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Old August 28th, 2006, 11:31   #1
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Picky rifles

I got a quick question. I didn't find any info regarding that matter, wich is in fact pretty weird.

Both my rifles are picky. I have a TM SR16 with a bunch of upgrades that shoots 350FPS on .25g and a Stock M4 now turned CQB that shoots 235FPS with .25g. I replaced the mechboxes with reenforced ones recently.

Now here is the weird part. .20g BB's keep jamming in the rifles while .25g shoot fine. Not that I'm complaining, the only down side it that I can't chrony my rifles with .20g (wich I think, from memory would shoot around 40FPS highers, right?).

Peharps the .20g I had (left-overs given to me by a team-mate) were of really poor quality...

Has anyone seen this happen before? Greylocks? Anyone?

Also, does anyone know the mistery of the Caramilk? I've been stuck on that one for a while too... :-)

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Old August 28th, 2006, 15:58   #2
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My take on the Caramilk mystery is the caramel is frozen into little drops, one per section is then dropped on one half of the bar form (top half) which has already had the chocolate poured and hardened, then the liquid chocolate lower half is poured on over top. Let it cool & harden, the caramel turns back into the viscous liquid we all know and love that slops down your shirt when you bite into each one. Also explains the seam down the sides.

What was your other question?
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Old August 28th, 2006, 16:50   #3
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try using another brand of .20s if the brand of .20s your using is jamming
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Old August 29th, 2006, 03:43   #4
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CDN_Stalker you are my HERO man. I have often wondered how that was done.
How long have you worked in the Cadbury factory? Will you get in trouble for releasing their secret formulas? How do they get that delicious hard coating over their MINI EGGS?

I am forever in debt for your knowledge!!!
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Old August 29th, 2006, 08:07   #5
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Oh yeah I didn't think about the mini-eggs... any explanations for that one Stalker?

Yeah i guess I'll try another brand of .20g...

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Old August 29th, 2006, 08:36   #6
The bar is upside down with the bottom(now top). Off it is filled with caramel the bottom is then placed on a melted into place.
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Old August 29th, 2006, 09:37   #7
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Is this a serious reply????

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Old August 29th, 2006, 09:48   #8
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Originally Posted by brently0725
CDN_Stalker you are my HERO man. I have often wondered how that was done.
How long have you worked in the Cadbury factory? Will you get in trouble for releasing their secret formulas? How do they get that delicious hard coating over their MINI EGGS?

I am forever in debt for your knowledge!!!
Cadbury factory? Lol, never set foot in ANY kind of factory before, nor do I know anyone that works in one. I just made a simple guess. Chocolate has a very low melting point, so anything liquid that is covered in chocolate, safe to assume the liquid is frozen beforehand and thaws out after the chocolate is molded around it.

Refresh my memory about the mini eggs, I'm not a chocolate eater and am not sure which ones you refer to. ops:
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Old August 29th, 2006, 10:23   #9
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Whoa talk about veering off subject... lol...

might as well just trash this lol...

Rifle works with .25g anyways....

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Old August 29th, 2006, 11:33   #10
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Hey man, you asked two questions about two different topics in your first post, so..............

Ya, get back to us when you are able to run a different brand of 0.20g BBs through your guns, could just be the quality of the ammo.
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Old August 29th, 2006, 13:20   #11
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I've been to the cadbury factory in the UK, was like 11/12 when i went but still....Had to sign the Official secrets act...jk, mini eggs are just as mysterious...*ponders*
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
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Old August 29th, 2006, 15:52   #12
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The technique used to get the caramel into the candy was released a while ago on Daily Planet. They had the guys face hidden and his voice put through a voice thing.

Anyway, they run a tray filled with HOT chocolate over a refridgerated table ((cold surface)). So the chocolate in the bottom of the tray cools while the caramel sinks down to the cooled chocolate which now forms a sort of bowl keeping it in place while the rest of the chocolate cools around it.

Stalker is right in his guess. The whole point to this.

As for the gun prefering .25's to .20's I have no idea... maybe something to do with it being lighter and not getting into the right place? Why kind of compression do you have in there?

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Old August 29th, 2006, 16:42   #13
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Yay, I guess right!
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Old August 30th, 2006, 15:01   #14
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Originally Posted by Dracheous

As for the gun prefering .25's to .20's I have no idea... maybe something to do with it being lighter and not getting into the right place? Why kind of compression do you have in there?
Shit dude, I'm still a Newb at internals and working on them... define compression and how I can't tell you what I have... then I'll tell you... lol...

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Old August 30th, 2006, 15:40   #15
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I'm a newb too you know :P... bought an armalite so I'd HAVE to learn what the fuck is going on.

What I meant with the compression is what's really called "Suck". Think of it like a syrnge right, pull the plunge and you suck in air, push it forward and you expell air. Just like the piston in an Airsoft gun. But there is a bit of porting to stop this suck. What I'm wondering is if you have so my suck that it draws the bb up higher then it should be going.

You'd said "with a bunch of upgrades", just makes me wonder if there is so much compression in the piston, or rather in this case suck that it pulls the bb up and it bounces off the ceiling. But then that wouldn't explain it that well. There is also maybe the possibility of the magazine spring pushing that bb too high. But then, the different between half a gram shouldn't have that.

Something is up with the feeding though. Take the upper receiver off, and check both the hop up unit and nozzle for any kind of knicks or cracks in them. See if there is anything for the lighter round to get caught on. Am sure you already did this, but just a wild shot.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

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