. Reinforced outer barrels usually meant one piece outer barrels that could be used on TM guns, which made everything up front more solid.

If the ECHO barrel is one piece, it could be that it's made from a cheap pot metal which can't really support much stress, and would break from the weight of the M203.

I'm not really sure what you mean by people not liking outer barrels.

As for reinforcing yourself... got a machine shop?
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Old December 22nd, 2007, 23:32   #3
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: New Jersey
heh. People say they don't "preffer" the Echo-1 outer barrels.

The Xm-177 outer barrel looks VERY thick.. So I may be able to pass.

(For whatever reason it came out of the mid-section, so i drenched it with some metal bonding glue and now it won't even budge ..)

I'm hoping that's related to the so called "Infamous barrel wobble" that i've heard of. Metal bonding = not coming out.. but no barrel wobble therefor it CAN support the M203? Sound good?
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Old December 22nd, 2007, 23:37   #4
Join Date: Sep 2003
Drake summed it up best.

I think you have something slightly confused - it's not outer barrels that people tend to not like, but rather the two peice ones (that wobble and require constant tightening to remedy) or the cheap pot metal ones that aren't very durable. Reinfoced barrels tend to be one solid peice or made from a sturdier metal (such as aluminum or steel) to combat this problem.

And as for reinforcing it'd likely be better off in the long run taking the 80 dollar hit for a better barrel. Or buy a used one and save a bit of money. Unless you really really know what you're doing, most fixes would only be temporary and cure the symptoms rather than the disease, so to speak.

Be thankful you don't live in Canada - airsoft prices are way higher on this side of the border

EDIT: I can't say for sure whether glue would have completely eliminated the barrel flex, but that won't increase the resilience of the barrel or reduce the stress placed on it by the launcher.

Last edited by Chrios; December 22nd, 2007 at 23:41..
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Old December 22nd, 2007, 23:45   #5
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Location: Montreal, QC
I'm not sure what you bonded... the barrel, directly to the receiver?

Not sure that's something you want to do heh
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