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MK23 Spring help


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Old July 25th, 2006, 21:55   #1
the end
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MK23 Spring help

howdy everybody, well i got myself a MK23 and i noticed that the recoil spring was fairly weak.

after further reading i found that the Mk23 is supposed to have a dual stage spring, wereas mine only has one?
now i have the heavyweight hardkick 05 model
i figured that if it was heavyweight it would have had a stronger spring but i guess not.

so i searched all over and found that UN company and redwolf and carries upgraded recoil springs for the Mk23,
but not wanting to have to get in a pre-order and wait plus pay some extra cash i fiqured i might be able to find a suitable replacement in canada for cheaper.

so after further inspection i noticed that there was a nice amount of space on the recoil rod itself,
and this got me wondering if maybe another spring for a different gun could fit? possibly for the hi-capa 5.1? im not sure

so if anybody has a MK23 and can make a comparison or just nows if one will fit, let me know

i wish i had a camera so i could take some pics of the recoil rod, but unfortunatley i do not

but the recoil rod is exactly 5 inches long with about 9.5 cm of space to be filled by a spring, with a backing of about 1.5 cm to hold the spring in place.

if anybody can give me dimensions of upgraded spring for different guns that would also be nice, but as of now i think a hi-capa spring might do so if someone can give me dimension for that i would apreciate it

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Old July 26th, 2006, 14:07   #2
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only the older version had the dual stage recoil spring which made you recoil weaker, jusat like the real deal. As for springs, better jump on ragis las vegas next order because these thing are almost impossible to find brand new in the country.
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Old July 26th, 2006, 16:29   #3
the end
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better jump on ragis las vegas next order because these thing are almost impossible to find brand new in the country.
i know, thats why i said i wanted to try and find a spring in canada that would work or could be slightly modded to work.
that would also be a bit cheaper and much quicker, plus you get the self satisfaction of doing something yourself.

but if i cannot then i will get in on the group order.

thanks though
Pantless_Crab Wrote:
By his logic my dick fitting in my hand is irrefutable proof that not only god exists but he's cool with masterbation.
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