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WE Scar Bolt Catch issues


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Old January 17th, 2012, 22:31   #1
djKail's Avatar
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WE Scar Bolt Catch issues

Hey everyone, tried looking for an answer on here and other forums but have come up with nothing so far.

The issue is my WE Scar (open bolt) is not engaging the bolt stop. Yes I know the switch needs to be up on the mag and it is. I have 5 mags and at first they all worked fine but now it does not lock back about 90% of the time.

I have determined that the issue is the Magazine not being held in tightly enough. If I tip the gun vertical or upside down it will lock every time. Additionally of I put pressure on the bottom of the mag while the gun is right side up it will also engage.

Has anyone else come accross this issue? Should I just add a shim to the bolt catch? As a test I just wrapped some tape around the little piece that the mag presses up to engage the bolt catch and that helped. I have read that people have super glued pieces of credit cards on their M4 bolt catch.... I assume I can do that same?

Any help is appreciated!

Last edited by djKail; January 18th, 2012 at 12:56..
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Old January 17th, 2012, 22:39   #2
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by djKail View Post
Hey everyone, tried looking for an answer on here and other forums but have come up with nothing so far.

The issue is my WE Scar (open bolt) is not engaging the bolt stop. Yes I know the switch needs to be up on the mag and it is. I have 5 mags and at first they all worked fine but not it does not lock back about 90% of the time.

I have determined that the issue is the Magazine not being held in tightly enough. If I tip the gun vertical or upside down it will lock every time. Additionally of I put pressure on the bottom of the mag while the gun is right side up it will also engage.

Has anyone else come accross this issue? Should I just add a shim to the bolt catch? As a test I just wrapped some tape around the little piece that the mag presses up to engage the bolt catch and that helped. I have ready that people have super glued pieces of credit cards on their M4 bolt catch.... I assume I can do that same?

Any help is appreciated!
Yeah, your solutions are valid. On the other hand though (I'm assuming you're running the OB version), I've had no issues with the bolt not locking back after replacing the stock bolt with the Modify Steel Bolt Set, an upgrade that fixes a couple of other things as well, and improves the performance of your SCAR consirably. Just get it and be happy

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Old January 17th, 2012, 22:47   #3
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Or a cheaper alternative; when I had my OB, I just put a 3mm high blob of JB Weld on the bottom of the bolt catch, where the magazine bolt lock tab is supposed to make contact, let it sit for 24 hrs until it was cured properly and voila! Bolt catch worked like a charm.

Also if you are going to go this route, make sure that the surface is clean of anything... make sure that the surface is rough as well so the JB weld has something to bite into.

Last edited by Ballcancer; January 17th, 2012 at 23:00..
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Old January 18th, 2012, 12:55   #4
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Thanks for the replies! I have gone ahead with the JB Weld solution for now. Going to wait the 24 hours and see how it goes. I will probably also be upgrading the bolt and purchasing a steel bolt stop in the future.
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Old December 13th, 2012, 09:51   #5
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I too used the JB weld method.

I actually made a nice little tutorial on how to do it. Cuz' I'm a nice guy. <--- Link to my tutorial on how to fix this issue.
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Old November 14th, 2013, 13:46   #6
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Have the same problem with my SCAR. Thank you for the guide!
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