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Pistol Mags!


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Old September 16th, 2010, 10:31   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Pistol Mags!

Hope this isn't too dense a question...

There are a million (o.k. just shy of that) pistol brands, models. gases...when someone wants to get more mags do you have to by specifically for one brand, model and gas or is there something more common like the M4 mags in the rifle world?

Also, lots of talk of cross border importing, but are mags an issue? I wouldn't have thought so, but would be interested to hear.

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Old September 16th, 2010, 10:36   #2
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in short yes different manufacturers have different fit but there are those clones that will accept OEM parts ie. WE Hicapa will accept Marui as they are cloned from a Marui Hicapa

KSC Glock mags are interchangeable with all their Glock models such as a G17 mag will go into a G19 pistol but the mag will stick out, most of them work the same way unless they are system7 series but the KSC Glock will not accept Marui mags and vice versa.

Mags are ok to buy but not the ones with dummy bullets
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Old September 16th, 2010, 11:09   #3
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So the next question is: What is the most compatible or easily accessible brand/model for additional mag purchase?
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Old September 16th, 2010, 11:19   #4
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Do you have a pistol yet? Or are you trying to figure out what's compatible with what?

...cause it's dependant on the type/make/model of your pistol.

...there's already a pistol/mag compatibility thread for and reference that.

If you're just randomly poking a TM Hicapa. Then buy TM Hicapa mags.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 11:27   #5
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If you are looking for a reliable pistol then go with a Marui Hicapa or KSC, the KSC system 7 are nice.........Remember you'll get what you pay for so buyer beware! do your research go to games and see it for yourself which type, brand, model of gun being used and ask questions some of us here love to answer question n person over the net who knows som eof us might be nice enough to let you squeeze a few rounds
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Old September 16th, 2010, 12:15   #6
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Not purchased...yet but imminently!

hey guys...I appreciate your time and knowledge. I am a toy junkie so am actively hunting and an immediate purchase does not exclude future purchases, so I'm o.k. to make some mistakes.

I was contemplating a double pistol setup...was thinking of two Well Colt Mk IV although I would love to get a couple PTP MKIV if I could find them...any thoughts on that?

Thanks again, so much for your time and knowledge. I am grateful!

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Do you have a pistol yet? Or are you trying to figure out what's compatible with what?

...cause it's dependant on the type/make/model of your pistol.

...there's already a pistol/mag compatibility thread for and reference that.

If you're just randomly poking a TM Hicapa. Then buy TM Hicapa mags.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 12:35   #7
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I have heard a lot of good things about the PTP's. I am considering picking one up in a few months. Also to go back to what the guys above me said....the HI Capa is good choice, tons of mags floating around for a good price. I made the first mistake of buying a pistol and not researching where I could find mags for it.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 13:14   #8
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A safe buy would be either pretty much any TM or a KSC Glock.

Do you already have an AEG? Because if you want to game with 2 handguns, you'll be better off just investing in an AEG first, then buy a handgun eventually. Don't make the mistake of thinking you can effectively compete against AEGs with GBBs in the forest. They are fine for close quarters encounters though.

Buy an AEG first, then a GBB.
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
If you're not a "Sciency" type of guy, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if you're an Engineer you'll probably have the world view of "if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet".
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Old September 16th, 2010, 13:26   #9
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In general (generalization and not necessarily true for each and every one)...KWA PTP pistols shoot really hard. That's a good thing right up until they blow themselves up. Broken barrels, broken slide, bent internal and blown nozzles were pretty common on their 226/USP/M9...but did they ever shoot nice right up until they broke

On serveral occasions they shoot above and beyond some typical indoor field limits (i.e. 350fps w/ 0.20g bbs). I've see quite a few shoot 380 easily and even top 400fps (which is amazing for a GBB pistol).

On the upside the new System7 is supposed to be very efficient in gas consumption.

I like the KWA's and they're nicely made for sure...but I hate replacing blown parts in pistols. Gas pistols, in general, are fiddly to work on. Sometimes no issues...other times you just want to junk the pistol.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 14:09   #10
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Originally Posted by TDH View Post
Well Colt Mk IV
Whatever you do, DO NOT get cheap brand name pistols. When it comes to AEGs, I'm fully in support of more budget brands and people modding, upgrading, etc.

When it comes to pistols and any gas blow back gun, you REALLY get what you pay for. While there may be a couple of limited exceptions to that rule, never cheap out on your GBBs. You'll find many cheaper brands (like Well) are made of substandard materials, their mags are crappy and leak like sieves, parts are incompatible with anything else and when they break, you're stuck with a nice paperweight.

If you're going to buy a pistol, get TM or KSC / KWA. That's what it comes down to. Those are the reputable brands with readily available replacement / upgrade parts, easily attainable and reliable magazines, etc. It's really worth the money to get the good stuff.

If money is a concern, then you can take a step down to KJW. While not as good as TM or KSC, the majority of their guns are TM clones, so parts are interchangeable, the guns are upgradable, magazine compatibility is there, etc.

In terms of exceptions, I'd say a WE Hi Capa isn't a horrid choice. Their mags are more reliable than most other low end brands, and you get a gun that will last you a while. They're not the best and have some problems that appear in some of their guns, but generally nothing that can't cheaply be repaired. It's completely TM compatible, so that helps matters a lot as well.

The Army Glock 17 is supposedly a pretty good choice. It's also TM compatible and built quite well. I haven't any personal experience with it, but owners seem to speak quite highly of it.

So bottom line, you get what you pay for with GBBs. Buy cheap, and you'll find yourself with a broken and / or worn out gun in no time. In the long run, you'll pay more keeping one of those cheap guns working than just buying a good one in the first place.
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