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how to for a saw


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Old January 6th, 2011, 14:10   #1
2nd battalion 2LT
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how to for a saw

I"m not new to airsofting just new to owning a saw and am having a hard time understanding the auto winding mag's

the push button auto winding mag's made by mag .. first are they worth it and second . how do you know when to push the button and how many does it load at one . or do you need to push the mag winding button at the same time you fire ??
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Old January 6th, 2011, 14:14   #2
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from what ive seen its like any other highcap, i used to be an ammo mule for one of the saw gunners on my team, he just hit the button after every few bursts, rather than winding manually you just hit the button for it to wind for you

alternatively i believe there are mags u can get that actually detect the vibrations and sound made by your mechbox cycling, so as you are firing its constantly winding and feeding more ammo in, not sure how well they work tho
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Old January 6th, 2011, 14:31   #3
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A box mag is basically a "fancy" Hicap mag. Hicap (high capacity) mags work by using spring pressure to power a feeding wheel that picks up bbs and feeds them into a tube. The pressure that the spring exerts is necessary so that when the nozzle retracts a BB is forced up into position to be pushed into the chamber by the nozzle. Without the spring pressure the BBs will just sit in the tube. So hicap guys "tickle" their winding wheel continuously to keep the spring pressure up.

The "auto" box type have a microphone in them and are activated by the sound of the mechbox. When it's winding...always keeping the spring tension/mechanism working, thus always keeping pressure behind the bbs to feed. The microphone picks up sound, activates a little motor, that actuates the mechanism to pick up bbs and shove 'em up the feed tube.

"Manual"/push-button boxes have a button that you press that activates the motor that actuates the mech...etc...etc...

Some mag systems tap into the AEG's battery and when the circuit is complete to fire it actuates the mag's motor that actuates the mech...etc...etc.. They may tap in via a plug...or via connector terminals/plates built into the AEG.

Basically go with whatever you want. The sound activated ones work. "Better" ones have a more robust motor and mech. "Cheapo" ones have crappy electronics, tiny motors and fragile mechs (that leads to jams/hang ups). Little motors running off of 2 AA batteries might have a hard time keeping up with hispeed SAW'll end up with blank shots in prolonged bursts, and hopefully no mangled nozzles, etc...

The "big green boxes" certainly hold a lot of BBs...but they're (at least for me) really awkward to get my support hand around when needed...and they make a hell of a racket. The smaller "nut-sack" type hold 1500+BBs and tend to be a bit quieter. You can also open up the box mag and line the holding area with padding to dampen the noise. Last setup I tried...I used the felt stickers that you put under tables so they don't scratch up floors...comes in rectangle sheets that I just cut to size and stuck to the inside.

Hope that helps

Last edited by m102404; January 6th, 2011 at 14:33..
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Old January 6th, 2011, 14:38   #4
Crunchmeister's Avatar
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A&K SAW mags don't have a pressure switch. They have a sound sensor mounted in the "feed connector" (don't have a better name for it) part that connects into the gun. When it hears the mechbox firing, it automatically winds the mag. I fucking HATE the push-button mags. I have a G&P box mag with the pressure switch, and will try to mod it with a broken A&K mag so I can make it sound-activated too.
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Old January 6th, 2011, 14:51   #5
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careful of the voltages Crunch...I toasted the control board on my box mag doing a conversion. Stupid mistake...and I won't do it again ('cause the system is broken now LOL)
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Old January 6th, 2011, 14:56   #6
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Yeah, already have that taken into account. The A&K mag runs on 3V and the G&P on 9V. I'll dig out my old electronics parts from the college days and build a circuit so I can drop some of that excess voltage across some resistors or something before feeding the control board,
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Old January 6th, 2011, 16:02   #7
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Yeah, already have that taken into account. The A&K mag runs on 3V and the G&P on 9V. I'll dig out my old electronics parts from the college days and build a circuit so I can drop some of that excess voltage across some resistors or something before feeding the control board,
I run an A&K m60e4 and thats exactly how its set up, theres two lines runing into the gun one for the battery and one for the boxmag which is hooked into a small circut board with some resistors on it which in turn is hooked into the main power lines at a mosfet with what is basicly a dimmer switch on it which allows fire rate control. So that when the trigger is pulled it auto winds the box mag. This is how it came from the factory but it shouldent be hard to rig up if you have the knoledge.
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