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Vfc m4 Gbbr


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Old February 26th, 2013, 23:54   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Vfc m4 Gbbr

Is VFC garbage or is it just my bad luck? I was so excited i finally got my first gbbr. Came home took it apart lubed everything, put it back together filled up the mag. First shot okay, second okay.... up till about the 10th one on semi mag started freezing on me and liquid started coming out. And all of this is done indoors at room temp. about 24 degrees Celsius. So i thought the nozzle o-ring was probably dried and dragging wasting air as the bolt was going back. Then i lubed it with silicon grease. Still the same. Really have no clue whats going on. Nevermind full-auto, in full auto, mag will freeze up on me in about 3 rounds. Oh and it'll never go through a mag with 1 charge.

If anyone has came acrossed these sort of problems please help me out.
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Old February 27th, 2013, 02:13   #2
Join Date: Sep 2012
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try filling the gas more
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Old February 27th, 2013, 11:58   #3
kullwarrior's Avatar
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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Don't want to be rude, but that kinda soiund like typical VFC GBBR. (extremely gas inefficient)
Take a look at the airseal of the nozzle. When you pull the charging handle back, does the nozzle stick forward? (if it doesnt, there's a bad seal in the hopup bucking)

If it does, check the main nozzle O-ring: pull the nozzle out, cover the two ports of gas entry/exit, push the nozzle back in to resting position. If there's no resistance, poor air seal is present at the nozzle).
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Old March 3rd, 2013, 00:49   #4
GBB Whisperer
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I've heard of tons of problems about the VFC GBBR's, whether it were the M4 series or MP5 series.

I took a chance, and got the new(est) MP5 SD3... it shot AMAZING. Super crisp and hard kicking blowback, with ability to fully dump the entire mag in full auto and still retain lock back.... with extra gas remaining to go through at least a dozen or two more rounds if needed.

Then, I chanced it again on the new 416C. SAME EXPERIENCE. Crisp and hard kicking blowback (the best I've ever felt), and I was able to dump an entire mag on full auto and still have extra gas left over... with very little slowdown in ROF at the end of the mag.

To say I was shocked at the performance, was an understatement of their current generation of GBBR's.... they just need to fix their leaky mags, and I'd say they are a force to be reckoned with.

Keep in mind, I don't know what batch this M4 you're looking at will be coming from. If it's a 416C, it's going to be good stuff (mine practically came off the first production line.)
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