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WA CQB Problems


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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:19   #1
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WA CQB Problems

Ok, I've had these problems for over a year, and had the gun looked at already by my local GBB guy ( Throgg ). He wasn't able to get anywhere, so I'm asking for either:

1) Someone who is really good with WA .45s to volunteer to fix it for me. I'll pay for your time and any parts needed, I just want to make this GBB work well.

2) Possible things I can do myself. I have only ever taken apart one GBB, and it scared the hell out of me! Too many tiny parts, tight spaces, etc, but I'm willing to try if no one will fix it for me. I'm not incompetent, just a total noob when it comes to the inside of a GBB.

So here's the problem. Quite often, and unpredictably, the pistol starts firing a bb, and the slide works, but not rechambering another bb. The next time I pull the trigger, nothing comes out the barrel, but the slide works again, this time somehow picking up a bb and chambering it. Next shot, bb fires, no reload, etc. etc.

Sometimes, it seems as if the problem is related to high temperature. It seems to get worse when it's hot, with the first shot making a "popping" sound and coming out at low fps, and the second one sounding normal, but still only one bb every two trigger pulls.

I can't use a secondary that's not reliable, and if I can't get this working I think I'm going to give up on WAs and get a TM. I REALLY prefer the feel of the WAs, they are beautiful things, but most of all I need it to work reliably and well, and more and more that sounds like it means getting a TM. So to those WA lovers out there, help me! It's my last chance to be saved.

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any help...
Sgt Spleen
Salamander Army

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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:38   #2
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I don't know if we've ever talked about this before but have you tried running your CQB on duster only to see if the problem replicates? My .45 used to give me the exact same problems as yours when I would run propane in it for some reason (my uneducated guess would be that it has something to do with the hammer spring or other springs not having the required strenght to push down properly on mag valve).

Anyway, if it works fine on duster maybe try installing the AI flow restrictor? That just might solve the problem right there or else start running that sucker on duster.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:57   #3
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Thanks Primus, but I've only ever ( well, except maybe once or twice ) used duster in it.
Sgt Spleen
Salamander Army

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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 11:02   #4
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Damn, then quite honestly I'm not sure of what the hell is going on... HAs it always done that or did it start after you'd owned the pistol for a while?

Maybe a total tear down to do a thorough cleaning and lubing is in order?

*EDIT: Do you have more than 1 mag? If so have you noticed if it happens with a certain one or all of them?
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Old September 25th, 2006, 12:33   #5
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What are the internals like? Stock? I had this problem with my SVI Limited a couple of times, I believe that once it was a problem with the nozzle sticking, and the other time it was actually the hopup. If you're ever near Kingston, I'd be happy to have a look at it.
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Old September 25th, 2006, 14:05   #6
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i can have a look at it, i've repaired numerous WA guns in the past. I can do a complete tear down and clean and lube it for you. I have a few parts laying around from various parts guns i can try and transplant for you to try and solve the problem.

Here's the "but"...
but i live in winnipeg, so you'll have to ship it out....

Here's the "but also"...
but also, i'm making a trip down to Montreal in October, and may have some time to take a look down there, but i won't have any parts on me. I'll be down there for the big car show in mid october.

Lemme know if i can help.
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